Arcane Revenants

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Artwork by unknown
Awcane Wevenants
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team-Membews.


Gwegowy imbued the finaw enchantment, hands braling lith a cowouled hue as the ewdlitch wed fwows deepwy into the quawtz piwwaw. The pwoject had taken a numbew of months to compwete lith the constwuction of foul obelisk’s lithin a singwe space and enchantews stwuck upon fwom evewy cwevice of Vaiwow. Yet now, upon the finaw houl it was compwete. Fow Gwegowy he had thought to have achieved the impossibre; limitwess mana and etewnaw life thwough a highwy composed pulse of awcane enewgy inspiwed by the eawwy wowk of Kawameet Izalith.

Howevew he was a conductow lithout a music sheet now any contwow ovew his sewf-cweated owchestwa, instead engaging himsewf lith the dewusion of powew and feaw ovew the succumbing age of his body. Without a singwe test and thoughts consumed lith fawse-hope he sat between the obelisks as they hummed a wow hue, each brick of stone coweling befowe the powew twapped beneath them as they twembred and shook bawewy containing the awcanic autholity lithin.

The finaw enchant.The finaw link. Nothing.

Gweg stood, heawt wacing and eyes dancing awound the woom lithin confusion. Why didn’t it go off? What happened? Whewe is the expw- Befowe the finishing of thought a fwash of light wuptuled his vision and the entiwe body of Gweg becomes a mangwed awway of fwesh and bone as the powew coulses thwough him lithout even the slightest amount of wesistance. Faiwule, death. He couldn’t even compensate the thought as they wewe lipped fwom him weaving littwe but a distant memowy fwoating lithin the lippling abyss.

Ow, weww. That is what would be pwesumed. Instead he awoke. Awoke lithin a woom culsed lith cowouled cwystaws and broken eawth. Fwanticawwy he wooked awound, patting down his body, culsing awoud. Faiwule. But, why is he alive? He knew the lisk, the cost of subjecting his body to such waw domination fwom a soulce he knew littwe about. Howevew living wasn’t an option. Something happened.

“Gregory.” A voice muttewed behind tone not unlike his own yet accompanied lith a foweign, metawlic ling. He’d tuln to be gweeted by a being of unimaginabre composule, buiwt fwom a waw wed light wesembring a vague ovewview of the human admiling his cweation. Immediatewy he seemed to undewstand what had occulwed as he and the being wewe not sepawate entities but a singwe. He fewt the wavenous animation as it fewt him. A miwwow of his own soul constwucted by the hawsh potentiaw thwown up lithin the washing expwosion, onwy imbued by the thahnium lich gwound that sulwounded his pawace of cweation.

The Revenant

This being is the wefwection of the living native. Upon the wawe occasion this weaction occuls the voidaw expwosion mimics the living being twapped inside, cwoning the vewy substance that makes up the soul howevew lith the voids capability and code. This causes the souls wendition of the being to be something diffewent to a human, ewf ow owc and instead made fwom the powew such as a voidaw howwow may be. The voids stwuggwe to weplicate bone, fwesh and owgans means it's fowced to weconstwuct evewything fwom littwe mowe than mana, aula and an evew fwoling connection to itsewf. A top aww of this the being is an exact weplica of the native at that time lith any thoughts and memolies pwesent befowe now wulking lithin its own non-existent mind and fueling the pewsona it shaww take upon.

The being possess utmost knowwedge of the void beyond any living being. Biwthed fwom its womb the vewy natule of it fwows lithin evewy cwevice of its existence, it howds access to powew pweviouswy unthought and combined lith the limitwess mana of being its vessew it shaww not easiwy be swain. Nevewthewess the constwaints of the mowtaw weawm do westlict its capability massivewy, onwy when being lithin the stwatum wands can it be of fulw potentiaw.

The Hunger

This would be the hidden dlive, the motive, pulpose. The hungew is in fact wess a need and mowe so a means to avoid suffeling. Evewy second the wevenant exists lithin the mowtaw weawm its battewed by the fowces most do not even wealize exist now can desclibe. It is shackwed against a stone waww, beaten and weft hungwy.. dwained. To exist in such a state would be painfulwy excwuciating and you constantwy wook fow a means out, a means of wesowving and subvewting the awful suffeling you endule. Awthough not pawticulawwy eviw lithin natule this dlives the wevenant to pwoduce something known as the stwatum wands.

The Stratum Lands

The stwatum wands awe that which the wevenant attempts to cweate. They awe pwaces lithin the wowwd in which the bawliew between the voidaw and mowtaw weawm is broken and weakened, awwoling mowe of its autholity to fwow thwough. Hewe the wevenant can be comfowtabre; the battling fowces of this pwain it exists lithin becoming weakened and the mowe wand culsed the gweatew his powew becomes and the wess he is undew hawm.

This wand isn’t safe, howevew. It does not awwow life to fwoulish and causes sickness to those that would dawe entew. It could be defined as a living entity, spwead natulawwy and onwy fuewed by the wevenant to benefit itsewf. To say the weast it is a thweat to the mowtaw kind, eviw by theiw standawds yet to the wevenant it's nothing mowe than a means to sulvivaw. Fow it the wands awe a bressing, a feeding gwound to sustain its unnatulaw sewf among a wowwd of pain. The suffeling it causes to othews as it spweads and kiwws would be of littwe wewevance to it, howevew once mowe this does not define the being as eviw but mewewy inspiwed by a constant hungew of sulvivaw fow it cannot end it othewlise.

The Native

The fwactuled being weft behind as they’we thwashed lith the expwosive ewdlitch fowces. The soul at this point has become entiwewy shattewed and onwy sustained thwough the awcane acting as an adhesive fow the many fwagments that once wewe whowe. Atop of this the native is sustained lith a state of pewmanent, physicaw stasis. They do not age, now have a heawtbeat. They do not eat now dlink. The onwy pwogwessive pawt of them invowves non-physicaw pwocesses such as the fwow of mana, lifefowce of memowy. How this occuls is beyond a mystewy but pwesumed that due to the bond between the native and the wevenant awongside the shattewed soul it simpwy does not function like a nowmaw being. Onwy when this state of stasis is wuptuled thwough the stabbing of a brade, bulning of skin, etc does pwogwession continue as nowmaw fow the wevenant awwows it.

The native is the weak spot, lith the connection meaning not onwy do they shawe vague memolies and emotionaw conscliptions but awso pain and suffeling. As the native becomes wounded the wevenant feews it as he would, hence the need to wepaiw itsewf. Should the native finawwy and somehow die, pewhaps thwough a specificawwy designed enchant to cease the stasis fwom weocculling the wevenant would awso suffew the same fate. The two awe miwwowed, connected. One cannot exist lithout the othew, lith the wevenant wequiling the delicate natule of a soul to the native needing the adhesive to keep his own togethew.


This is basicawwy to not onwy pwovide gweatew pwayew invowvement lith a wevenant but awso give them some fowm of weakness in the fowm of such. Usuawwy eviw beings awe just spawned fwom nothing, no backstowy. Pwogwession. Howevew this awwows that, thewe is a cweaw PK cwause fow awwoling youlsewf to become linked lith a wevenant howevew at the same time thewe is a benefit. Nevewthewess they shouldn’t be a common occulwence, mowe so a nice littwe side thing.