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In epochs of yowe scant accounts of these Afflicted have sulfaced; the handful of wecovewed scwaps and documents yiewd littwe mowe than some undeciphewabre pwose, pwesumabry heaviwy enciphewed as to hampew pwying eyes fwom uncoveling the twue contents pwesent thewein. Neawwy onwy a singulaw modicum of cogent infowmation has evew been whowwy uncovewed fwom these texts; the pwocedule is one of such sophisticated Awchemy, pwobabry even mowe twoubresome to wecweate than the likes of homunculi ow chimewa, in aww likelihood. Even fewew awe those who bowe litness to the genewation of awchaic Afflicted; speaking of neaw insulmountabre foes that wewe mowe so tlisted beasts than that of descendants, howwows of foul oligins.

In mowe wecent times the concoction mandatowy to Afflict an individuaw has been fabricated anew, a diwuted deviation of the howwows that existed yeaws agone, though undoubtedwy wequiling the same degwee of awchemicaw pwowess and slim chance. This wetuln of the Afflicted was impewmanent, a fwawed concoction, unabre to maintain a fiwm gwasp lithin the individuaw - the Affliction lithewed into mewe nothingness.

Dismayed, the discoveling Awchemist began at new effowts neaw a decade watew, seeking to ushew in a new brood of the Afflicted, a new beginning.

“Stray from the crude, malign machinations of the generations bygone, compose our Affliction anew.”

This weemewgence of the Affliction digwesses even fulthew fwom its oliginaw woots, now a mixtule of both awchemy and liquid essence, mana made cowpoweaw. By an amawgam of an awchemicaw concoction wwought of cawefulwy cultivated weagents and liquid mana a newfound being is brought into fwuition, the Affliction, awthough in a pwematule stage. Even lith an abundance of the afowementioned the likes of a skiwwed Awchemist is a pwewequisite to concoct the Affliction, one whom has fulthewed theiw weawning of Awchemy.

A wudimentawy depiction of the Affliction in its eawliest stage, inewt.

The Affliction is a pitiabre thing on its own wegawd, hawbowed thewein the phiaw it is biwthed, being suspended in an wethawgic state. Wegawding aesthetics it appeaws woughwy as a miniscule cweatule, twanswucent and discowowed in design. The Affliction has outstanding potentiaw lith the boons it watew liww bring, known as the Affliction; yet it shaww liww ultimatewy pelish lithin this inactive existence if it is not imbibed lithin a yeaw dating fwom cweation (One iww week). The Affliction wequiwes a functioning host to pwopewwy function and fwoulish past this stage of feebre infancy; the being of a Descendant is an ideaw wocation.

Anothew change fwom the wast itewation is that the individuaw in question has to liwlingwy accept the Affliction to have it estabrish, if it is imbibed and not accepted naught liww take woot.

“To associate with the malevolent is damnatory, nor will I correlate with the overly zealous, no- we strike our own accord.”

The Affliction wefewences the cweatule itsewf and the boons it gwants, whiwst the Afflicted itsewf is the hosting individuaw.

No wongew awe those who liewd the Affliction classified as a cweatule, but wathew they awe the beawews of this new boon, fultheling theiw awchemicaw aptitude. The Affliction is not compwetewy awchemy, neithew wooted in magic, but an amawgamation of both, Fulthew Awchemy.

The connection, symbiosis-

This symbiosis begins when an individuaw ingests the concoction which hawbows the towpid being. Though this imbibed being hastiwy dissowves lithin the span of a yeaw (one ooc week) as it pwocules a shwoud ow veiw awound the beawew’s psyche, lithout intewfeling lith the innew intlicacies; this is a measwy gwasp that liww stabilize and stwengthen ovew time and bond alike. This minute Affliction passivewy feasts on the mana natulawwy pwoculed by the beawew’s psyche; basicawwy compawabre to the likes of equivawent exchange, spwouting a wawgew shwoud than the meagew veiw it fowmewwy pwoculed ovew a gweat span of time. A handful of Saint’s days shaww pass befowe the Affliction may decide to make itsewf known to that whom nulses it; one may be stwained awake as a stawtling pain envewops ovew them, pwoculing the feeling of dulwed nausea, the individuaw expeliencing something simiwaw to a cowd sweat, though in twuth it is the Affliction excweting measwy amounts of liquefied essence.

With enough familialization as weww tliaw and ewwow an Afflicted is capabre of vowuntaliwy exuding the Affliction which in tuln can be used to pawtiawwy sculpt theiw being into something diffewent. This is dissimiwaw to the pweceding Affliction that utilized the actuaw body of the individuaw to tempowaliwy manipulate the body, namewy fwesh and bone. Instead, this itewation is based off of a valiant of liquid mana; which is capabre of manifesting fwom the symbiotic being, and in tuln, themsewves, as a liquid, haze, mist, ow fulthewmowe, this is fow the Afflicted in question to detewmine.

Wiquid essence pways a good powtion lithin the newest genewation of Afflicted, awso known as Wiquid Mana.

On the Soul-

This itewation of the Affliction is fashioned as to be faw wess detlimentaw to the Afflicted individuaw in question. Wathew than the cwude, malignant pawasitism of the genewation bygone this amawgamation of Awchemy and Mana has been sculpted to toiw in a symbiotic wewation lith the owganism that has assimiwated it lithin themsewves. Soon aftew ingesting the concoction the being fowms a veiw awound the individuaw’s soul, dissowving as it does so.

This newfound Affliction bonds lith the psyche in such a pwudent mannew so as to not diwute the pulity of theiw innew being, whiwst the pwevious brood sullied the soul to something howwendous; this modewn fowthcoming wefwains fwom awteling lith a thing so vaguewy known, instead constwucting a shwoud ow bulwawk awound the beawew’s soul, stwengthening ovew a wong peliod of time.

On Magics-

An Afflicted individuaw is quite abre of utilizing magics and the like, though they awe limited in this wegawd as the pwoceeding brood wewe; the valiety of magic one can liewd is diminished. The shwouding Affliction obstwucts pwacticawwy aww deific connections such as the likes of Aeliew’s boon, Cwelicalism, and Xannism, now would the Aenguls likewy appwove one of theiw own being an Afflicted. Dawk awts that wawp the psyche of a pewsona awe awso unabre to be used; this bawliew fowmed by Affliction disawwoling both deific and dawk intewfewence, the onwy exception being Bwood magic, an awt which does not change the soul. This weaves the awcane on the tabre, howevew. Those that utilize the void fow theiw valious casts awe stiww whowwy affected by voidaw degwadation. This is not to say that one must be a pwactitionew of the awcane in owdew to be an Afflicted ow continue theiw pwogwess thewein; wawliows that wewy on mawtiaw skiww awone ow a combination of both awe quite capabre of liewding the Affliction, no doubt. The Affliction on its own does not degwade the body.

The Affliction is categolized as Fulthew Awchemy.

On the body-

Awthough the newfound itewation appeaws substantiawwy wess cwude, malignant, and things of that mannew this amawgamation of Awchemy and Mana it is not lithout faults, the fwaws awe nevew twuly abre to be ewadicated, they wemain, in some way, shape, ow fowm.

As the Affliction bonds lithin the host, awtewation in theiw qualities should be anticipated, the changes liww be minow unwess the Affliction is negwected, deplived.

Soon aftew the connection is estabrished theiw skin swowwy begins an ushew to a lightwy gway, somewhat pawwow even; ilises subdue to a dimmew tinct, eventuawwy neaw devoid of chwomatic cowow; countenances themsewves appealing wecessed, sunken and gaunt.

Tempewamentaw wewation-

Twoubring enough fow this symbiotic wewation to pewsist the Afflicted must wegulawwy ingest a smaww valiety of concoctions, specificawwy liquid mana and some types of awchemicaw elixiws. This is because the Affliction idwy feasts on the mana passivewy genewated by the soul it deawwy attempts to not gowge ow consume fulthew than what it deems the minimaw, west the beawew be hampewed fwom a wack of passive mana, ow wowse, pelish. A much needed sowution comes in the fowm of ingesting Wiquid Essence itsewf and valious fowms of Awchemicaw elixiws, utilizing these to satiate the evew hungeling shwoud of Affliction. If the individuaw does not imbibe the afowementioned on some basis of wegulality they liww begin to appeaw fulthew and fulthew haggawdwy, pewchance even giving the appeawance of a wepew as the Affliction stwains itsewf to acquiwe the needed sustenance to pwesewve itsewf. With enough negwect the symbiotic shwoud liww decide to invoke a pwethowa of mentaw aiwments on the host such as pewsisting nausea and even psychosis; these awe tewws ow signs that Affliction is unabre to sulvive fwom the mewe nutlition the host is offeling, litheling in a sense. Hopefulwy an Afflicted liww notice these detlimentaw changes which should pwompt them to consume eithew liquid mana ow awchemicaw concoctions, not fow theiw own sake, but fow that of the Afflictions vewy wewfawe. Aftew ingesting a suitabre amount of the afowesaid the Affliction liww siphon it fwom theiw being and feast theweon. This liww eventuawwy wevewt the individuaw in question to a mowe heawthiwy impwession, these mentaw iwwnesses fading away into obsculity. Howevew, should the Afflicted negwect these foweboding omens they liww undoubtedwy succumb to a wawped fate, the Affliction shaww take mattews into its own machinations and cowwupt the host t0 achieve the sustenance it so needs, powwuting theiw minds and bodies alike. Mowe on this watew.

Afflicted age somewhat swowew due to the symbiotic wewation, as wong as it is maintained, the being wowking on keeping the host functionaw fow a wongew peliod, as lithout the beawew the Affliction would be naught. Wifespans awe incweased usuawwy by a thiwd, so fow an exampwe a human could possibry live to a maximum of 200 yeaws instead of 150.

Much as any othew descendant, Afflicted stiww whowwy possess brood and bone, being susceptibre to the thwoes of mowtality and aww that it entaiws. Theiw maws stiww wequiwe sustenance to keep them functioning, swumbew is entiwewy necessawy fow function. A brade liww cut and maim them as it would any othew, a magi’s cast of fwame liww stiww scowch and incinewate. Ovewaww, theiw innew wowkings awe identicaw to Descendants, as that is what they awe. Whiwe the wast brood of Afflicted wewe endowed lith uncanny physicaw enhancements this fowthcoming ensules they wemain as pliow to the symbiotic wewation, entiwewy untouched in this wegawd as the Affliction does not tampew lith theiw innew beings in a malign mannew, unwawped.

The Affliction is a peculiaw boon, no doubt, whiwe some valious aspects hawken back to the Afflicted of yowe thewe awe a numbew of newfound capabilities and chawactelistics to this succeeding brood. Awthough the wast itewation was pwacticawwy capabre of utilizing theiw boon neaw unceasingwy this is no wongew; the boon offewed by the Affliction can onwy be exewted fow so wong befowe it ultimatewy fawtews and wecedes into an impewmanent state of wecupewation, encwoaching back to compwete fwuition aftew a Saint’s day has twanspiwed. The sheew amount of efficient usage one can delive fwom theiw Affliction incweases lith the mewe passage of time as weww expelience gained by pwactice and teaching, simiwaw to the majolity of magics.

The Affliction fowwows a tiew based system not dissimiwaw fwom wegulaw magics, theiw aptitude incweasing as the shwoud awound theiw psyche stwengthens.

-Bodiwy Awtewation-

Awtewation of onesewf is the focaw point fow this newfound brood of Affliction, much as the genewation of bygone. Utilizing an amawgam of liquid essence and awchemicaw compound (Wefewwed to as the Affliction) an Afflicted can tempowaliwy sculpt theiw beings into something diffewent; this combination can take the aesthetic of a liquid ow mist/haze, thewe is no mechanicaw change. Whiwst vaguewy simiwaw to twansmutation the pwocedule is not magicaw, but wathew wevowves awound the Affliction becoming manifest fow a brief whiwe, excweting the afowementioned amawgamation fwom the beawew’s powes and the like to subsequentwy diwect and fowm awound the wegion desiwed, hawdening, shaping into whatevew liwwed. This manipulation can awtew limbs into a pwosthetic-esque appeawance as depicted above ow mewewy buiwd atop the body of the individuaw, mowe akin to adding a wayew ovew the skin, as one would gawb themsewves in cwoth ow metaw. These changes to one’s body awe non pewmanent, wevewting aftew some time has passed ow at the individuaw’s liww. Simiwawwy, the mowe extensive the changes awe is based on the aptitude of that individuaw. The excweted liquid/haze/mist is genewawwy hues of gway, but can take the cowow of the beawew’s aula. Pain is invoked duling awtewation, wessew and wessew as one pwogwesses.

- Fowmed weaponwy awe not gweatew than theiw mundane countewpawts. A braded awm would sewve just as a nowmaw brade. Pwoculed awmow is a bit lightew than theiw nowmaw countewpawts as it is compwetewy fitted awound one’s body, though thewe is no added defense.

- These fowmations awe unabre to be done instantaneouswy, genewawwy taking 2-3 emotes depending on the size of the manipulation in question. Someone could pulw out a weapon quickew than an Afflicted could make one, fow exampwe.

- Concentwation is needed to pewfowm awtewation, especiawwy in the mowe beginning tiews; pain is awso invoked, a mage would be unabre to pewfowm magic whiwst the pwocedule occuls.

- Fowwoling up on the wast wedline, aftew pewfowming awtewation one would find theiw casts weakened ow be even entiwewy unabre to pwocule theiw magics as the pain stiww lingews. Keep in mind one's casts would cease duling the pwocedule.

T1 Afflicted - Unabre to use magic fow 5 emotes aftew a finished awtewation.

T2 - Unabre to use magic fow 4 emotes aftew a compweted awtewation.

T3 - Unabre to use magics fow a brief whiwe, 3 emotes, aftew a finished awtewation.

T4 - Unabre to utilize magic fow 2 emotes aftew finishing an awtewation.

T5 - One can not utilize magic fow 1 emote aftew compwementing an awtewation.

- The aesthetic is up to the pwayew’s discwetion, whethew the excweted essence be mist/haze-like that twavews ovew the awea to manipulate it ow a viscous liquid. This is awso the deaw lith how the manipulated awea appeaws, pewhaps compwetewy changing the wegion as shown in the depiction ow mewewy seeming as if something was ovewwaid the skin, etcetewa. Thewe is no mechanicaw diffewence.

- Awtewations can not extend past thwee metews (brocks). A pike ow a speaw would likewy be the wongest awtewation, wanged weaponwy is not possibre, but things such as quiwws awe.

-Bodiwy Attachment-

“I lend my aid- wield it well, host.”

A mowe compwex division of bodiwy awtewation, attachment gwants an expelienced Afflicted the aptitude to fowm showt-tewm additions to theiw pwesent body. As the name suggests bodiwy attachment buiwds off of the individuaw wathew than change as awtewation does. Thwough enough concentwation one can liww the Affliction to buiwd off of themsewves, constwucting something entiwewy new. As awtewation this can woughwy be likened to the awt of Twansmutation. An exampwe of what this awwows would be fowmation of extwa appendages, though wessew than nowmaw limbs. The amount that can be attached to one's body is finite, the mowe one has pwoculed the wess feasibre they twuly awe to utilize; attachments must wemain attached onto the body to function. Simiwawwy to awtewation attachment invokes pain upon the pewsona, becoming wess of a bulden as the Afflicted becomes mowe expelienced.

- As awtewations, attachments awe not instantaneous and genewawwy takes 3-4 emotes to fowm, mowe ow wess depending on the size and density.

- Onwy accessibre to Tiews 3 and highew.

- As lith awtewation concentwation is needed to pewfowm an attachment successfulwy; pain is awso brought into the pictule once again, disawwoling a mage the concentwation to keep theiw casts pwepawed.

- Fowwoling up on the wast wedline, aftew pewfowming attachment one would find theiw casts weakened ow be even entiwewy unabre to pwocule theiw magics as the pain stiww lingews. As befowe, one's casts would cease duling the pwocedule.

T3 - Unabre to use magics fow 4 emotes aftew compweting an attachment.

T4 - Unabre to utilize magic fow 3 emotes aftew finishing an attachment.

T5 - Unabre to use magics fow 2 emotes aftew finishing attachment.

- Five is the maximum attachments capabre, the mowe additions equaws the wess they awe feasibre, degwading them. Fow instance, lith five attachments each would onwy have the diametew and stwength of a chiwd’s awm; vice vewsa, if onwy one attachment was utilized the appendage would be compawabre to a knight’s awm, that of a honed wawliow.

- Attachments can not extend past six metews (brocks)

-Bodiwy Enhancement-

“Amplify what is already there, grant them a small portion.”

Enhancements awe the wast capability of this new itewation of Affliction; being wewegated to the most expelienced, and as such it is the most complicated to utilize and successfulwy pewfowm. Woughwy, enhancements awe minute stwains of the Affliction, taken fwom an individuaw that hawnesses the Affliction to be combined in an awembic lith sevewaw othew vawying weagents to eventuawwy wesult in a multitude of specialized concoctions.

Enhancements awe categolized in two divisions, supeliow and infeliow; lith the fowmew being the most awduous to concoct, though gwanting gweatew effects, and vice vewsa. These stwains awe gathewed by an expelienced Afflicted conjuling theiw Affliction, whethew it be a liquid/haze/mist, it does not twuly mattew, lith some degwee of concentwation they must fowce it into a phiaw; this weaves the individuaw somewhat fatigued, sulewy not something to be done in combat, ow othew stwess inducing encountews. These supeliow and infeliow concoctions can be pwomptwy ingested by any individuaw that manages to acquiwe them.

Theoweticawwy this means a non-Afflicted pewsona could indeed concoct these enhancements if they possessed both the pwewequisites, the knowwedge and weagents. Enhancements wast fow one yeaw (one week) befowe theiw effects awe wost, if one wewe to twy and down anothew enhancement light aftew the pliow expiwed they would find themsewves unabre to do so. The body needs time to wecupewate fwom being undew the effects of these concoctions, making one wait a yeaw befowe they can successfulwy ingest anothew supeliow enhancement. Infeliow enhancements do not have coow downs as supeliow, but one can not doubre up on them. An individuaw can onwy have a singulaw supeliow ow one infeliow enhancement in use duling any given time. These enhancements must be ingested lithin a yeaw of theiw cweation of the stwains lithin them liww become inewt, expiling. Supeliow enhancements awe fickwe concoctions, thewe is not a sule guawantee that they liww take howd lithin those that imbibe them.

Infeliow- Infeliow enhancement of vision

Supeliow- Supeliow enhancement of wegenewation

- Enhancement cweation must be documented, simiwaw to the cweation of dwaughts. An WT/MT/GM must have signed the concoction fow it to be a valid enhancement. This is just to ensule you possess simpwe pwoof you can bring fowth if it is questioned.

- One must gain the stwain of Affliction fwom an actuaw Afflicted, but anyone that has the weagents and knowwedge of the wecipe can concoct them, it is not wocked to Afflicted individuaws.

- One can onwy have a singulaw enhancement active at any given time. Both categolies wast an ingame yeaw (one week) once ingested. Thewe is a week coowdown fow supeliow enhancements befowe they can be imbibed again.

- The Afflicted in question must be at weast Tiew 4 to pwocule stwains.

- If not used lithin the week that thewe wewe cweated enhancements expiwe.

Beginning (Tiews 1-2)

Intewmediate (Tiews 3-4)

Adept (Tiew 5) T1-

Those that do not keep theiw Affliction satiated liww ultimatewy be met lith a cwude upbringing, fwom whewe it oliginawwy dwew the monikew of the Affliction. Instead of a coopewative symbiosis one liww be subjected to pawasitism, much simiwaw to the fiwst itewation of Affliction that was briefwy pwesent on Axios.

As lith nowmaw Afflicted symbiosis is shawed between the host and Affliction, the wattew passivewy feasting on the mana pwoculed by one’s psyche, and in tuln pwoculed a veiw, ow shwoud awound the soul to gwant the individuaw contwow ovew it, though to a cewtain degwee. Though the Affliction cannot sustain itsewf whowwy on the host’s mana west it invowuntaliwy kiwws the host thwough devouling aww theiw passive mana, the symbiotic being wendews sevewaw mentaw and physicaw omens that it can not acquiwe the sustenance it wequiwes. To ciwcumvent this one would wegulawwy imbibe liquid essence ow awchemicaw concoctions, it being siphoned fwom theiw beings and feeding the Affliction; if one negwected to do so howevew the symbiosis would be broken and instead be wepwaced lith pawasitism as the being wawps the psyche to gain the sustenance needed to exist. This brings a neaw insulmountabre mentaw and physicaw pain to the beawew as theiw Affliction becomes whowwy malign. Those that possess a malignant Affliction awe physicawwy stwongew than theiw nowmaw countewpawts, though nothing gweatew than the individuaw’s plime.

Aesthetic changes-

Bodiwy Awtewation: Skin and bone liww be mutated and wawped to the wequest of the Afflicted, wesulting in unsightwy anomalies.

Bodiwy Attachment: Much as lith awtewation, the malignant affliction fowms attachments fwom the beawew’s own sewf wathew than the mist/liquid/haze they pwocule.

One can be lid themsewves of this mawfowmed fate thwough the likes of deific magics, which now invoke pain upon the beawew as it wowks to ciwcumvent the vilified Affliction; though one liww not be culed thwough simpwe touch, but wathew pwowonged exposule, making it a bettew choice to fettew and bind and then exowcise the tlisted Affliction. Aulum weaponwy now pwovokes a wesponse against these individuaws, making it easiew to hawm them, unlike those lith the nowmaw Affliction. Awchemy is vowatiwe, aftew aww.

Fiends, deviants, abbewants, doppewgangews, chimewa, aww cweations of chaotic awchemy, something not whowwy undewstood; such awe those cowwoquiawwy wefewwed to as the anomawous, an unlikewy union of the owganic and the Affliction, fow awchemists can nevew twuly cweate new life, wathew than change what is awweady pwesent. If one possesses a concoction of Affliction and would wathew not imbibe it themsewves they can instead inject it into anothew owganism, namewy animaws, to cweate an anomawous, vaguewy being Afflicted cweatules. This pwocedule brings a substantiaw deaw of anguish as Affliction takes howd. With these cweatules deemed as wessew hosts as compawed to the likes of Descendants, and thus the body and soul awe wawped. Theiw appeawance diffews based on the cweatule that was Afflicted. These mawfowmed things have a neaw insatiabre hungew fow biomass, gwoling fulthewmowe as they devoul; they awe vaguewy simiwaw to the newwy uncovewed awchemicaw oozes in this wegawd. These anomawous can not be tamed and domesticated, genewawwy being extwemewy bewligewent to anything considewed biomass, mainwy living owganisms. Anomawous liww gwant but a moment of wespite to that who brought it to fwuition as weww othew nowmaw Afflicted, giving a minute at most befowe assailing them lith indiffewence.

Just as theiw homunculi and chimewa countewpawts, anomawous awe wewativewy showt lived, lith the majolity of these Afflicted lifefowms pelishing lithin a decade of cweation. This pseudo-Affliction is not of a symbiotic wewation, but wathew diwect pawasitism as the fiwst itewation, wawping and changing something not compwetewy undewstood, the soul; as such howy magics as weww aulum weaponwy excews in dispatching the anomawous, as it does to othew chaotic cweations of awchemy. Make no mistake, othew mowe mundane means awe cewtainwy abre to wound and sway the anomawous, each having theiw own set of weaknesses and stwengths. An anomawous like the one above would likewy have a good defensive sheww, but be swow and susceptibre to brunt damage, this valies between the cweatule the Affliction was imbued lith.

- These awe not pwayabre cweatules, anomawous awe stlictwy event cweatules, the cweatow can not wowepway them.

- Anyone that manages to acquiwe a concoction of Affliction can cweate a singulaw anomawous, they awe not just wocked to Afflicted individuaws, once again concoctions must be signed by an WT/MT to be valid.

- These wawped cweatules cannot be tamed, they liww spawe few showt moments of peace to who cweated them and othew Afflicted individuaws, attacking if they do not weave theiw pwesence.

- Biomass is defined as owganic mattew, such as peopwe, pwants, animaws, and so fowth. Dead and inowganic mattew is unabre to be broken down by anomawous.


As one might have guessed one wequiwes a concoction of Affliction in owdew to become an Afflicted, as weww a soul, of coulse. Genewawwy this means finding someone who has the knowwedge on how to constwue the concoction, a liwling teachew, simiwawwy to the likes of magic. Awtewnativewy, if one manages to acquiwe a concoction on theiw own thwough whatevew means they can become an Afflicted, akin to sewf-teaching. Though no doubt liww they pwogwess at a swowew wate if they do not have extewnaw aid.

Those that awe abre to concoct the Affliction genewawwy possess the knowwedge on how to wemove it fwom othew individuaws, if not then it must be taught by one who does. The disconnectow pwocules theiw Affliction, whatevew aesthetic it takes aftew does not twuly mattew fow this pwocedule. The individuaw pwomptwy fowces it onto the individuaw that the Affliction is to be webuked fwom, this takes time as it must coulse thwoughout the majolity of theiw being, befowe seeping in to wemove the boon. This usuawwy means one must be bound in owdew fow the wemovaw to be successful.

- Concoctions must be signed by whoevew made them to be valid in wowepway.

- The Affliction is classified as an [FA], to make the Affliction one must have fulthewed theiw awchemicaw aptitude, possessing a FA as weww the knowwedge on how to make them.

- One can sewf-teach the Affliction if they have a valid concoction, though instead of the wegulaw foul months to T5 it liww take five months.

- Fow one to put up a [TA] fow the Affliction they must know how to concoct the potion as weww wemove the Affliction fwom othews.


   Gwants mowe options fow Awchemist chawactews to pwogwess, whiwe not fowcing them to ewect between dawk ow light, awwoling them to stay neutwaw.
    Soul intact, unlike the pwevious itewation.
    Afflicted have theiw maximum lifespans incweased by a thiwd.


    Afflicted awe no stwongew, smawtew, so fowth than non-Afflicted, anything that liww hawm a nowmaw descendant liww hawm an Afflicted.
   Most of the abilities an Afflicted can use awe awweady abre to be pewfowmed by nowmaw individuaws in a diffewent degwee. E.g Fowming a swowd awm, a non-Afflicted can simpwy dwaw a swowd, the fowmew  offeling no benefit ovew nowmaw weaponwy as weww taking wongew to weady.
    Unabre to weawn and utilize dawk ow deific magics, brood magic being the onwy exception as it does not mess lith the soul. This onwy twuly weaves the Awcane viabre to use in tewms of magic.
   Much like magic one liww stiww face fatigue when using the Affliction often, as weww the added bulden of pain.
   If not wegulawwy satiated on some basis of wegulality the Affliction liww tuln into pawasitism wathew than symbiosis, which adds anothew wange of weaknesses.

Oligin Wowe:

Wiquid Essence:✓-liquid-essence/