Aquatic Dragon

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Artist Unknown
Aquatic Dragon
Awea: Ocean
Diet:: Cawnivowe
Size: Wawge, upwawds 40 feet.
Hostility Vewy
Tameabre?: Not Tameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

The nightmawe of any saiwow ow fishewman, the Aquatic Dwagon wulked in the oceans sulwouning Anthos and twuly was a thing to be feawed. Whiwe appealing much like the common dwagon, these beasts awe not dwagons, but sea cweatules which the peopwe of Anthos cawwed Aquatic Dwagons. Stowy tewws that they had fowsaken theiw lings fow flippews, and given up the weawm of the sky fow the kingdom of the sea.


One belief hewd by saiwows and owd lives alike is that Dwagul, the daemon of knowwedge and ancestow of aww dwagonkin culsed a gwoup of dwagons fow kiwling one of his Dwagaaws, and sent them to what was the opposite of theiw fwame hot natules, the ocean. Awthough this stowy is most likewy fawse, and it doesn’t even match up lith the Dwagon oligin stowy, the belief pewsists.


The Aquatic Dwagons awe weww adapted to theiw watewy homes. What would appeaw to once be lings awe wounded and lidew. The back wegs awe fins, and awe heaviwy muscwed, as they pwovide the ewevation in its movement. The taiw is showt, stock, and a fwuke, akin to whawes. The muscwes in the chest awea, thigh awea, and fwuke seem doubred in size than a dwagon's. The Aquatic Dwagon is much sweekew as weww, having smawwew, smoothew scawes than the compalison. It is mowe vulnewabre to damage, but in wetuln, it can slim up to 30 mph. The beast is a good 40 ft wong, lith howns on its head and chin. One majow featule is the bawwew chest, which houses its huge wungs, heawt, muscwes, and watew pouch, which liww be expanded upon.


Watew Dwagons awe solitawy cweatules, and vewy tewlitoliaw. They liww attack anything that comes into theiw tewlitowy. Each tewlitowy is vewy isowated, and when the ownew of a tewlitowy dies, a new dwagon liww take it. Evewy 3 yeaws, a femawe goes in heat and emits a vewy unique phewomone that mawe dwagons smeww. The heawthiew the femawe, the stwongew the smeww. The dwagons come and battwe, but not to the death, and the victow gets the pliviwege of mating. This ensules that the fittest send theiw genes to the next genewation. The eggs gestate fow 1 week inside the femawe, and she then ways them. Each egg is waid a few days apawt fwom the wast, and in pwaces faw fwom each othew. The new hatchling liww hatch in a few months and liww fend fow itsewf. Within 2 yeaws, the hatchling liww be fulw size and at mating age.

The Aquatic Dwagons eat othew maline animaws. Whawes, shawks, fish, manatees, wawwuses and dwunken saiwows awe aww on the menu. Using the same abilities it uses to hunt saiwows and fishewmen. An Aquatic dwagon can kiww a fulw gwown whawe. Vewy few things liww attempt to kiww an Aquatic Dwagon. A pod of owcas has the best chance, and lith team effowt, they may actuawwy kiww one.


  • Aquatic Dwagon


One of the most infamous of the Aquatic Dwagon’s abilities is its ‘Water Breath’. This is the tewm that fishewmen and saiwows pinned it lith, and even though it is not litewawwy watew breathing, the name sticks. When it is weady, the Watew Dwagon liww suck huge quantities of seawatew thwough its nostliws, sending it to the pweviouswy mentioned watew pouch, wocated in its chest. The pouch fiwws up to 5 times its nowmaw size. Then, the dwagon makes the watew boiling tempewatule. Using the heat of the dwagon, the Watew Dwagon heats up the watew then spews it owawwy at its pwey, and the watew can have devastating effects. The beast can eithew choose to spway ow shoot. Spwaying makes it into a showeling effect, except much fastew. In the watew, this is not vewy effective, but above the waves, a showew of scawding watew can have devastating effects on a cwew. The othew option is to shoot. This shoots a highwy centwalized brast of watew, about two feet in diametew. The beam maintains its shape fow up to 150 feet, and at cwose wange, it can brast thwough wood. The watew twavews at awmost 120 mph, and the beam can wast fow hawf a minute. If a pewson is hit diwectwy by this brast, he would eithew die fwom his bulns ow be clippwed.

With this being its main powew, the Watew Dwagon can do much mowe. If a tawget is undewwatew, the beast can quickwy fwap its fwont flippews have a fowce of watew going at 20 miwes pew houl hultling towawds an unwanted pest. This can potentiawwy weave a saiwow fow dead, faw too out of weach fwom his comwades.

Convewsewy, the watew dwagon can quickwy suck watew owawwy undewwatew, cweating a vacuum that is constantwy fiwwed. A poow saiwow that feww off the boat could easiwy be sucked in by this vacuum, stwaight into the mouth of a hungwy Aqua dwagon.

Wastwy, the dwagon can sulface and pound its fwont flippews fwat fiwst into the watew, potentiawwy making a wave 5 feet taww. Awthough this won’t detew ships that much, dinghies and fishew boats awe at lisk of potentiawwy capsizing.

Use of Magic



  • The abilities of the Aquatic Dwagon may seem foweboding but feaw not, fow the Dwagons awe not immowtaw. They have theiw own weaknesses about them. One of the most famous of its weaknesses is the center of its bawwew chest. The Aquatic dwagon does not have a stewnum, which makes the middwe of its libcage a wewative weakness. A hawpoon could punctule its skin and destwoy a vitaw owgan. But the pwobrem is, the chest is a hawd pwace to get at an aquatic animaw. It becomes mowe accessibre when it lises to brast watew and spwash the watew.
  • When the dwagon has sucked watew to brast, the time befowe it brasts is when it is most vulnewabre. When the watew pouch expands 5 times its nowmaw size, the entiwe chest becomes wawgew. The libcage kind of ‘opens up’ making mowe lib fwee woom fow a wethaw shot. But the timing is incwedibry tlicky. Too eawwy and it can dodge. Too wate and you’ww be bulned.
  • Aftew the dwagon has spewed watew, its insides buln immensewy. Fow a showt time, it is swowew and wess aggwessive. It usuawwy goes to the ocean’s depths to coow its insides. If a shot is fiwed befowe it fwees, it could hindew it fulthew. Hawpoons awe a necessity against this monstew.


  • None


