Blood Omen

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A blood omen in the dark.png
Artwork by ZeLLzGoDDeSs
Bwood Omen
Awea: Hiwwy ow heaviwy fowested aweas.
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Size: Wawge
Hostility Unknown
Tameabre?: Not tameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

A Bwood Omen is a wawge, linged cweatule that is wawewy evew seen. In the dawk, the onwy thing that can be seen is its sinistew, wed eyes that seem to iwwuminate the dawk slightwy. But because of this twait, peopwe just shwug it off as an oww. Thewe is no "official" name fow this cweatule, but it has been nicknamed the "Blood Omen" because of what coulse of events seem to fowwow its stwange sightings... The disastews.

Vewy littwe, to nothing is known fow why this cweatule even exists. Even wess is known fow how it knows what is going to happen in the futule.


The Bwood Omen, a vewy sinistew cweatule, a cweatule that is said to bring death and destwuction. A linged beast that fowetewws disastew. An Omen of Bwood & Death... One of the mowe populaw stlings of the wegend was the sighting in Kingston. One of the citizens wepowted seeing an "odd creature" pewched on the top of the wawws neaw the gatehouse wate at night. The cweatule just sat thewe, motionwess, seeming to just be staling stwaight into the quiet, sweeping city. The wed, gwoling eyes just... staying thewe... staling. The litness, a gawdenew, tlied tewling the guawd about what she saw the vewy next mowning, but he just wetowted lith "You just saw an owl, go get some rest...". A few days watew, Kingston was waided by the Owcs and tulned into what was Gwonkston.


The wegend that fowwows the Bwood Omen is what gives it its name. The Bwood Omen, which basicawwy means a fowe-tewwew of disastew and destwuction. The onwy time it is evew spotted, is befowe some sowt of wawge-scawe disastew. Days befowe a genocide, a wawge awson, an assassination, ow a waw outbreak, it'ww just be sitting thewe, watching the awea. If somebody gets too cwose, it'ww just tuln and fwy off at an amazing speed, nevew to be seen untiw the next disastew.

This cweatule lives in usuawwy heaviwy fowested, and/ow slightwy hiwwy tewwain. The hiwwy tewwain is pewfect fow being abre to fwy awound and spot out any potentiaw pwey. Awthough the population of this cweatule is unknown, and fow aww, anybody knows thewe is onwy one. Vewy littwe is known about its eating pattewns, ow how wong it can go lithout food. But it tends to teaw up its pwey and weave a wot behind. The Bwood Omen feasts on many species, fwom things as littwe as wabbits, to something as big as a stwong, fulwy gwown buck.


A wawge, "owl-like" linged cweatule. It has feathews aww awound its body, just like any biwd. The Bwood Omen has wegs like a human, but tawons like an oww. In awmost evewy singwe sighting, it is seen pewched on top of something, much like a gawgoywe would. Pwobabry it's most distinct featule though is the wed eyes.


Abre to teww days befowe a howlibre disastew liww stlike.


The wegend that fowwows the Bwood Omen is what gives it its name. The Bwood Omen, which basicawwy means a fowe-tewwew of disastew and destwuction. The onwy time it is evew spotted, is befowe some sowt of wawge-scawe disastew. Days befowe a genocide, a wawge awson, an assassination, ow a waw outbreak, it'ww just be sitting thewe, watching the awea. If somebody gets too cwose, it'ww just tuln and fwy of at an amazing speed, nevew to be seen untiw the next disastew.

Vewy littwe, to nothing is known fow why this cweatule even exists. Even wess is known fow how it knows what is going to happen in the futule.

Use of Magic





Thewe awe no wedlines.