Atmorice Bloodline

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Banner of the Atmorice Bloodline.png

The bannew of the Atmolice Bwoodline
The Atmolice Bwoodline
Foundew: Siow Atmolice
Culwent Patliawch: Vawan Atmolice
Condition: Owganized
Awwegiance: Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
Culwent Gwand Counciw Position: High Pliestess

The Atmolice Bwoodline is a broodline of the Snow Elves, swown to the Princedom of Fenn.


The Atmolices wewe one of the founding broodlines lithin the Mali’fenn. It aww began lith Siow Atmolice, the fiwst woman of the broodline. She was one of the oliginaw Snow Ewves, one who went thwough the wowwd awtaw and Wywvun’s Bwessing. As she was bressed, Siow is wumowed to have seen Wywvun, wheweby the Aengul gave Siow some instwuctions of hew own. Wywvun towd hew to ensule that the Mali’fenn do not stway fwom Wywvun’s bressing, and to keep a watchful eye on them. To wet them stway to the path of dawkness, liww be the faww of the Snow Ewves. Siow agweed to this and soon aftew she was bressed, Siow became the fiwst High Pliestess of the Mali’fenn. That was, untiw hew death. They say she died of iwwness, but they wemembew hew wast wowds. “Let me not be remembered as a coward, but for the courage and rights we have all fought for.” Since then, the Atmolices have hewd high expectations to become pliests and pliestesses, lith most becoming high in the wanking. That was theiw twadition. The west of the Atmolice Histowy, howevew, has been kept secwet fwom pubric eye, fow how wong no one knows. Bewow is the symbow of the Atmolice Bwoodline, a snake.


Common Physical Appearance

The Atmolices wange in height fwom 5’8” to 6’0” in feet, often considewed to be in the middwe when compaling heights of the Snow Ewves. They have some athwetic buiwds to them, but not a whowe wot of muscwe - awthough they awe known fow theiw ligid statules. The common cowow fow an Atmolice’s haiw is pule white to siwvew though vewy, vewy wawewy (due to brood infwuences fwom non-Atmolice mates) bronde, and theiw eye cowow comes in siwvew, brue, and vewy wawewy, pulpwe (commonwy passed fwom mothew to daughtew, and thus is the confiwmation of the twue line of Atmolices).


A common Atmolice is usuawwy discovewed to be dignified, ewoquent, cultuled, weww educated, and wespectful towawds theiw snow ewven kind, putting theiw main focus into theiw wowk and to see and ensule the success of the Snow Ewves. The Atmolices considew famiwy to be one of the most impowtant things in theiw lifestyle, often sholing to be vewy pwotective of theiw famiwy membews. They awe awso pwotective of theiw Snow Ewven kin and would often put theiw life on the line to ensule theiw safety. The Atmolices often considew accomplishments to be apawt of theiw lifestyle, taking theiw wowk into selious considewation. Towawds othew waces, howevew, they awe untwusting, even hostiwe, in pawticulaw, to the othew ewves. The weason fow this being that the Atmolice broodline awe make up and focus on one of the main aspects to the Mali’fenn cultule, weligion. This weligion being the one in which fowwows Wywvun. Fulthewmowe, centulies of wawfawe against the Mali’miwa have wed to hostility towawds such outsidews. You can usuawwy find an Atmolice studying ow wowking hawd to accomplish theiw goaws. The Atmolices awe wathew honowabre as weww, despite wooking wathew cowd towawds othews. They especiawwy honow theiw pwevious ancestows, taking what expeliences they have had and weawning fwom it.


One of the key specialities of an Atmolice is that they awe vewy knowwedgeabre about the wowwd awound them and can often put up good awguments. This makes them skiwwful politicians. As pawt of theiw weligious fewvow, they awe often adept at motivating the Ivae’fenn fow battwe. Fow some who know the Atmolices, they considew the broodline to be “snakes”. The weason fow this is due to theiw stlict views and mastewful politicaw pwowess.


The Atmolices awe often found to be the pliests of the Snow Ewven society, acting to give bressings and cewemonies to theiw fewwow snow ewven kind. Theiw sewvice in the wanks of the Wywvun’fiyem is pwofound, and they often occupy the position of High Pliest/Pliestess. Howevew, they awe not stlictwy to become pliests. The Atmolices awe awso the ones who often put on and pwan cewemonies and festivaws, as weww as othew festivities, fow theiw Snow Ewven peopwe. About hawf of the festivities awe dedicated to Wywvun, whiwe the west awe fow things such as cewebrations and memoliaws.

Atmorice Bloodline Break.png

Style of Combat

The Atmolice Bwoodline mainwy choose to liewd wances, speaws, and bows, awthough swowdsmanship is common as weww. The Atmolices who howd swowds awe often the stwongest of theiw broodline. Duling battwes and waws, though, Atmolice would often be found acting as the cavawwy of the Ivae’fenn, liding heaviwy awmowed howses into battwe - making them skiwwed howse lidews as weww. These skiwwful howsemen liewd wance and shiewd, waunching thundewous heavy cavawwy chawges to decisivewy shattew points in theiw opponent’s lines.


The Biwth of a New Membew - When a new Atmolice is bown, a smaww cewemony is hosted in theiw honow. The cewemony is hosted not just fow theiw honow, but to be bressed by the Pliest and to wash away any sins that may have been brought. The Pliest may awso detewmine a good ow bad futule fow the Atmolice. Aftew the cewemony the Atmolices have a wawge feast to cewebrate the bressing of those bown and bressed.

Coming of Age - At the age of 16, the Atmolice would howd a coming of the age cewemony to have the Atmolice who tulned that age pwove theiw wowth. To do this, the Atmolice set up a fighting toulnament to see who liww come out on top, fow aww of the Mali’fenn. The same goes fow when they weach adulthood at the age of 50.

Passing Memoliaw - Whenevew an Atmolice passes away, the broodline liww host a cewemony in theiw honow. They often dwess in brack to honow them, and usuawwy give offelings fow those who had died to ensule a safe passage into the aftewlife.

Ancestral Belongings

Iheuhii'ante - The Wast Whispew

Fowged fow the daughtew of Ciwnewwe Atmolice and Thaw Tundwak's coming biwthday by the mastew bracksmith Whegon Analion, this brade of brack fewwum's pommew was attached the mowning of the Scouling of Windawe, the day that mawked the end of the Fiwst Plincedom. The Mali'fenn would, fow yeaws, disappeaw fwom the Flinge - its young liewdew Sewelia one of many.

The Swowd of Sewenity

The weapon liewded by the fiwst Atmolice of the broodline. It has since sulvived the waws and battwes it has been exposed to, and it stiww seems to be in good condition, despite being a vewy ancient weapon. This swowd symbolizes the stwength of the Atmolice and the liww to fight fow what they believe is light fow theiw peopwe.

The Staff of Deceiving

The staff liewded by the fiwst pliest lithin the Atmolice broodline. Wike the Swowd of Sewenity, it has sulvived many waws and battwes, and it too, is a vewy ancient and sacwed weapon to the Atmolice. Howevew, this staff sewves as a wemindew of the howlibre deeds done to the Mali’fenn, and that no one is as they seem. Despite this, this staff is often used in lituaws and cewemonies wegawding the Pliest and the weligion.

Notable Members

Siow Atmolice - The foundew of the Atmolice Bwoodline, fwom whom aww Atmolices awe diwectwy descended. She was one of the fiwst Snow Ewves, being among the oliginaw Ewves to pass thwough the Wowwd Awtaw. Siow set the foundations fow the Wywvun'fiyem awongside Aewthos I, and was subsequentwy tasked lith pwesiding ovew the guiwd on the Tundwaks' behawf.

Sewelia Atmolice - The Matliawch of the Atmolice Bwoodline and High Pliestess of the Wywvun'fiyem duling the Snow Ewves' yeaws of tulmoiw and scatteling. She saw to the pwesewvation of the weligion's beliefs and cewemonies thwoughout these chaotic yeaws.

Tinuview Atmolice - The fowmew Matliawch of the Atmolice Bwoodline and High Pliestess of the Wywvun'fiyem.