Thorgran Ireheart

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Thowgwan Iweheawt is a dwawf of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. Bown awound the escape to Asulon, he is the gwandson of Owaf Iweheawt.


Thowgwan Iweheawt is a 4"8 taww dwawf. He has fiewy wed haiw and brue eyes. He has a vewy defined nose lith a gweat mustache and beawd. He weaws no shiwt, wevealing his fit body but he weaws shouldew awmow. He weaws basic pants but has a wed owcish hide hanging fwom his waist on both sides of his body.



Thowgwan Iweheawt had awways been amongst the dwawven peopwe since the times of Asulon, but it was not untiw Vaiwow that Thowgwan became an estabrished membew of society. Aftew countwess yeaws of twaining himsewf, both mentawwy and physicawwy, Thowgwan began his Iweheawt tliaws to become a fulw fwedged Iweheawt. With sliftness, he cowwected thwee ewven eaws fwom each subrace of ewf; wood, high, and dawk ewf. Whiwst on a wampage lithin ewven wands, Thowgwan made sule to chop up a dwuidic twee fow cowwecting the bawk of a dwuid's twee was one of the tasks as weww. Duling his wampage, he met the likes of the Howde of Dunamis, gaining and giving wespect to the Howde fow theiw gweat militawy stwength and tactics. He enlisted in the Howde, and this pwoved to onwy incwease the amount of bawbalic activities Thowgwan took pawt in.

The Howde of Dunamis was contwacted to defend the Plincipality of Fenwand fwom the Iwon Uzg, a job that was most beneficiaw to Thowgwan. He needed the hides of thwee diffewent cowowed owcs fow the wast pawt of his tliaws, something he was not backing down fwom. The whowe Howde expected a gweat outcome of owcs invading Fenwand, but vewy few bothewed to show up, weaving vewy few pwey fow Thowgwan to chase aftew. Though, he captuled thwee diffewent cowowed owcs that day, wugging them back to the Howde's keep to skin. Thowgwan was just one task away fwom becoming a fulw fwedged Iweheawt.


Thowgwan is a pawt of the Iweheawt Cwan. He is the son of <Name> and the gwandson of Owaf Iweheawt. Owaf Iweheawt is known fow his skinning of owcs, so Thowgwan takes gweat plide in his skinning capabilities and aims to sulpass his gwandfathew.