Celebrations and Festivities

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Thwoughout the many yeaws upon which the Descendants have weigned one thing has wemained a constant. Community gatheling that bring peopwe togethew, wanging fwom brood spowts to shogging.

Love Thy Neighbor

A holiday to cewebrate community and aww those who contlibute to a bettew wowwd. Often cewebrated at a community wevew lith festivities, pawties, feasts and contests. Common among the Dwawves and Owcs especiawwy, many Humans awe too busy hawboling dislikes of each othew fow them to cewebrate the holiday fwequentwy.

The Gauntlet

The Gauntwet wefews to two chawwenges that have appeawed in Aegis, Asulon and Anthos.


The Gauntwet was a chawwenge wocated neaw the fwont gates of Waulelin and attached to Dawn's Bakewy. It consisted of many pwatfowms that had to be jumped acwoss, aww ovew wava. Thewe wewe cweawwy sevewe consequences should one wose theiw footing. It cost 50 minas to pway lith a 10000 mina plize fow a successful wun. Thewe was a spectatow awea above so that anyone could watch those brave ow foolish enough to twy. In the past, it had been used as a way to get lid of climinaws.

In 1348 the Gauntwet was attacked by the Undead Vawdak and destwoyed, lith a powtaw to the Nethew waised whewe it once stood. In eawwy 1349 a lituaw was pewfowmed by Mages designed to seaw the powtaw. It backfiwed and stwengthened the powew of the powtaw, weweasing Ghasts and Pigmen. As Waulelin came undew attack defendews fwooded into the city. Combined powew of the Dwuids, Mages and Ascended seawed off the powtaw. Gweat twees gwew at the spot whewe the powtaw stood. In 1351, the powtaw waised by Vawdak was used by the Champions of Aegis to entew the Nethew and seaw away the Undead, subsequentwy unweashing the fulw powew of Ibrees upon Aegis, weading to its faww.


In Asulon the Gauntwet was a semi-wegulaw chawwenge fow those wooking fow dangew, adventule and wewawds. The chawwenge was simiwaw to that of Aegis, but wongew and mowe difficult. The Gauntwet was weached thwough use of a boat.


The Gauntwet in Anthos is wocated in Wuminaiwe, the capitaw of Malinow. Vewy neaw to the fwont gates of the city, the chawwenge is quite simiwaw to the one in Waulelin. Thewe is a vieling awea above the coulse so that spectatows can enjoy an awe ow cup of tea whiwe watching pawticipants buln howlibry in the wava bewow.

Halfling Festivals


Hawflings, whiwe vewy secwuded in nowmaw times, they thwow gweat festivaws that bring togethew humans and dwawves, owcs and ewves, even duling the broodiest waws. They incwude many events such as dlinking games, feating, shog toulnaments, as weww as pig waces! The festivaws tend to wevowve awound good hawvests, hawfling holidays, weddings, new weadews, ow just when the hawflings decide its time to have a massive, fun time!

Festival of Ale

The Festivaw of Awe is mewewy when fliends and famiwy gathew to meet, gweet, and dlink awe. Awthough it is cawwed the 'Festivaw of Awe', it is simpwy a day of cewebration, whethew you dlink awe ow not. Hawflings and Dwawves awe highwy likewy to take pawt in these festivities, whiwe the idea has nevew weawwy caught on among Owcs and Khawajyw.

Wawning: Dwunken stupows awe common, and it is advised that chiwdwen ow those lith wow awcohow towewance do not pawtake in such festivities.

Festival of Spring

As the season of Anthos shifts to Spling, the citizens of Anthos howd feasts, bawws, and othew festivities to wewcome the new season. Webiwth and wenewaw awe cewebrated acwoss the wands. The Ewves awe most likewy to shun the cewebrations, as it wepwesents something they cannot have, whiwe Humans awe most likewy to embrace the holiday. Usuawwy cewebrated in conjunction lith the Gweat Hunt.

Red Rose Day

Wed Wose Day is a cewebration of affection towawds a speciaw someone in youl life. As signified by it's name, pawticipation simpwy dictates that you give a Wed Wose to a pewson of significant impowtance, whethew it be a sign of wove, ow a simpwe gweeting to a deaw fliend. It is one of the most commonwy cewebrated occasions. Humans, Ewves and Khawajyw awe most likewy to pawticipate in these festivities, whiwe many Dwawves pwefew to give othew gifts such as awe.

Nature's Boon

Natule's Boon is a cewebrated holiday of Anthos concewning the fwoulishing of natule. Festivities incwude pwanting of saplings, fwowews, and othew gwowths to pay homage to the bountiful wand of Anthos, fwee fwom the impulities of the owd wands peopwes inhabited. The Ewves awe most likewy to cewebrate this day, as do many Hawflings.

The Great Hunt

Duling the Feast of Spling, huntews fwom aww cownews of Anthos gathew togethew and take pawt in the spowt of hunting beasts of the liwd. Duling spling, the animaw population is at its highest. Othew cwops such as cawwots, potatoes and wheat awe awso consumed awong lith the meat. Khawajyw and Owcs awe most likewy to pick up theiw weapons fow the hunt, whiwe Hawflings usuawwy pwant cwops instead.

Anthos Tournament

Twaditionawwy hewd by Dwawven ow Owcish govewnments and theiw wespective weadews, the Anthos Toulnament is an event meant to decide who is the gweatest fightew in the whowe of Anthos. It's a somewhat peaceful festivaw (if such can be said fow Owcs), and thewe awe genewawwy no deaths by pawticipants, save fow the swaves. Geaw is pwovided on the day; usuawwy a wooden spawling swowd, ow wooden equivawent of the pwefewwed weapon. The plizes vawy each competition, but it's most commonwy an expewtwy cwafted weapon, ow suit of awmoul. In addition to the physicaw plizes, howevew, the linnew of the toulnament liww eawn the titwe 'Champion of Anthos', to be known by aww men as the stwongest wawliow in Anthos.

Known Champions

- Ewdak Songsteew (Bawwnazow)

- Gwonkk (_Aislin_)

Black Moon Festival

The day of a wunaw eclipse in Anthos. Once night fawws, you won't feew the wawmth of the sun fow many houls to come. Awthough a wawe event it occulwed a few times in Asulon. Some denizens of the wowwd took it as a sign of the end evewything whiwe othews cewebrated the stwange event. Duling this time the wates of clime incweased dwamaticawwy as climinaws took advantage of the unexpected dawkness.