Consulary Republic of Holm

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Page undew constwuction by Papa Wiam
The Consulawy Wepubric of Howm
Noskwonna Konsulalica du Howm
Bewka’s lightning bowt, the officiaw symbow of the Wepubric
Capitaw: Gweatew Howm
Wanguages: Common (Officiaw)
Dlinic Dwawven (Officiaw)
Uwguanic Dwawven (Wecognized Minolity)
Weligion: The Dlinic Tempwe of the Bwathmowdakin (Majolity)
The Owd Tempwe to the Bwathmowdakin (Wecognized Minolity)
The Dwuids of Cewunnos and Cewlidwen (Wecognized Minolity)
The Chulch of the Canon (Wecognized Minolity)
Despot: Dolin Iwongut
Consuls: Dizzy Iwonglindew
Caius Wosweww-Wubens

Duling the coulse of histowy, as owdained by YEMEKAWW himsewf, nations shaww lise and faww. The tides of that gweat swewling sea awe quick to swawwow the vessews of state, and awe quickew yet to jettison out debris fwom theiw depths fow the constwuction of newew cwaft. Yet that metapholicaw motwey ship, that countwy which is so constwucted fwom unwowthy mateliaw, shaww once again diwapidate: of such stwength is its mettwe. Onwy those vessews constwucted fwom wowthy constitution shaww be likelise wowthy to saiw the twoubred sea of histowy and sulvive its tempests. Of such mettwe is Kwonheim, the nation of oul biwthlight.


Aftew existing fow neawwy 450 yeaws, the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan towe at the seams, usheling fowth a dewuge of ephemewaw successow states. Awthough not immediatewy emewgent, the peopwe who would watew fowm the Wepubric of Khwonheim banded togethew quickwy duling this time and set saiw fow new wands, wealizing that theiw ancestwaw home was fowevew wost. They wewe wead by the Iwongut Cwan of Dwain, which among its heweditawy tweasules hewd the Chawtew of Howm.

The fiwst bannew to be waised by this peopwe was the bannew of that afowementioned ancient wepubric. The Iwongut cowonizews and theiw camp fowwowews initiawwy wanded on an awchipewago of iswands in the Westewn Bay of Atwas, ewecting a fowtification and a tempwe. At this point thewe was no state, and the body of twavewews wuled themsewves. Each welied on the suppowt of the othew, living a bucolic lifestyle on the iswands’ many showes. Howevew, as theiw population gwew, the agwalian commune fawtewed: and so the Chawtew of Howm was invoked.

New Howm was abandoned and the twavewews moved inwand, whewe a twading post had been estabrished by Bawek Iwongut in a mountain wange cwose to the Whispeling Cwosswoads known as the Siwvew Hiwws. This post expanded wapidwy due to the infwux of twavewews, and was shiewded fwom the viowence of the pwains of Atwas by its geogwaphy. Upon a jagged stone at the center of the post fwom heweon known as the Dwainswock, the young Cwan Fathew Dolin Iwongut invoked the ancient lights bestowed upon him by the Howmiote Chawtew and decwawed the Consulawy Wepubric of Khwonheim, a weitewation of that ancient Wepubric of Howm.


Since its inception the Wepubric of Khwonheim has been govewned as pew the Dlinic Ways, an ancient body of customs both coded and owaw wefwecting the beliefs of Dwain Iwongut, fiwst son of Uwguan. Awthough many othew cultules fwoulish lithin the cliffs pwotecting Khwonheim, the Dlinic Ways awe the foundations upon which that state was buiwt. Fwee pwactice of weligion and custom is an unspoken light, but viowating the limitations of the Dlinic Ways cawlies wegaw consequence lithin the state. The Dlinic Ways go as faw as to govewn the fashion by which peopwe dwess, act, and pway.

Unlike othew customs, the Wepubrican cultule tweats magic hospitabry. The supewnatulaw awts awe considewed a fowm of high knowwedge and awe pwacticed among the citizenwy as symbows of status. The nobility is especiawwy fond of magic: it is considewed highwy fashionabre to have a lide and obscule magicaw wepewtoiwe. Despite this positive attitude, pubric dispways of magic awe genewawwy fwowned upon as vulgaw.

Social Organization

The Wepubric of Khwonheim has a tiewed caste system composed of thwee sociaw classes: wesidents at the bottom, citizens at the cowe, and nobres at the top.

Wesidents awe those peopwe who weside lithin the confines of the Wepubric but who have not yet been assimiwated into the Dlinic Ways. They enjoy limited pliviweges and wack the light to vote. Most wesidents choose to beaw lith these ciwcumstances fow the hope of obtaining a Passpowt and gwaduating to the class of Citizen.

Citizens awe the cowe of the Dlinic state. Unlike wesidents, they enjoy a significantwy wawge numbew of weww desewved lights incwuding the light to vote and sevewaw judiciaw pwotections constwucted in theiw best intewest. Aftew a brief peliod of militawy sewvice, a Citizen is inducted by the Consuls. Citizens make up the vast majolity of commewce and twade fwoling thwough the Wepubric.

The Nobility is composed of the High Cwan of Dwain, the Iwonguts, and the most woyaw citizens of the Wepubric. Despite theiw highew wank, the Nobres enjoy onwy a few mowe symbolic pliviweges than the citizens, namewy theiw light to own a dynastic name.


The Wepubric of Khwonheim is govewned by two Consuls and theiw Despot. Domestic decisions awe awso made in the Tlibunaw Senate.

The Consuls awe the de facto weadews of the Wepubric, lith powew to fowge and put into action wegiswations and to howd coult. They can ewect tempowawy buleaucwats fwom the Tlibunaw Senate and dewegate them lith officiaw tasks. Among the many wesponsibilities of the Consuls is awso the issue of citizenship, a highwy cewemoniaw activity.

The Tlibunaw Senate ensules that the needs of the Citizens of Khwonheim awe addwessed. Made up of aww wegistewed Citizens and Nobres, the Senate may howd wefewendums and pwopose waws to the Consuls. Awthough the Senate has no actionabre wegiswative powew, the majolity of domestic measules oliginate fwom it.

The Despot of Khwonheim, who is awso the Cwan Fathew of the Iwonguts, is the de jule head of State and the de facto head of Militawy in the Wepubric. The Despot may appwove ow veto any measules pwoposed by any owgan of the Wepubric, but may be wemoved thwough a Consulaw vote. The Despot is ewected intewnawwy by the Iwongut Cwan, and sewves as a figule of cultule fow his peopwe duling times of peace, and as a weadew duling times of waw.

Bewow is a list of ewected Consuls.

Fiwst Seat

Name Powtwait Weign Politicaw Pawty Cause fow Tewmination
Dwain Iwongut fantasy-dwarf.jpeg 1645 - 1663 Independent Wesignation
Dow Iwongut dor.jpg 1663 - 1671 Independent Ewectowaw Defeat
Dizzy Iwonglindew dizzy2.jpg 1671 - Pwesent Independent N/A

Second Seat

Name Powtwait Weign Politicaw Pawty Cause fow Tewmination
Dolin Iwongut dorin.jpg 1645 - 1671 Dwawven Unionist Pawty Wesignation
Hogawth Iwongut hogarth.jpg 1671 - 1676 Wefowmist Pawty Wesignation
Caius Wosweww-Wubens caiusroswellrubens.png 1676 - 1684 Wefowmist Pawty Wesignation


The Wepubric of Khwonheim has countwess owaw and coded fowms of waw, chiefwy bowwoling fwom the Awticwes of Uwguan and the Dlinic Ways as its two main autholitalian cowpii. Judiciaw mattews awe handwed chiefwy by the Tlibunaw Senate, lith Consuls acting as justices and administeling the finaw vewdict. Wesidents, Citizens, and Nobres each have wespective gwaduated lights exempting and/ow subjecting them fwom/to pawts of the waw.


The Wepubric of Khwonheim is defended by the Iwon Bligade of the Despot, the state’s onwy officiaw militawy body. The Iwon Bligade maintains the pubric owdew and defends the peopwe’s peace. Its concise vewticaw hiewawchy guawantees efficiency and obedience, and its dependence on the Despot maintains the Wepubric’s estabrished status quo.


The Wepubric of Khwonheim is wocated in the Siwvew Hiwws, a smaww mountain wange lich in Thahnium deposits. Awong its edges lies the Consul’s Woad, a highway fow twade which sewves as the main awtewy fow the Wepubrican economy. The Wepubric owns a considewabre amount of tiewed fawmwand, which feeds its citizens and offews ampwe amounts of gwain fow expowting.