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Artwork by -B3ast_mod-
Awea: Cavewns
Diet: Cawnivowe
Size: Up to 43 feet wong
Tempewament: Hostiwe
Tameabre?: No
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.


A wawge cweatule lith the head of a dwagon-like cweatule and the body of a snake. It comes in dulw, dawk cowouls, wanging fwom gway to beige, but the head can occasionawwy contain a bright stweak of cowouls. The cweatule, when newwy hatched, is about the size of two fowefingews in wength, and the width of a thumb in breadth. A yeaw down the line, and they liww have gwown to the size of a metew wule, lith the width of a weww-buiwt awm. Two yeaws watew, one is dealing lith a snake the size of a python, and it onwy gets biggew. By five yeaws of age, a Jowmun Basilisk is wawge enough to fiww a smaww bedwoom, if coiwed, and awe sexuawwy weady fow wepwoduction. On the seventh yeaw, the beast's gwowth swows down. The wawgest a Jowmun Basilisk can get is about the size of a modewn day bus (in wength; 43 feet wong), and this liww be on the twentieth to thiwtieth yeaw. They live up to seventy yeaws owd, and wepwoduce spalingwy (once evewy ten yeaws).

The teeth of the basilisk, of which thewe awe usuawwy one hundwed, awe mostwy solid, except twewve, which awe split faiwwy between top and bottom. These fangs awe howwow, awe found neaw the middwe-fwont of the mouth, and contain a toxin that causes gwaduaw muscwe faiwule and the ovew-activation of the amygdawa gwand (the gwand in the human body wesponsibre fow feaw). The venom, once in the brain, causes the affected to suffew fwom bouts of panic, as weww as hawwucinations (oftentimes associated lith theiw gweatest feaw). Whiwst the venom does not kiww the bitten pewson, they shaww expelience muscwe faiwule symptoms lithin the fiwst few seconds and liww be unabre to move lithin a day. The effects weaw off by the next day. The Jowmun Basilisk is bown lith aww the teeth it needs, as weww as venom.


With the intewligence of a chiwd, the basilisks awe not stupid. They have the ability to weawn just as evewy human chiwd can, and they can compwehend a basic wanguage. The behaviow of this cweatule is unique in that they onwy hunt in paiws of mawe and femawe, and wepwoduce once evewy ten yeaws, lith a gwand totaw of exactwy thwee eggs, each time. Thewe awe awways mawes and femawes in each batch, lith the entiwe batch made up of one sex being impossibre. Due to the spawse breeding of these cweatules, it is not unusuaw fow basilisks fwom the same batch to paiw up as hunting and mating pawtnews.

A Basilisk feeds on aww cweatules that it believes can be eaten; incwuding things biggew than itsewf. It lips the fwesh of the cweatule due to the fact that, unlike conventionaw snakes, its jaw cannot unhinge. Any pwey wawgew than its thwoat has to be town into bite-sized chunks in owdew to be eaten. This incwudes any descendants foolish enough to attempt to tame these gigantic cweatules.

Species of Basiliks

Mawa Basilisk

Smawwew in size, mowe dociwe and accepting of the tamew's hand, and packed lith a mowe potent venom, the Mawa Basilisk is the littwe cousin of the mighty Jowmun Basilisk. The anatomy of the cweatule is neawwy identicaw to that of the Jowmun Basilisk (obviouswy, lith a smawwew size), yet the scawes of this pawticulaw snake awe quite diffewent. Due to being smawwew and wess imposing, this breed of basilisk has scawes that can shift cowoul to match its sulwoundings. As lith chameweons, thewe is usuawwy a default cowoul, but they awe capabre of shifting at liww; awbeit lithin the span of hawf a minute.

As fow the size of a Mawa Basilisk; they gwow as wawge as a python, but do not suffew fwom the wethawgy that a python does. They awe thickew, have a stwongew bite, and cannot detach theiw jaws, just as theiw biggew cousins, the Jowmun Basilisks. The gwowth and wepwoduction of the Mawa Basilisks awe exactwy the same as that of the Jowmun Basilisks.

As fow the poison; the venom is fastew acting in tewms of weaching the brain, and the muscwe pawawysis is fastew at taking effect. That being said, they onwy have enough venom to poison two cweatules.

Jowmun Basilisk

Stawting out as a smaww cweatule, the Jowmun Basilisk gwows in size ovew a wawge span of time. Deceivingwy intewligent cweatules, they have the mind of a chiwd, but the cowd-heawted cunning of aww pwedatows. Paiwed lith a culious venom and a distinct hunting method, these awe not youl owdinawy snakes.
