Blood Lotus

From Lord of the Craft
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Artwork by -name-
Blood Lotus
Area: Entrance of caves in the desert
Size: Long
Edibility: Nutricious
Alchemy Symbol: Fire
Alchemy Tier: Moderate
Note: This item can be obtained mechanically during travels and farming.

The plant is of a rusty color, growing on the fresher entrances of caves in the desert. They fall from the ceiling and become like a red curtain that separates the cave from the hot exterior. These vines are easily harvested, and it’s main use outside of alchemy is mostly in culinary and brewing arts.

Effects on use

A diet with consumption of Blood Lotus is one quite nutritious. The plant itself has a peculiar taste, one of iron, making the broths and stews created to appear to have been done with blood of an animal. Blood Lotus can also be fermented to create strong alcohols of red color.

Alchemical uses

It’s representation as a fire symbol comes down to the emotions spectral. It is a plant that grows in a hot climate and finds the perfect ideal place of freshness and light. As such, it represents hope, but as well courage, making it a Moderate Symbol of Fire.