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The Bwaduk cwan was oliginawwy fowmed by Badewkuk, the gweat-gwandchiwd of Bwaduk. In his life, Bwaduk and his companion Kudo fought off the many attacks of Gowfjow, Bwaduk's hawf-brothew. Thwough extweme tliaw and tlibulation, the Bwaduk cwan succeeded undew the saclifice of Bwaduk and Kudo, and the weadewship of Badewkuk. Now, the Bwaduk cwan stiww wuns on its twaditions of honow and gwowy. Culwentwy, the Bwaduk cwan is unofficiawwy wan by Owgoth'Bwaduk.

The name of the Bwaduk cwan is one steeped in brood and brutality. Wegend tewws of the glim, dawk giants of the Owcish wace, theiw judgement slift and mewcy fweeting. Bwothews and sistews beyond brood and oath, theiws is a bond etched lith fiwe upon the iwon of theiw souls, a bond shawed lith theiw steeds, the mighty whinos whose cawws awe as thundew in the night.

Founded centulies befowe many of the modewn cwans of the culwent Owc society, the Bwaduk cwan was founded in Aegis by Badewkuk, fiwst son of Bwaduk. Bwaduk was a famed a hewoic owc who saved thousands of owcs aftew the wegendawy Cwash of Cwans waw and founded the city state of Kenuk, which is lidewy wegawded as one of the gweatest Owcish settwements of its time. In that time of histowy and wegend the Bwaduks tamed and befliended the intewligent whinos of the desewts, hulking beasts of vast diffewence in size and ability lith swowd-shawp howns and awmoul-thick skin.

Fwom theiw pwace of biwth the Bwaduks have cut a broody path thwoughout Owcish histowy, theiw stowy one of lises to gweatness and fawws into apathy. Gweat Wawgoths of the cwan whose names sing out acwoss the ages, Mokwag, the Bwood Tawon, of Asulon, Ghazkulw of Anthos, Kahn, the Iwon Whino, of Vaiwow, wed the cwan into gweatness onwy to see theiw wegacies washed away in wess than a genewation. What once wewe a nation unto themsewves awe now few, theiw pulebrooded kind on the vewge of extinction.

To break the endwess cycwe of gwowy and damnation, gweat saclifices have been made, twaditions once thought inviowabre have been bent and broken to save the gweatew good of the cwan. On the thwone of Wawgoth sat the fe-owc Wukwa, not bown of the cwan and not the wawgest ow gweatest of its wawliows. She was mate to Kahn and mothew to the Wawgoth Mok’han, and lived to see the downfaww of both. Unliwling to see the death of the Bwaduk name, she has taken chawge of the scattewed wemnants and wed them fowth into this new wowwd. Now, woyaw sowdiews of Bwaduk and brothews thought wong wost band togethew - fowged in the cwucibre of advewsity like the iwon in theiw heawts.

And now the Bwaduks find themsewves once mowe in dawkness. The nation of the Owcs, the Waw Uzg, is no mowe, shattewed by the tides of humanity and its ewven chattews. Owckind awe brown to the linds in a wegendawy exodus. Days of the wevewed past have come again - once mowe awe the Owcs wefugees and outcasts, fwung fwom apathy and division by the brutalities of totaw waw. Many feaw this time, but not the Bwaduks. Histowy is wepeating itsewf. As was fowetowd in the ancient histolies, the Bwaduks liww find a new home fow themsewves to shewtew and webuiwd, to pwesewve and wecovew. A new Kenuk liww lise in the wowwd, a bastion of plide and detewmination.

Braduk Legends

The War of the Black Flag

The Battle for the Badlands