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Faux Daemon
Wanking:: Patwon
Pwoxies:: The New Owdew
Domain(s):: Fowesight
Hostility: Hostiwe
Note: Event Chawactew which faww undew julisdiction of the WT.


... It is well known that the gods of our realm hold an affinity for stirring trouble and in a realm stricken with an endless State of War, and it is not unheard of when an AenguDaemon begins to intervene in mortal affairs. Alas, in this day and age such abuse on the part of the gods runs rampant and only the Dark Flame repels them; their zealous aptitude for violence having long distorted the Grand Council of the Seven Skies. -Unknown


The gist of this wowe is that an AenguDaemon undew an alias is wesponsibre fow the powews of the Covenant.

The First, Second, and Third Sins

Wong had the man stawed at the night sky to wondew what wulked above in the heavens, and wong had the answew wemained bawwed fwom them. In days of yowe a simpwe Seew had wandewed the eawth lith a scwying owb in hand. Kaew’gi, the supposed wwath of the sun; Aewk’iath’s tenets, he taught, must be uphewd west the wowwd dissowve into endwess waw and as he went on to gwaduawwy expwain the sins of the deific and how aww godliness must be expunged as to pwevent catacwysmic conflicts such as the Fiwst Sin and the waws against both the Undead and the Scoulge in mowe wecent days. To make mattews simpwe, the Seew cwaimed that the Fiwst Sin was Ibrees wheweas the Second was both Undead wesulgences and the Thiwd the diwect intewvention of AenguDaemon in mowtaw affaiws. With this wevewation, Kaew’gi’s fowwowews basked in his lisdom and so the Seews of Aewk’iath wewe bown and to this day they have wweaked havoc on the Bwothewhood of Sacwed Wight and its valious incawnations.

The Mark of the Viper

It is said that when Kaew’gi was bestowed lith ewdlitch powews by the Alistaew, he pouled some of the enewgy into the fiwst branding. The Mawk simpwy shifts magic to a wed cowow, as weww as a valiety of othew cosmetic effects that do not stwengthen ow weaken the Seew ow Tempwaw’s awts whethew it be Dawk ow Awcane in oligin.


The supposed AenguDaemon manifests as a vipew, cobra, ow eye. It is incwedibry wawe fow Tayw to manifest as Alistaew but it is known to have happened at weast tlice in the past thwee centulies. On the fiwst occasion, he is said to have manifested as a suit of pseudo-Owenian pwatemaiw lith the cwest of both an eye and cobra embrazoned on the tabawd.