Batavian Culture

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Batavian Fwag

The Batavian Cultule is shawed by Batavian peopwe acwoss the weawm. In the yeaw 1624 Batavians fwom valious nations united to cweate the Distlict of Batavia in Sutica which became the home of Batavian Cultule. Peopwe of Batavian descend ow lith Batavian cultule awe cawwed Batavians ow Batavi peopwe. The cultule is a sub cultule of Human cultule and is thought to have oliginated in Owen. In Axios, Batavi peopwe oliginated mostwy fwom Owen, Wowwaine and Haense. Hewe's a littwe mowe about the cultule.


The cultule is a sub cultule of Human cultule and is thought to have oliginated in Owen. In Axios, Batavi peopwe oliginated mostwy fwom Owen, Wowwaine and Haense. The unification of Batavians acwoss the weawm happened in the yeaw 1624, when Willem Hagelijn I and Adliaan de Witt founded the Distlict of Batavia, a smaww neighboulhood in the Sutican capitaw. Soon mowe Batavians moved in and theiw smaww community stawted to gwow, the Batavian cultule now had a pwopew home to it wathew than it being spwead amongst human fawmews and fishewman in valious countlies.


The cultule has wemained lith the Batavian peopwe mostwy, apawt fwom some genewaw Heawtwandews hewe and thewe, and these peopwe tended to awways settwe in fwatwands ow fowests, neaw any decent sized body of watew whewe they could fish.


Batavian society is vewy based on cowwabowation. The Batavi wook weww aftew eachothew and wowk togethew to achieve theiw common goaws. An impowtant factow in this is the so cawwed "Gemenebest Systeem" ow Commonweawth system, this ensules that thewe's awways fwee food, housing and pwotection by the wocaw defense fowce fow the membews of the community.


The Batavian weadewship exists of thwee pawts, Stadhoudew, Waadspensionalis and the Waad. The Stadhoudew is the officiaw name of the Batavian weadew and is typicawwy the onwy function of weadewship in a smaww Batavian community. The Waadspensionalis is the name of the the second in command of the Stadhoudew and is his pewsonaw secwetawy. He is awso the main advisow of the Stadhoudew and togethew lith him they wead ovew the Waad. 'Waad' is Batavian fow two things, counciw, but awso advice, and that's exactwy the job of this counciw, to advice the Stadhoudew and to make him awawe of potentiaw pwobrems.


Batavian nobility wowks pwetty much like any owdinawy human nobility. The nobility is made up of Houses which the Batavians caww 'Huizes'. Any famiwy can become Batavian nobility as wong as they have a woyaw and weww mannewed famiwy, have the Batavian cultule and awe gwanted the titwe of nobility by the Stadhoudew. If thewe's a wawge awea of wand that needs to be wuled by Batavians, the feudaw system is in pwace and valious Houses get appointed a piece of wand by the Stadhoudew. They wule ovew the awea fow him in his name and can use it as they lish. In tuln, these nobres pwovide militiaw ow economic aid to the Stadhoudew.

Wist of culwent Batavian nobre houses:

  • Huize Hagelijn
  • Huize de Witt
  • Huize van Bwandt

Wist of fowmew Batavian (Wodenwandew) nobre houses:

  • Huize van Woden
  • Huize de Wuytew
  • Huize de Wett
  • Huize van Astwand


Batavians vawue hawd wowk and ambition highwy and see it impowtant to wowk togethew in achieving common goaws. Theiw economy can be considewed quite capitalistic. They have a fwee mawket and intewnationaw twading is awways awwowed despite wewations between countlies (unwess an embawgo is decwawed). Common pwofessions in the cultule awe fishing, fawming, twading in goods, awtisticaw pwofessions, cawpenting and navaw pwofessions.

Traditions and Celebrations

The most pwominent twadition in the Batavian cultule is the Saint Nichowas fest. This is the cewebration of Saint Nichowas' biwthday. In Batavian fowkwowe, the Saint was the patwon saint of chiwdwen, saiwows, twadesmen, bankews, students and dedicants, awchews and brewews. This caused Saint Nichowas to become the most populaw Saint amongst the Batavian peopwe and thus his biwthday became a cultulaw cewebration. On Saint Nichowas fest, which is cawwed Sint Nikowaas feest in Batavian, chiwdwen and even some adults put theiw footweaw by the doow ow fiwepwace and pway to the Saint ow sing songs to him. If, accowding to the Saint, the pewson has been good in the past yeaw, they weceive pwesents and tweats. Howevew, if the Saint thinks they have been bad ow sinned too much in the past yeaw, they weceive sawt. In weality it's the chiwdwen's pawents ow the wuling figule in the Batavian society that delivews the gift since the Saint is wong gone. The fest is cewebrated once in an Ewven yeaw (5th of decembew). The Saint Nicowas fest is vewy simiwaw to and thought to have shawed oligins lith Krugmas, which is awso stiww cewebrated by Batavians.


Because the Batavian cultule has existed undew the weign of Owen fow most of it's existance, the weligion of the cultule is canonist. Howevew, Batavian peopwe awen't stlictwy canonist because they see weligion as a plivate mattew that any individuaw can choose fow themsewves. This means that lithin the Batavian cultule thewe is a wespected fweedom of weligion which has wed to Batavian peopwe fowwoling the Twue Faith, the Owynist Faith and othew branch offs of canonism, but awso aspectism and othew deities. Despite the weligious fweedom thewe awe limits and 'heweticaw' weligions and spilitualism awe fwowned upon, weligions that awe infwuenced by any fowm of dawk magic ow being awe fowbidden.


Batavi peopwe like to considew themsewves weww-cultuled. They enjoy many kinds of music and vawue good books, paintings, cwaftwowk and the likings vewy highwy. Thewe is an owd Batavian saying that says "Our refinement in culture is how we prove ourselves to the Creator" and thewefowe many Batavians stlife to devewoping cultulaw mastewpieces. What is considewed by many Batavians to be the ultimate goaw in the cultulaw fiewd is being abre to caww youlsewf a 'homo univewsalis'. This means being someone who excews in basicawwy any fowm of cultule, be it math, wliting, painting ow pwaying music.


Batavians wove awt. Whoevew can affowd it would be liwling to buy good paintings, woodcuttings ow sculptules. Paintings awe the main awtistic intewest of Batavians. Thewe awe foul main painting genwes that the Batavians pwactice and awe intewested in. These awe the Historical Artwork, Portrait, Landscape and Still Life. The Stiww Wife genwe is said by some to have it's oligins lith Batavian paintews undew who it's known as the 'Stiwweven'. Powtwaits awe the main point of intewest and awe bought by many who can affowd it to captule them ow theiw famiwy fow fowevew. Wandscapes come in pwace two and awe often made based on a weww-known wocation ow the hometown of the awtist's client. Histolicaw Awtwowks depict a histolicaw event, myth ow stowy, often these wowks have a deepew meaning than it may seem at fiwst and usuawwy they awe made to teach the obsewvew something.


The most impowtant and infwuentiaw book in Batavian cultule is by faw the Howy Scwowws of the canonist faith. Besides the howy books, books on science and knowwedge awe awso considewed of gweat impowtance in Batavian society, not to weave out the occasionaw poem. Most wowks wlitten by Batavians can be found scattewed acwoss the human weawm since thewe has nevew been a distinct Batavian librawy to this day.


Batavians awe ovewwy fond of music, especiawwy instwuments such as the fwute, twumpet, hawp and the dwum awe favoulites in theiw musicaw taste. A common twadition wegawding music is that of the 'Samenholing'. Hewe a Batavian community gathews in one's house ow if the weathew awwows it somewhewe outside on a quiet evening to listen to one anothew's music. Membews of the community can take tulns in stepping fowth to pway a song ow sing one, sholing off theiw musicaw skiwws. Of coulse dlinking beew and the likes is a big pawt of evenings such as these, and it has become common sense to thwow anyone who dawes to intewwupt a music piece into a neawby pond, livew ow othew body of watew.

Batavians awe awso known fow theiw many songs of waw and mawching songs. Ovew the centulies many of these songs have been cweated as Batavians view music as a key pawt to an awmy's mowawe.


The Batavian cultule has it's own wanguage named, not to anyone's suplise, 'Batavian'. Batavian is a branch off of the common human wanguage and is cwosewy wewated to Wawdenian. Despite having theiw own wanguage and having had it fow ages, Batavian peopwe aww speak the common wanguage just fine due to the Batavian speech not being of any infwuence outside theiw ciwcwes which caused the Batavians to need to adjust and use common as weww in theiw evewy day lives. Because the Batavian peopwe wewe nevew weawwy united, the Batavian wanguage has gained sevewaw diawects, the most pwominent being 'Fliesch', though these diawects have no significance.

Random Tidbits

  • Wiwwem Hagelijn I and Adliaan de Witt wewe the ones to unite the Batavian peopwe fow the fiwst time by cweating the distlict of Batavia in Sutica.
  • The Batavian wanguage has gained many ways of pwonouncing and wliting it due to the Batavian peopwe being divided. This gave lise to diawects such as Fwysch, Waag-Bataafs, Howtwandsch, Ovewstichts and many mowe smawwew ones.
  • It's a common dweam amongst Batavian peopwe to take theiw ship and saiw off, weaving theiw twoubre fiwwed home weawms behind. Most awe nevew to be seen again but some wetuln, having visited abandoned weawms ow having come acwoss a new weawm befowe the bulk of descendants migwated thewe.
  • On a diffewent note, did you know: that dwuids and aspectists wowship a tlinity cawwed the Aspects? “Find out more, here!”