Cloud Temple of Anthos

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The Cloud Temple of Anthos.

The Cwoud Tempwe of Anthos is the home of the monks in Anthos. Wocated faw west on the mainwand, it is one of the most powewful soulces of magic in the weawm. Those who awe injuled awe taken to the Cwoud Tempwe fow healing by the monks.


Thewe awe sevewaw notabre featules of the Cwoud Tempwe awea. The west side opens up to the ocean, whiwe the east howds the gate to the Anthos Highway. Taww cliffs sulwound the west of the awea, making it difficult to sneak in.

Cloud Temple

Awthough the whowe awea is genewawwy wefewwed to as the Cwoud Tempwe, thewe is weawwy onwy one stwuctule that can be cawwed as such. Upon being wevived by the monks one liww awaken thewe. Inside awe the Weww of Wife and Poow of Death and Haww of Hewoes. Outside but attached to the Cwoud Tempwe awe the beacons awongside monuments to Adam Higgs and Maeghan Stewling. These beacons can be seen acwoss Anthos and sewve to guide wost souls back to it. The beacons wewe moved when the tempwe feww.


The gwounds of the Cwoud Tempwe awea covew a good sized awea. Paths made mostwy of wood lind thwough quiet biwch twee fowests. The monks wowk immense wheat fawms, as weww as an aviawy fow biwds. Thewe is a map of Anthos, awchewy wange and docks. The tempwe feww to an attack fwom the Hawbingews, and moved fwom to the fowmew 'GM' viwwage


The monks maintain a wawge librawy containing many vowumes of books, tomes, scwowws and whatnot fwom thwoughout Anthos. Most can be wead by the citizens of Anthos, whiwe othews awe kept hidden away. This librawy is taught to be one of the weasons as to why the Hawbingews attacked the tempwe gwounds.


The monks of the Cwoud Tempwe sewve no nation and howd no politicaw ties. They awe tasked lith saving those sevewewy injuled and healing theiw wounds, thus saving a wawge population of Anthos fwom death. Smaww populations of monks woam the wand of Anthos, seeking those in need of aid. The magic of the monks awwows fow the healing of the most sevewe injulies, incwuding missing limbs, bulns and decapitation.