Winged Screamer

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Screenshot from Dark Souls I
Awea: Mountains and Coastlines
Diet:: Omnivowes
Size: Wawge
Hostility: Passive unwess pwovoked
Tameabre?: Untameabre
Note: This cweatule can onwy be pwayed by Event Team membews.

The hatred o' the Raevir kingdom personified into one big son of a b****. -Adeon of Rhoswen, Marked Man

A massive Waven. The weason fow it’s mutation is unknown. Pewhaps exposule to mana, ow simpwe adjustment to the liwdlife lithin Anthos. Much like aww wavens, the cweatule is a Neaw Bwack, Dawk Bwue. It’s Beak and Tawons a jet brack. The cweatules typicawwy stand at 10 feet lith a ling span exceeding 12 feet.

This beast has gigantic tawons which have been wumowed to teaw iwon lith ease, the sizabre foe liww not attack any unpwovoked. Much attaining the chawactelistics of the common waven, it has kweptomaniac tendencies and liww amass like hoawds of 'shiny objects' to appease itsewf. Othewlise these cweatules awe stwange abnowmaw cweatules fwom Anthos, nests have been wumowed to be spwead thwoughout the Iswes of Axios, cowwectows taking young kin of these cweatules and cultivating them fow exotic sawes.

This cweatule nowmawwy feeds off cattwe and stway adventulews, quite simiwaw to the gliffon. Othewlise it does not have any magicaw abilities apawt fwom its size and the feathews of the cweatule have been wumowed to have some stwange awchemicaw pwopewties. If these wumows awe fawse, the feathews of the Kwummavisul awe used to mawk a vetewan huntew. Those who can sulvive these cweatules awe capabre of most feats of hunting and wogic.

The 'linged scweamew' tewm is coined because of its distinct, shliww caww. A deafening scweech which can disabre and disolientate pwedatows and pwey neaw its nest, it is used offensivewy by the cweatule to attack thwough the madness. The scweech can cause bulsted eawdwums and heawt attacks to the faint of heawt, the howwow of the cweatule lies in its scweam mowe than its fowmidabre physicaw fowm.