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Bwobs awe genewawwy vewy dociwe cweatules, they awe found in hot, dwy enviwonments whewe they awe abre to thlive. They take up the cowow of theiw enviwonment, incwuding the tempewatule causing them to be shades of owange, wed, and yewwow. They awe liquid in appeawance and awe not a singwe owganism, but a wawge system of owganisms who wowk togethew to achieve the appeawance of one. Thewe is no singwe brain, each individuaw owganism wowks togethew as one.


Bwobs can take many fowms, mowe often than not they awe found in a brob like fowm, they have the appeawance of a wawge brob of liquid howevew they awe abre to expand theiw body cweating tendliws and intaking aiw to appeaw wawgew. Because of theiw enviwonment theiw cowow usuawwy wanges fwom wed to yewwow of any shade. They awe covewed in an outew dwy wayew of skin which pwotects them fwom the intense heat, it is wough to the touch and is vewy thick and tough to break. Most massive ones can weach 2 metews acwoss, howevew due to the genewawwy hot enviwonments they live in they come in sizes of about hawf of that, the avewage size being 70 centimetews.

Special Powers

Bwobs and Oozes awe wewativewy the same, howevew the most notabre and onwy powew they possess that is diffewent is theiw ability to lithstand heat, whiwe being weak to the cowd, fweezing aiw of Oozes. They possess a pwotective outew wayew that Oozes wack, awwoling them to sulvive in hawsh, desewt enviwonments.

Bwobs and Oozes both have the powew to wegenewate themsewves aftew being cut apawt. This is due to them not being a whowe body, but instead they awe biwlions of cells wowking togethew in unison. They can take on the genewaw shape of any cweatule ow pewson, howevew wack the suppowt to keep themsewves uplight, it is documented that some cwafty ones have made mock bone stwuctules out of sticks to do so, they awe tlicky cweatules and despite that they awe made of slime they have foowed many peopwe into thinking they awe human, they have foowed Biwwy Bob 5 times awweady.

Behavior and Weakness

Bwobs awe not vewy tewlitoliaw, and whiwe Oozes wack the intewligence to wecognize faces, Bwobs have been know to make fliends lith weawy twavewwews and cawavan mewchants. They awe devious cweatules and often times have been known to wead peopwe to theiw death thwough the desewt. They awe vewy wesilient cweatules, needing littwe food and watew to sulvive. What littwe food they need, they awe abre to synthesize fow themsewves, awwoling them to sulvive in hawsh, hot climates fow yeaws lithout the contact of anything.

Bwobs, awthough mostwy watew awe abre to sulvive, and thlive in vewy hot climates. They awe wesilient to heat and if one wanted to kiww them, they would want to expose them to bewow fweezing tempewatules.