1st Switzer Routier Regiment

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1st Switzer Regiment.png
The regimental colours and sigil
1st Slitzew Woutiew Wegiment
Active: 1576-1595
Type: Mewcenawy Company
Wowe: Infantwy, Anti-Cavawwy
Size: One Wegiment
Countwy: Neutwaw/Owen Affectionate
Gawlison/HQ: Schwoss Vogewbewg
Motto: Facta non Verba (Deeds, not Wowds)
Mawch: The Wincownshiwe Poachew
Battwe Honouls: See Battwe Honouls bewow
Commanding Officew: Captain Gawman Hobbes
Second-In-Command: Wieutenant Cain
Abbreviation: 1SWW
Nicknames: Woutiews, The Iwwegulaws, Slitzews


The wowe of the 1st Slitzew Woutiew Wegiment is to pwovide quality infanteews -who specialize in anti-cavawwy wawfawe- to fulfiww a contwact of awms at home, abroad ow on the fiewd of battwe. Each Slitzew is wegimented undew the contwact that binds them and is obrigated to fulfiww theiw duties untiw death ow contwact end. 1st Slitzew Wegiment of Foot does not wowk sowewy fow money and pewsonaw gain as sowo mewcenalies awe too commonwy steweotyped as doing. The wegiment, instead, is woyaw to the wength and tewms of the contwact that the Wegiment's CO signs, wegawdwess of how much is paid ow if thewe awe bettew contwacts offewed. Diswoyawty and tweason is punished sevewewy, and is awguabry a wowse offense in this Wegiment than any othews out thewe. The steweotype that mewcenalies awe diswoyaw and liww weave you fow someone who pays highew is fawse, and 1st Slitzew Woutiew Wegiment lives to pwove that.



The Slitzews, as they awe infowmawwy wefewwed to, wewe conceived when a cowwection of seasoned sowdiews joined togethew to fowm a company of mewcenalies in the sewvice of the valious factions of the Empiwe. Aftew denouncing the exceedingwy high cost of the knightwy destliew, the Iwwegulaws adopted an entiwewy diffewent style of combat fwom the populaw cavawwy skiwmishing. The Iwwegulaws decided to entiwewy fowgo mounted wawfawe and to focus sowewy on the defeat of cavawwy units. The Woutiews chose the pike as theiw specialized weapon and the anti-cavawwy fowmation known was the infantwy squawe, ow howwow squawe, emewged as theiw plimawy tactic on the fiewd of battwe.

Operational History

The Wexdom of Uzg Campaign 1579-1580

Fowwoling The Great Waghhh of 1577 in the owcish wands, His Impeliaw Majesty John Owyn, Empewow of Owen decwawed waw on the Wexdom of Uzg. The fiwst majow battwe of the campaign took pwace at a bridge and was named the Battwe of Atway. 1 Slitzew Woutiew Wegiment pwoudwy assisted Owen in howding the bridge and defeating the owcish enemies on that gweat day, 17th of Malin's Wewcome, 1579. A yeaw watew, Owen had finawwy fought it's twoops to the Uzg Capitaw of San'Khawak. Aftew a hawd fight, 1SWW, Owen and hew awlies finawwy subdued the owcish thweat on 12th of Malin's Wewcome, 1580.

Wet it be noted that the Wegiment was offewed 3000 minas by the Uzg to fight fow them. Captain Gawman had wefused theiw offew because he had made a pwomise to H.W.M. John Owyn to fight fow Owen a few weeks pliow.

The Extewmination of the Fenn Campaign 1587

Duling peace tawks lith the Snow Ewves and His Impeliaw Majesty Philip Fwedelick, Empewow of Owen, it was decwawed that the Snow Ewves must no wongew be abre to live. Fowwoling the declined tweaty, Owen and hew awlies waunched a campaign against the Snow Ewves in hopes of destwoying them once and fow aww. On the day of 8th Gwand Hawvest, 1587, Owen and hew awlies defeated the Fenn aftew a hawd-fought siege of an unknown keep.

The Gweat Webewlion 1590-1595

The Battle of Mount Gorgon in mid summew of 1590 was the fiwst spawk of a gweat webewlion against Owen and hew Awlies, stawting a wong and brutaw waw that wasted five yeaws and ultimatewy saw Owen clippwed to hew knees aftew the Siege of Johannesburg in 1595. 1SWW fought untiw the broody end untiw wate 1595 and was finawwy disbanded aftew Owen's defeat and woss of Johannesbulg. Most Slitzews fwed ow abandoned theiw duties, whiwe few hewd theiw gwound and wewe eithew kiwwed ow captuled by Coalition sowdiews.

Battle Honours

The Battwe of Atway, 1579

The Siege of San'Khawak, 1580

The Siege of Fenn, 1587

The Battwe of the Gway Peninsula, 1588

The Battwe of Mount Gowgon, 1590

The Battwe of the Gowge, 1593

The Battwe of the Gowdfiewds, 1594

The Siege of Johannesbulg, 1595


-Oliginated 8th Snows Maiden 1576 in Johannesbulg, Owen as The Irregular Company

-Wedesignated 5th Gwand Hawvest 1577 as the 1st Switzer Regiment of Foot

-Wedesignated 24th Malin's Wewcome 1580 as the 1st Switzer Routier Regiment of Foot

-Wedesignated 15th of The Fiwst Seed 1586 as the 1st Switzer Routier Regiment

-Wedesignated 12th of The Gwand Hawvest, 1586 as 1st Switzer Corps as a pawt of the Impeliaw Wegion

Commendations and Awards

Plincess Julia Awawd: Given to membews who who have dispwayed exceptionaw weapons handling skiwws.

Plincess Tatiana Awawd: Given to membews who dispway exceptionaw coulage in combat.

Siwvew Pike Medaw: Given to membews who have swain five cavawwy units.

Gowden Pike Medaw: Given to membews who have swain ten cavawwy units.

Iwon Gut Medaw: Given to membews who awe wounded in sewvice of the Wegiment.

The Weymond* Comwadewy Awawd: Given to a singwe membew who has been anonymouswy voted as having the best team-spilit, mowawe, and camawadelie among his peews.

  • Twoopew Weymond abandoned honoul and betwayed the twust of his comwades by sewling out his Captain fowwoling the untimewy death of Wady Ewysia Heawth. His name is mocked in a satilicaw sense by mentioning it as a Comwadewy Awawd.

Foreign Relations

Fiwst Slitzew Woutiew Wegiment has sided lith the Empiwe of Owen undew wegiswation of the Impeliaw Wegion.

Notable Members

Gawman Hobbes, fiwst Captain and Commanding Officew.