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Taliame'onn Seed
elf sigil.png
Countries :
Irrinor Coat of Arms.png The Forest Realm of Irrinor
elf sigil.png Amaethea Vikeliancrest.pngVikela
Cheiftian: Ehrendil Taliame'onn
Language : Tiva, Elven, Common
Heir: Raell Taliame'onn
Preceded by: Norland-Oren War (22 S.A.)
Succeeded by:

Orgin & History

A Taliame’onn sees everything as a canvas waiting to be decorated, including every inch of their bodies. From a very young age, children are taught to utilize berries, insects and flowers to create colorful pigments to paint themselves as well as the walls of their homes, boulders, trees, caves and household objects with flamboyant and beautiful artworks.



Those who are Taliame’onn by blood are paler than other Irrinites, the tone of their skin beginning with a lighter shade of brown, although carrying the ability to become tanner over time. The Taliame’onn are short for even Mali’ame, never growing to pass 5’6. The females average at 5’0, and the males average at 5’3. Hair color falls in a darker side of the spectrum of brown to the occasional black, with texture typically ranging from a light waviness, to the common Taliame’onn curls. Green eyes are most common, however tones of brown and hazel are known to be possible.

As mentioned before, members of this Seed are easily and immediately recognized by their colorful attire, usage of Tiva, bodypaint and makeup.

They are also equally as driven for self-beauty. Some are often seen as perfectionists for their own image, spending an incredible amount of time on their hygiene and the use of cosmetic products. Many of the seed wear bright makeup, spend time on fancy hairstyles, and seek the most flattering outfits.