Winged Screamer

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Screenshot from Dark Souls I
Area: Mountains and Coastlines
Diet:: Omnivores
Size: Large
Hostility: Passive unless provoked
Tameable?: Untameable
Note: This creature can only be played by Event Team members.

The hatred o' the Raevir kingdom personified into one big son of a b****. -Adeon of Rhoswen, Marked Man

A massive Raven. The reason for it’s mutation is unknown. Perhaps exposure to mana, or simple adjustment to the wildlife within Anthos. Much like all ravens, the creature is a Near Black, Dark Blue. It’s Beak and Talons a jet black. The creatures typically stand at 10 feet with a wing span exceeding 12 feet.

This beast has gigantic talons which have been rumored to tear iron with ease, the sizable foe will not attack any unprovoked. Much attaining the characteristics of the common raven, it has kleptomaniac tendencies and will amass like hoards of 'shiny objects' to appease itself. Otherwise these creatures are strange abnormal creatures from Anthos, nests have been rumored to be spread throughout the Isles of Axios, collectors taking young kin of these creatures and cultivating them for exotic sales.

This creature normally feeds off cattle and stray adventurers, quite similar to the griffon. Otherwise it does not have any magical abilities apart from its size and the feathers of the creature have been rumored to have some strange alchemical properties. If these rumors are false, the feathers of the Krummavisur are used to mark a veteran hunter. Those who can survive these creatures are capable of most feats of hunting and logic.

The 'winged screamer' term is coined because of its distinct, shrill call. A deafening screech which can disable and disorientate predators and prey near its nest, it is used offensively by the creature to attack through the madness. The horror of the creature lies in its scream more than its formidable physical form.