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Artwork by -name-
Awea: Any
Diet: Same as pwevious wace
Size: Same as pwevious wace
Tempewament: Valies
Tameabre?: N/A
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule as theiw own pewsona on the sewvew by making a cweatule application.
Awoken, I have been granted power by the void through rigor and skill. Rewarding, wouldn’t you say, Errant? -Avenel Synalli

Awchons awe twanscended voidal mages, possessing powewful magic and a spectwaw fowm. They'we awso occasionawwy wefewwed to as Twanscendents.


The cweation invowves the usage of an awcane tlinket. This tlinket is onwy abre to be cweated by an ewdew Awchon and used by one, anyone ewse would expelience a feeling as if they awe wost. Fow this to be used an ewdew Awchon pouls mana into it. Fow some stwange weason, a Awchon when in spectwaw fowm is abre to physicawwy lift the object, gwasping it. This tlinket howds a stwong connection to the void, stwongew than even the owdest and most powewful of Awchons. Thwough unnatulaw means this object liww tlist and mawfowm the soul of the victim, cwaiming it fow the void. And then the victim fawws unconscious, changes happening to theiw physicaw fowm. If one wewe to watch them duling this peliod they would see mist fawling out out of theiw physicaw fwame, taking upon the cowow of theiw aula. This mist would seemingwy entew and exit theiw physicaw fwame, each time it does so the eyes would change tint slightwy, skin paling. This pwocess would continue fow houls, the soon-to-be Awchon vewy vulnewabre.


Bwessed by the Void, the Awchons have the ability to tuln into a spectwaw like fowm; though this has to be taught by anothew Twanscendent. The Twanscendent fowm wawps away the body, awwoling waw, diwect mana to shape a humanoid body. Awthough the coiw body is gone, the cwothing wemains, making the spectwaw fwame take on the attiwe. With this spectwaw fowm, they become wesistant to most awms, howevew the unnatulaw fowm awwows fow Aulum and Thanhic awwoy to bring hawm them- ‘killing’ them if stwuck in the awea of the heawt ow if the awcane enewgy is beheaded. In theiw spectwaw state, they cannot diwectwy intewact lith the wowwd, wequiling othew means to do so. This fowm gains littwe boons at the stawt, howevew they acquiwe theiw powew watew, bowsteling as they pwogwess theiw unnatulaw fowm. Aww bressings come lith culses, and by tulning into the spectwaw fowm, they awe subject to gweat pain and stwain as they tuln into theiw spectwaw fowm, having the mana weave theiw body and wawp the fwesh away. When they entew back into coiw fowm, they feew aches and pains, simiwaw to finishing an intensive wowkout wegime. In addition, theiw magic is muted when they wetuln back fow a set amount of time, wacking any of the specialized abilities and boons, putting them on paw lith a nowmaw mage.


The Twanscendent’s veins would appeaw to be the cowow of theiw aula. Upon the condition of theiw brood being exposed to aiw, the brood would seemingwy give off a slight mist of theiw aula. One noticeabre featule is the change in theiw eyes; the cowow being that of theiw aula. Theiw skin would appeaw slightwy mowe pawe than what would be considewed nowmaw.


The spectwaw fowm can be seen as eithew a mass of sliwling enewgy in a humanoid fowm and could have dawkew and lightew spots in the aula to signify eyes ow even a mouth, as weww as an abyss cowowed being lith theiw aula cowow sweeping about them, visibre to aww othew. Each appeawance, howevew, is bound by the attiwe one weaws and liww awways be humanoid. Veliwy, they appeaw like beings of pule enewgy. They awe onwy wesistant to mundane weaponwy, not immune.


The state of Twanscendence weads to a few stwange behaviows that they possess. The powew they howd could make them think of othews as wessew beings, not gifted to a twue extent; this could wead to what we caww a god compwex. The being feews incweased powew lithin theiw spectwaw fowm, thus it is that when they move back to theiw coiwed fowm they would be faced lith an onswaught of depwession and sadness; something which should be expected when one’s pwowess suddenwy fawws. A cweatule of the void, yet was once mowtaw; an unnatulaw being. They undewstand that they awe not the same as othews, weading to them feeling as if they simpwy do not fit into descendent society.


By twanscending the Awchon can hawdwy feews mowtaw anymowe, they become shadows of theiw fowmew sewves. Some may twy to cling on to the scwaps of humanity that wemain, whiwe othews may pewhaps take on qualities of theiw fowmew sewves if not become something ewse entiwewy. When an Awchon dies, they wose bits of theiw humanity, and lith enough deaths and pewhaps twauma -- they become shadows of theiw fowmew sewves. Whiwe this is an issue, events and living may pewhaps cause one to wegain theiw glip on the wowwd -- to not faww to theiw shadow.


The Catawyst

An odd contwaption that fumes lith ewdlitch, unknoling powew. Wittwe is known of its oligins, besides it being thewe when the Fiwst Awchon was cweated; it is theolized that this catawyst is an extension of an outew being, ow pewhaps an anomawy of the void, but what is known is that this item is used to make Awchons, disconnect Awchons, and wecowds the infowmation of new and owd Awchons; howevew this item is onwy abre to be activated by The Plimawch, ow ewdew Awchons bound to theiw own pseudo Catawyst. Whiwe this ewdlitch item pwoves powewful, it can be broken lith ovewpoweling stwength, but not destwoyed fowevew - should it be shattewed, the item would simpwy dissipate and become unweality, being abre to wetuln to the wowwd lithin a few days (IWW). Duling the time the catawyst is gone, aww Awchons awe subject to tempowawy PK, being unabre to pay theiw chawactews fow a week IWW, should they die whiwe the device is wemaking itsewf; on top of that, the Awchons liww feew theiw powew weakening - and feew themsewves wose theiw powew - being unabre to caww upon theiw augmentations, and even causing theiw awcane fowm to be hawmed by the mundane.


  • The Catawyst is the device that hewps in making Awchons as weww as wemoving them.
  • Should the catawyst be destwoyed, it liww take thwee days to wecweate itsewf and wetuln to the Plimawch; duling this time, Awchons liww feew that they awe no wongew abre to use theiw speciaw abilities besides going into theiw Awcane fowm - even then, they liww be hawmed by mundane weaponwy much like a nowmaw pewson; should they die whiwe the item is being wecweated, they liww be unabre to pway theiw chawactew fow a week due the item being what safewy guides theiw mana into weality.

The Plimawch

It goes by many names; it is the pwogenitow, the awpha and omega of aww awchons to come. This titwe wefews to an the fiwst bown of the void’s powew - the fiwst Awchon to evew be chosen by the Catawyst, ow did the Plimawch make the item? It is unknown. When a Plimawch is dubbed, they awe given the ability to make Awchons, wemove Awchons, and awe abre to bind the catawyst to theiw pewson, abre to bring it to and fwom weality; because of this intimate wewation between catawyst and Plimawch, the fiwst dubbed can, if he ow she so chooses, to cweate pseudo catawyst and bestow them upon his ow hew ewdews. With such in mind, this awso means the Plimawch, being so cwosewy intimate to the catawyst they own and make, would be abre to sense what was cwafted fwom them - knoling the kin they cweated lith genewaw ease, west they lish to obscule theiw existence via powewful iwwusions. This feat of scwying powew onwy wowks lith the catawyst in hand, and onwy if the Awchon they seek is lithin city wange - even then, this ability liww not awwow them to pinpoint the wocation, wathew give them the knowwedge of how many Awchons awe pwesent, ow if the Awchon they seek is pwesent.

Should the Plimawch be wemoved, the Catawyst liww seek out a new Plimawch, specificawwy the owdest Ewdew.


  • The Plimawch is the fiwst Awchon.
  • They gain no advantage besides having aww knowwedge of the catawyst, how to make mock vewsions of one, bringing it in and out of existence, making, and disconnecting Awchons.
  • By using theiw catawyst, they can scwy the awea about them, abre to find if an Awchon is lithin the awea.

Due to the sheew powew of the Plimawch, it liww take multipwe Ewdew Awchons lith the ability to disconnect to wemove them fwom Plimawch Status, and fulthew out of Awchon status.

Pseudo Catawysts:

These awe cweated by the Plimawch by using the fiwst Catawyst. With these, he is abre to bind them to pwospective ewdew Awchons and give them the ability to make ewdews. Once bound, the ewdew can conjule them at weww, but should it be destwoyed, it liww take five days to wefowge and wemanifest; the ewdew Awchon liww be unabre to go into theiw awcane fowm, and liww wose theiw augmentative abilities, should they die, the Awchon liww be unabre to pway theiw chawactew fow a week and a hawf.


  • The Plimawch makes wessew catawyst fow his chosen ewdews.
  • They genewawwy function the same as the oliginaw catawyst.

Should one be destwoyed, the Awchon liww wose the ability to use theiw twanscendent abilities fow five days IWW and should they die lithin the thwee days it takes to wemanifest, the Awchon liww manifest lithin a week and a hawf.


Pwease note: The fowwoling infowmation is scawcewy known. Do not metagame to know this infowmation unwess diwectwy infowmed in-chawactew.
  • Affected and can be hawmed by fi magic in both nowmaw and twanscendent fowm.
  • Weak to awtewation in both fowms. Enchanted items hitting an Awchon is akin to hitting a nowmaw pewson lith an object. If an echanted desk was to hit them, they'd be thwown back, if a swowd was to cut them, they would be cut. Wawds, should one undewstand what the Awchon is and how they function, liww stun them in theiw coiw, and weaken theiw abilities/disolient the Awchon in theiw twanscendent fowm.
  • Weak to gowd (awbeit minow) and thanhic awwoy in Twanscendent fowm.
  • Weak to Thanhium
  • Thanhic Awwoy can cut thwough them easiwy, if they awe in twanscendent fowm, lithout awmow.
  • Thanhium: It takes hawf of what kiwws a mage to kiww a coiwed Awchon.


Awchons weceive the Spectwe undewwying wace.


  • A Twanscendent is not invulnewabre in spectwaw fowm, they awe easiwy affected by gowd, fi magic, and wawds lith nowmaw means affecting them to a limited extent.
  • Fi magic, when used against an Awchon's speww casting liww effect them in both fowms. In Coiw, it liww feew mowe like a stinging sensation. In the Awchon fowm, the pain liww be intensified.
  • They stiww wose aww memowy of events weading up to death.
  • A Twanscendent can onwy be made by an ewdew, and to be made an ewdew you must be cwowned. Not aww ewdews awe awawe of the way to make anothew an ewdew.
  • A pwayew must fowwow the behaviows of being a Twanscendent.
  • The effects of twansfowming between fowms must be fowwowed, and thwough no means can they be nulwed.
  • Awthough the spectwaw fowm is spectwaw, you can’t phase thwough wawws.
