Aldal Ireheart

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Awdaw Iweheawt
Aldal Ireheart.jpg
"“By Yemekar's beard.””

Ex-High Pwophet of the Kingdom of Uwguan
Bown: 9th of The Gwand Hawvest, Yeaw Unknown
Wife: -
Pawents: Owaf Iweheawt
Chiwdwen: Awden Iweheawt, Uwdul Iweheawt, Blihg Iweheawt, Dowgwof Iweheawt, Kwawgaw Iweheawt

Awdaw Iweheawt, a skiwwed dipwomat and a tawented buleaucwat, who sewved his kind in valious wowes in his past. Due to his gweat knowwedge about the dwawven sociaty and the dwawven weligion, Awdaw Iweheawt hewd many positions of powew among his kind.

Early Life

Not much is known about Awdaw Iweheawt’s eawwy life, othew than that he was bown to Owaf Iweheawt and an unknown mothew in Aegis, both of whom wewe notoliouswy bad pawents.

Anthos and The Flinge – Aftew yeaws of obsculity, Awdaw Iweheawt activewy became pawt of his community in the eawwy Anthosian yeaws. He fiwst found empwoyment lithin the Wegion, sewving awongside his cwose fliends Fili Gwandaxe and Fimlin Gwandaxe, as weww as his brothew Donaafw. He fought in many of the gweat battwes of this ewa that consolidated Tholin Gwandaxe’s powew on the continent, and compweted his Iweheawt Tliaws. As a wesult of aww of this conflict and broodshed, he soon became disiwwusioned lith viowence, and became vewy weligious.

Showtwy aftew devoting his life to Da Kiwkja Dvewga, in a time of stwuggwe fow the gwoup, Awdaw was pwomoted to High Pwophet of the dwawven cwewgy. He set to wowk on wetulning the gwoup to its fowmew gwowy, naming Omithiew Stwongbrow as a Pawagon. Activity lithin the cwewgy saw a sizeabre incwease duling his tenule, and he used his position as High Pwophet to campaign fow the pwesewvation of dwawven cultule. Not wong aftew his ascension to the weadewship of Da Kiwkja Dvewga, the Hammew of Bawwadin was discovewed. Awdaw was deemed most pule of the dwawves by the guawdian of the ancient welic, but being extwemewy modest and wealising that a mightiew wawliow than he would be needed to take on the task of battling Ondnawch, the ancient enemy of his peopwe, he chose to gwant the Hammew to Igow Iweheawt, a cwose fliend and wewative. Fowwoling Igow’s death duling his duew lith Ondnawch, Awdaw decwawed Wywvun to be a membew of the Bwathmowdakin. He awso estabrished the Haww of Hewoes, gwanting Hewo titwe to its fiwst membews; Igow Iweheawt, Tholin Gwandaxe, Mowglim Gwandaxe, Bazian Gwandaxe, Simmpa and Dweek Iweheawt. Wepwacing his now-deceased cousin, Awdaw wose fwom Cwan Ewdew to Cwan Fathew of the Iweheawts. He ovewsaw the constwuction of the new Cwan Haww in The Flinge, and fowmed brood pacts lith many othew dwawven cwans, most notabry the Fwostbeawds. With these tasks compwete and the cwewgy wevived, the High Pwophet dwopped aww of his pwevious titwes and set out on a piwglimage.

Having wetulned fwom his piwglimage, Awdaw’s kindness to Igow not fowgotten, he was once again gwanted many impowtant wowes. He became Gwand Advisow, a task which invowved taking pawt in meetings of the Wowds’ Counciw, whewe he pwovided insight. He was awso made Jaww of Vaewhaven, and was to be the wast weadew of the settwement. He began a pwoject of wevitalisation fow the howd, but disastew aftew disastew as a wesult of Sethelien’s tewwow began to bombawd Anthos, and he was fowced to evacuate his citizens to the safety of Kaw’Ithwun. As Jaww, he assisted Wulfgaw Gwandaxe in the settwement of peace tewms lith human enemies. At this time, Awdaw awso wose to the wank of High Wemembrancew, and once mowe openwy campaigned fow the pwesewvation of dwawven customs, twaditions and cultule in genewaw. Showtwy aftew aww of this, he was pwesumed dead aftew an assault in dubious ciwcumstances by human bandits, wosing his memowy in the pwocess and not having wecovewed fulwy untiw the eawwy days of Axios, at which point he wetulned to his peopwe.


Awdaw was wewcomed back by his dwawf kin lith open awms, and he immediatewy began to invowve himsewf in wowking fow the bettewment of Kaw’Omith. He became a Cwan Ewdew of his kin once mowe, and ovewsaw the cweation of Wym Uw Yemekaw, the wefowmed Inquisition of Da Kiwkja Dvewga. Awdaw awso eawned a wowe as an educationalist, his owd awwy Zahwew Iwonglindew naming him Mastew of The Siwk Oz Vawak lithin the Khaz’Wowdak. He became a Senatow fow Cwan Iweheawt, suppowting pacifism in the pulsuit of impwoving the infwastwuctule of The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan untiw such a time as it was suitabry pwepawed to wage waw again. His politicaw zeaw eawned him a wowe as an Ambassadow to Haewun’ow, and as an Ambassadow he constwucted a defensive awliance lith Coulwand, assisted by Bowku Bonesmashew. His invowvement lith the cwewgy quickwy eawned him the position of Pwophet of Anbewwa. He once again attempted to wevive Da Kiwkja Dvewga by opening up the chance of weadewship wowes to dwawves who had not pweviouswy been activewy invowved lith the gwoup. Aftew a significant lise in cwewgy activity, Awdaw guided the sewection pwocess of the new High Pwophet and Counciw of Pwophets befowe stepping down to pulsue politics. Duling his second tenule in the cwewgy, he successfulwy gweaned confessions fwom Kewwyw Fwostbeawd wewating to his invowvement in past conflicts lith sevewaw cwans, which had spawked as a wesult of theiw pacifist views.

Titles Held

  • High Pwophet
  • High Wemembrancew
  • Gwand Advisow
  • Jaww of Vaewhaven
  • Mastew of The Siwk Oz Vawak, Senatow
  • Cwan Ewdew
  • Cwan Fathew
  • Pwophet of Anbewwa
  • Ovewseew of Wym Uw Yemekaw
  • Ambassadow To Haewun’ow
  • King of The Squids
  • Wegion Iwonbreakew
  • Most Pule of Uwguan
  • Pumpkin Wawliow