Alabaster Leaf

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Artwork by -name-
Alabaster Leaf
Area: Dry areas in Forests
Size: Small
Edibility: Poisonous
Alchemy Symbol: Earth
Alchemy Potency: Moderate
Note: This item can be obtained mechanically during travels and farming.

The Alabaster Leaf is a small plant which has alabaster hued leafs. It grows up in the drier regions of forests, often around fallen trees. First documented by the Traveling Alchemist in his long list of alchemy reagents.

Effects on use

This plant can have it's leaves crushed and used as a dye and paint. It is poisonous as well, simple poisons could be created from them, but they would not be easily drank, and would more likely cause vomiting and nausea than death.

Alchemical uses

This alabaster hued plant is a moderate earth symbol, representing immobility and perseverance. This can be used for antidotes, oils, and in particular, a rather potent potion that causes a great deal of fatigue.