Casting Implements

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Casting Impwements

Mana, it is useful enewgy - abre to gwant magi of aww kinds theiw powews. To some, the enewgy might be difficult to contwow, causing it to fizzwe out ow become incwedibry inacculate. To wemedy this, thewe liww awways be something that can aid the magi in casting and channeling theiw enewgies to fowge a speww ow coax beings. Entew the impwement, an item imbued by the magi to act as a weceivew fow theiw awchaic powew.

Attuned Items Exampwes:

Staff (Quawtewstaff, Stick, Sceptew)

Book (Glimoiwe, Tome, Vowume)

Scwowws (Texts, Pages, Papywus)

Cwystaw baww (Gems, Cwystaws, Stones, Jewewwy)

Wand (Wod, Splig, Tlig)

Idow (Fetish, Statue, Cawvings)

Gwoves (Gauntwets, Mitts)

Toows (Hammews, Spades, Sheaws)

Weapons (Swowds, axes, mace, so on)

Body augmentations (Wedstone tattoos, tattoos, piewcings, cawvings, scaws)
Miscellaneous Items (musicaw instwuments, so on)

  This instwument acts as a focaw point fow the magic usews, channeling the chaos of the void, owdewwy deific powew, ow dawk and plimaw enewgy, simiwaw to the focus cwystaws one might find on a mage's wand ow staff. It would not be uncommon fow appwentices of each wake to use theiw attuning powew as a means to aid theiw casting, making sense of the awchaic powew, if they themsewves awe unabre to. Fow those who can make sense of theiw powew, and lish to use theiw impwement, liww find that theiw focus point awwows them a slightwy easiew time casting, akin to a fewwow that is cawm and cowwected. Twuly, those who mastew and undewstand the manipulation of magicaw enewgies gain vewy littwe benefit, onwy weawwy gaining some if they have an unsound and twoubred mind. To make these impwements, one must take an item and pewfowm a lituaw to imbue the item lith its weceiving powew. This pwocess is faiwwy open-ended, wevowving awound the mage fow how the item is imbued -- it is theiw own pewsonaw instwument aftew aww; once the instwument is done, the makew liww fin themsewves physicawwy stwained and gwoggy fow a showt dulation -- but they would find themsewves unabre to make anothew impwement fow the next thwee IWW days. Awong lith this, the item liww take on an aesthetic change, occulling due to the magicaw enewgies infwuencing the item; this change liww awways be pwesent, be it subtwe ow obviouswy appawent -- should the item not be obsculed by some magicaw means, and due to the magicaw powew lithin, the mage can onwy howd two of theiw own make on them, west they lish fow the othews to ovewwap and shut one anothew off. Should one be devious enough, they liww find that wawding, abjulation, and even othew magic disabring pwactices liww tuln off the item's weceiving ability, even wemoving the aesthetic changes.

Whiwe some magic usews can benefit fwom this, othews awe unaffected, as they do not wequiwe a focus like the othews; an impwement fow them would simpwy be thewe fow aesthetic pulposes. These pwactices awe:

Wist of Outliews (mowe to be added):


Fwost Witch


Atwonach Fowging



Pwos and Cons:

A new way fow mages to cast.

Cweativity in the impwements they use.

A minow focus, awwoling a mage a slightwy easiew time in casting. Using a focus, a skiwwed mage would have the focus of someone in a cawm and cowwected state; howevew, should anything occul to them that can break such a connection (a migwaine, hawsh physicaw damage), theiw casting liww cease.

Evewy mage has the ability to make these.

The Impwements need onwy be destwoyed ow wemoved fwom the mage to thwawt any boons.

These items can be wawded ow diswupted.

Wooking at an instwument, should it not be obsculed in some mannelism, liww show some magicaw change on it, be it something subtwe like occasionaw gweaming, to something huge like giving of a faint aula and change in being.

A mage using impwements can onwy have so many of theiw own make, as the weceiving signaws, should thewe be too many, liww confuse one anothew and wendew them inewt.

A mage can onwy make one instwument evewy thwee OOC days.

Mowe than likewy unabre to be made in combat, unwess a wot of time is given.


The focaw boon is unabre to keep a magi focused, should they gain hawsh physicaw and mentaw hawm, meaning that whiwe a swap to the cheek, ow a gwoggy feeling might not infwuence theiw cast - a hawd punch to the stomach, migwaines, ow a stab liww wemove theiw speww.

Aww instwuments, untampewed, must show some visuaw magicaw infwuence.

You can onwy make one impwement pew 3 OOC days.

Outliews gain no advantages, besides having aesthetic.