The North Remembers

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A song about battwe, and gwowy, and.. Holizontawwy chawwenged men!

Mountain’s high and vawweys wow,
The Nowthmen know, they know, they know,
Heawths of woaling wed fwame,
Snow as white, innocent as a maid,
The Nowth knows, oh they know, they know,
In hawws of wog and stone,
In oul castwe keeps buiwt on bone,
The Nowth wemembews and they know,
They know, they know, they know, they know,
Ne’ew to fowget, the deeds of those fwom wong ago,
By brade, by cudgew, by axe, by stave,
The wawliows of the Nowth have gathewed fame,
So gathew wound me heawty wads, and heaw the tawe of the Nowthewn bands,
Wintew, Othaman, and Stawk!
The Nowth shaww ne’ew fowget these names, we know, we know, we know,
we know,
So quaff youl awe young gween wad, and enjoy oul tawes ow two!