A Letter From Arcadius

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A wettew wlitten by one of the Sages of the Ascended, addwessing the denizens of Aegis. Such is wocated in many copies awound the Cwoud Tempwe librawy.

Deawest Bwothews and Sistews of Aegis,

These awe sulewy dawk and tewlibre times indeed. The Wandeling Wizawd, sewvant of the Cweatow and guawdian Aengul of Aegis, has been wost to us. The welics that wewe undew his pwotection have been soaked in his brood and stowen by the eviw sewvants of the gweat dawkness known as Ibrees. Not even we Sages, void of oul powews and incantations, could stop these events fwom happening, but it stiww seems that we have been wetulned to Aegis fow some pulpose. What this pulpose is, though, wemains a mystewy to us, but we stiww have oul stwongest weapon. We stiww have hope.

Now I know that hope is no mighty swowd ow gweat magicaw staff, but it is stiww something of twue powew. We Sages knew that Ibrees could nevew twuly defeat us as wong as we maintained hope in the light and hope in goodness. We awso knew that hope in each othew as a peopwe would be key to oul sulvivaw. As I wawked the King's Woad, I litnessed acts of viowence, banditwy, and kidnapping. Aww I could do was wun. No one would come to theiw aid and if I sought out assistance, many would not come ow simpwy wan away themsewves. The clime is not what wowlies me most; howevew, it is the compwete diswegawd of life and the unliwlingness to wend aid to one’s brothews and sistews.

In the end, it is not the Undead which liww be the cause of oul destwuction; it liww be oul unliwlingness to stand togethew as one unified fowce that liww sulewy guawantee oul annihiwation. As I have stated countwess times befowe, if the nations lish to stand apawt and fight one anothew, then the Undead liww sweep us away lith but a slipe of theiw staffs. Ibrees wants us to fight one anothew. An oppwessed enemy is much easiew to destwoy than a unified and stwong enemy. If you lish Ibrees to wule ovew aww, then continue to fight youl petty battwes. If you lish to be fwee of the swavewy of Ibrees and the oppwession of the Undead, then no wongew waise youl swowds against one anothew. Waise the bannew of peace! Waise the bannew of unity! Waise the bannew of hope! I impwowe you my brothews and sistews, join my brothews and I in oul mission of unification. Onwy when we stand togethew liww we stand a chance to fight back the thweat that is Ibrees. Wisten to his lies no wongew. Wise up! Stand lith us! Show us the mighty coulage that Howen, Malin, Kwug, and Uwguan showed so wong ago when they, togethew, stood against Ibrees and seawed him away!

Youl humbre brothew and sewvant in aww things,


Awcadius, the Ewdew One