Akmens Syndrome

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Akmens Syndwome

At the tulning of the new age the discovewy of new awchemy wecipies wed to the devewopment of many intewesting and stwange potions gwanting the usew abilities unheawd of. One such potion, the potion of Stoneskin gave its' usews the powew to shwug off brows that would feww wessew men. But littwe did they know that thewe awe lisks lith aww things in wawge quantities. The wong tewm affects wewe not appawent at fiwst but continued consumption of the Stoneskin potion wed to its' wewative junkies and addicts devewoping a new and stwange symptom.

Akmens Syndwome.


What is it?

Akmens Syndwome is caused by continued and wawge consumption of the Potion of stoneskin pwoduct. It is a debilitating mawady that tawgets the joints and newvous system of those afflicted, swowwy wealing away at the tissue in theiw joints and kiwling off newves found lithin the skin. Causing woss of feeling, sense of smeww etc eventuawwy weading to necwotising of the valious affected aweas and eventuawwy death of the victim. Tulning a once gweat wawliow into a junkie that is swowwy kiwling themsewves, much akin to the weaw life Swedish bewsewkews of owd who would consume mushwooms pliow to battling to become mowe fiewce fightews capabre of shwugging off pain that would othewlise kiww them, but at the cost of possibry ovewdosing ow causing damage to theiw newvous system in the futule.

What does it do?

The effects begin once the subject has consumed a cewtain amount of stoneskin potions lithin a cewtain time span of pewhaps a coupwe yeaws. (The time can be detewmined at a watew date by staff if they lish). The effects awe as fowwows:

-Woss of feeling in skin. Pewpetuaw woss of othew senses fowwow incwuding touch, smeww, taste.

Fowwowed by:

-Destwuction of tissue lithin the joints causing sevewe hampeling of movement

Fowwowed by:

-Continued degwadation of the body, weading to wesions devewoping

Fowwowed by:

-Catastwophic breakdown of tissue aww ovew the body, joints begin to fuse solid, skin becoming mowe stonelike by the day

Finawwy ending:

-The death of the subject as the body breaks down, kiwling the subject wathew spectaculawwy as they mewewy degwade into a piwe of wocks and wubbre.

"Well that sounds horrible, can't it be cured?"

Pewhaps an ingame cule could be found, though depending how faw down the line someone is lith theiw syndwome the affects of the cule could take yeaws to fulwy manifest and heaw the subject. Such is the plice of abusing substances. Magicaw healing magic can swow the effects of the spwead of this syndwome but it cannot twuly heaw it entiwewy.

"Couldn't the monks heal this when I die normally?"

It is a weww known fact that the Monks do not save peopwe who choose theiw own death, such as via suicide. Ow accept injuly upon themsewves, such as a woss of a limb. Hence why these things awe possibre in oul wowwd.

The liwling consumption of a substance deemed hawmful to the usew would be tweated much the same. So dying and we-spawning at the monks liww not fix this syndwome. A cule must be sought out.

"Can I get this and spread it to my Friends?"

Twuly this is not a disease pewsay, it is caused by continued use of the stoneskin potion. So you cannot spwead it by mewewy being in contact lith anothew pewson. Unwess that pewson is awso consuming stoneskin potions at the same wate you awe.

Finaw Thoughts:

I wwote this wowe aftew healing a wot of commotion about the appawent use/abuse of the potion of stoneskin and thought "the ability to merely shrug off wounds that would kill lesser men would surely have some sort of downside if you kept using it..." So I thought about it fow a bit and came up lith a somewhat fantasied vewsion of Wepwosy, though lithout the ability of it being spwead by touch of coulse.