War:Almaris Coalition War

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The War of dwarven grudges


Date: 82 S.A - Present
Place: Grand Kingdom of Urguan Rexdom of Krugmar,
Result: TBD
The Horde and Allies:
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Iron'Uzg
helf.png Haelun'or
Urguan and Allies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Lubba.png Sliver Lubba Band
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Rex of The Horde Ar-Borok Akaal
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Dominus of The Horde Ixula'Akaal
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Targoth Zahgorim
Urguan Emblem.png The Grand King, Bakir Ireheart
Lubba.png The Sliver Lubba, Mika Uialben

The Horde v Urguan War also known as the War of dwarven grudges is a large-scale conflict between the Horde and the Dwarves of Urguan. The conflict started when a band of orcs raided the dwarven capital of Urguan.

(Note: this section of the wiki is still being worked on, please be patient and take everything here with a grain of salt)


During the early hours of The Amber Cold, 82 S.A. A Drawf went to the capital of the Horde, Krugmar, and, challenged an Olog to an Honor Fight however he was defeated, word of this quickly spread and was twisted and turned into that "A group of orcs march on the capital of Urguan and kill a few drawers," in response the Dwarves of Urguan, along with their vassals, and select members from Malin'or march on the orcish capital of Krugmar. In the rally of dwarves was the Grand King of Urguan and Prince Royarc of Elvenesse. Waiting for them at the gates of Krugmar was the Targoth of the Horde, Zahgorim, and, the Dominus of The Horde Ixula'Akaal. At first, the Orcs agreed to the demands of removing all Azdrazi from The Horde, Paying 11,000 mina, and, handing over the orcs who killed the dwarves. The orcs were promptly handed over to the dwarves for execution. However soon the orcs said they were unable to pay the 11,000 mina leading The Grand King Bakir Ireheart is declare war upon The Horde charging into a fight with the Targoth and Dominus of the Horde.

(Note: this section of the wiki is still being worked on, please be patient and take everything here with a grain of salt)

Skirmishes, Battles, and Sieges

  • 6th of Amber Cold, 82 S.A. - The Charge of Iron - Stalemate

(Note: this section of the wiki is still being worked on, please be patient and take everything here with a grain of salt)


  • 82nd year of the Second Age
    • A Drawf went to the capital of the Horde, Krugmar, and, challenged an Olog to an Honor Fight however he was defeated, word of this quickly spread and was twisted and turned into that "A group of orcs march on the capital of Urguan and kill a few drawers"
    • In response to having their "citizens killed", the Dwarves of Urguan march with their allies march to the Krugmar capital, making several demands, when the orcs agree to all demands but then refuse to pay them their 11,000 agreed upon, the dwarves charge the capital, sparking The Charge of Iron, the orcs were quick to close their gates on the 2,700 dwarves, preventing any real bloodshed, none the less it was here where the Grand King of Urguan declared war.
    • Talks started between both sides in hope of avoiding a full-out war.

(Note: this section of the wiki is still being worked on, please be patient and take everything here with a grain of salt)