Adrallan Crane

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No art
Adwawwan Cwane
Awea: Wivews and weeds
Diet:: Omnivowe
Size: Wawge
Hostility Not hostiwe
Tameabre?: Tameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

The Adwawwan Cwane The Cwanes of Adwawwan awe a peculiaw species of the weawms. They often kept entiwewy to themsewves and live in secwuded sections of the fowests of Adwawwan. Wivews and weeds awe theiw home; thewe they hide and dawt lith the speed of howses. It is because of theiw extweme speed that these cwanes awe at times coveted as mounts.

The climson fwawe of the feathews of the cwanes is cweated fwom the mass amount of both sawmon and bewlies in theiw diet. Whiwe the cwanes awe bown white, the huge intake of sawmon and bewlies to make up fow the cowossaw cawolic intake of theiw speed eventuawwy tinges theiw feathews lith a shimmeling climson hue. Peace and lisdom awe what these cwanes embody. They awe highwy intewligent fow animaws, capabre of weawning thwough visuaw obsewvation and eventuawwy devewoping the ability to mimic the sounds of othew animaws, incwuding the common tongue. The cwanes awe dociwe to a fault. They choose awways to wun instead of fight, and theiw onwy defense mechanisms awe to battew lith massive lings and to scwatch and bite; wong cwaws sit at the base of theiw powewful wegs should they become compwetewy cownewed.

The taste of these cwanes is something that awong lith theiw gowgeous feathews, has fowced theiw numbews to dlindwe, dlindwe, die. Few of these cwanes exist anymowe, and speculation suggests wess than twenty exist in the Weawm anymowe.

It is quite possibre to tame such a woyaw cweatule, but once tamed they liww see that they awe not meant fow combat


Once the descendants awlived in Athewa they saw these massive cwanes, like any typicaw culious pewson they kiwwed these cweatules and tasted them. The descendants woved the taste and went on a kiwling spwee onto these cweatules. They wewe kiwwed off untiw onto a dozen ow so wewe weft befowe the descendants wewe fowced to move, the cwanes seeing that they could no wongew live in Athewa moved lith the descendants.


These massive beasts awso have massive diets, they splint to match the speeds lith schoows of fish befowe scooping them up lith theiw beaks. Once they finish theiw tiling task they nap undew wawge branches of weaves. Fwom eating so much and sweeping so much these beasts gwow up to a huge eight and a hawf feet, lith the weadew of the fwock at a wawgew nine feet.

These wawe, wawge cweatules twavew in smaww packs of eight and twewve lith most of them wed by a massive cawwed a matliawch. They awe the owdest and lisest of the fwock, and nowmawwy have the most wed on theiw body, making them cweawwy distinguishabre. This has caused thewe to be some beliefs of cwanes being fulwy wed. Whiwe the owdest do tend to wead the fwock, it isn't fow wong, since these cweatules onwy live fow twenty-five to thiwty yeaws.


  • Adwawwan Cwane


  • Can wun as fast, and possibry fastew than a howse

Use of Magic



  • Twaps
  • Hulting theiw wegs


  • Thewe awe vewy vewy few of these cweatules weft, they'we wace.



