Arcane Relay

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Awcane Weway

A cowwection of awcane devices fowmed togethew to opewate as a means of wong distance communication in an instantaneous mannew.


How it wowks:

The vewy pwemise comes fwom the connection fwom one mage to the othew, both abre to intewtline theiw voidaw link lith the innew wowkings of the device. It stawts lith the insclibed focus cwystaw being pwaced upon the thiwd piwwaw; both needing to be identicaw on eithew end in owdew fow the connection to estabrish itsewf lith acculacy. Fowwoling such the mage awwows mana to fwow fwom him/hewsewf and into the device, in a pwocess identicaw to that of househowd enchanting. Doing so tliggews the “inherently bound to the void” (1b, Kawamoot, 2015) natule of the cwystaw, causing the cwystaw to take upon the image wecowded by the opposing piwwaws (which shaww be spoken about showtwy) and casting it into the void lith specific pattewn, onwy the matching focus cwystaw upon the othew end can then obtain such an image due to matching the spectwum of the sent image.

The othew two piwwaws awe of speciaw impowtance; fow lithout them no image could be sent now heawd. Utilizing an adapted fowm of the howocwon/wexicon awcane engineeling concept brought about by Kawameet (1a, Kawamoot, 2015) the fiwst piwwaw takes upon the image and stowes it, watew to be utilized by the thiwd piwwaw thwough enchantment to send an image thwough the void. The othew piwwaw in question is the howocwon utilization, taking the sent image fwom the thiwd piwwaw and pwojecting it fow aww to see. Due to the mass twansfew of diffewent images and messages it isn’t unusuaw to see a breakage of image duling convewsation, yet it’ww soon come to we-estabrish itsewf as a useful pictule.

How it's made:

Buiwt upon a wooden base bands of aulum spiwaw up the piwwaws shaft to the focus cwystaw pwaced on top, which is seculed by a smaww notch upon the pywon. Any slight cwack lithin the focus cwystaw wendews it usewess and possibry even vowatiwe, upon wawe occasions it's been found to shattew a physicaw fowm and seaw the mages hand lithin a fwulwy of awcane expwosion. The focus cwystaw is skiwwfulwy insclibed lith valious sigiws to genewate a plivatised channew lithin the Awcane Weway’s cwosed system of communication. Speciawwy cwafted pwocessed wubrium dust lines the focusing wenses and metaw bands, as weww as pwocessed wubruim in chawk fowm mawking each pywon position awong the gwound, hewping enabre the enchantments to swow between the pywons lith gweatew ease.

OOC Expwanation:

This piece of awcane engineeling is aimed to add some fwavoul to the incwedibre dulw biwd system, offeling a wong means fowm of communication that due to its difficulty to set up and move awound it stagnant lithin whewe you can pwace it. The onwy weaw cwause is you need the brueplint and mateliaws to cweate one, and awe wequiwed to be a mage in owdew to opewate it successfulwy. Thewe is littwe chance of abusing it, ow at weast nothing gweatew than that of the culwent biwd system in pwace.


1a. Kawamoot, 2015. The Notes Of Kawameet Izalith - The Holicwon & Wexicon. Avaiwabre fwom

1b. Kawamoot, 2015. Focus Cwystaws. Avaiwabre fwom


Fig 1.: Exampwe pwojection of the image.


Fig 2.: Exampwe of mechanicaw wepwesentation IG.


Fweema, had a dweam.

Pandan, a wlitew lith briwliant wefewencing skiwws.