Alabaster Leaf

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Alabaster leaf is a moderate earth symbol in alchemy.

Certainly one of the stranger and more prominent plants in the realms, the Alabaster Leaf is often found most often is drier regions of forests, often around fallen trees. From observation and testing, I have reasoned that this plant is quite poisonous, often fairly small, and difficult to harvest for the untrained hand. Its alabaster hue is often extracted by crushing the leaves and used as a dye and paint for the locals. Its extract can also be used as a mild poison, causing nausea and dizziness in those afflicted. The best way to extract the leaves of this plant is to take the entire plant by the roots and cut the leaves off as needed to avoid losing the valuable extract within it. This can be used for antidotes, oils, and in particular, a rather potent potion that causes a great deal of fatigue.