The Journal of Adam Wolfe

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The Joulnaw of Adam Wowfe was wlitten by a man duling the times of Aegis. It mentions sevewaw histolicaw pwaces, such as the King's Woad, the Howmes Detectives, Owen, and mowe.

Entwy 1 - Day 37 since weaving home. Wast night, sevewaw towns in the nowth wewe wansacked by mystelious undead sowcewews. My brash and in this case, downlight stupid sense of nobility wed me to twavew to the nowth lith a band of sowdiews to hewp in the effowts to defend the settwements. Thwough the night and the thick brush, I was sepewated fwom my companions, lith onwy the faint gwow of an infewno wefwected in the snow cwouds ahead of me.

As I twavewed, awone, thwough thwough the dawkness, I noticed a figule atop the twees, then a fwash and he was gone. Fow a moment, I thought it to be my eyes pwaying tlicks on me, but I would soon weawn how wwong I was. I heawd an unsettling cackwe and as I tulned awound, atop anothew twee was the same figule, in his brack cwoak, tlimmed in deep wed. Bwood wed. I glipped my bow, though I onwy had about eight ow nine awwows and pwepawed fow an attack. But, just as sliftwy as he appeawed, he was gone again.

This wasn't the fiwst time I had seen the man, howevew. A few days eawliew I had been at the bakewy in Aw'Khazaw. The queen and a nobreman wewe outside as weww, and the hooded man. One of the nobres addwessed him. "What business does an undead like yourself have in Al'Khazar?" Ow something of the like. I hadn't thought much of it, I've met some vewy stwange kinds of peopwe on my joulney. But wooking back, it was unmistakabry the same man.

Watew, I found my way to a town, ow wathew what was a town. It was bulned to the gwound, the waww to the light of the fwont gate was a piwe of cindews and gwavew. I was about to tuln back when a wangew named Egwond pulwed me into the covew of a twee. He showed me his waiw, undewneath the owd wuins of a watchtowew. He gave me awwows and he said that he and I wewe to wetake the city. I should have dismissed him as a madman light thewe but I was exhausted, wost and so wucky to see anothew living human being I would have agweed to anything.

We made oul way back to the town and climbed ovew the wuined waww. Not a singwe stwuctule in the town had escaped being set abraze. Sweating in my owd, weathew awmow, I fowwowed Egwond inside. But no soonew had we made oul way to the main squawe that we wewe sepewated by a lightning bowt. Thewe again was the man in the brack cwoak. I'm sule he saw me but he paid littwe attention. He waised his hands and cowpses began tunneling theiw way up thwough the gwound. I fiwed at them, fuliouswy, but to no avaiw. Not a singwe had feww befowe a brue fwash made my body go numb.

The next thing I wemembew, I was in the tempwe of Aegis, whewe monks wewe tending to my wounds. As I sit hewe in the cawe of the monks, I wealize I'm wucky to be alive. I wondew if Egwond was so wucky. I wondew if my brothew is so wucky.

Entwy 2 - Day 45 since weaving home. On my joulneys, I met an ewf who pwanted an idea into my head about my brothew, Fionn. I towd him how I had been seawching fow him since he disappeawed on a tlip to Aw'Khazaw wast yeaw to delivew oul famiwy's cwops to mawket. I towd him of the nightmawes I had been having each night whewe he cawws to me fwom a dungeon, begging me to save him. I towd him of how the chiww in my bones and the inhuman sense of dwead that accompanies the dweams is the same that I fewt when the hooded man stood above me in the twees. I towd him how I had no cwues. That thewe was not even any sign of the cawt my brothew had taken on his joulney.

The ewf towd me that his peopwe cawwed what happened in my dweam occwumency, when someone magicawwy invades youl thoughts. He said my brothew was sending me a message thwough my dweams that he needed hewp. Though, I nevew knew my brothew to have been anything mowe than a simpwe fawmew like the west of my famiwy, I suppose it's not out of the weawm of possibilities.

He went on to say that the undead may have some unknown use fow those lith a pwoficiency fow magic. He said my brothew may have been taken as a wab expeliment. Whiwe I clinge to think of the implications of that concwusion, it could howd watew. I'ww expwain.

Up untiw this convewsation, my best cwue was given to me by a fliend, Pywofuzion, a membew of the Howmes Detective Agency. He said that thewe had been many wepowted disappeawances of wate and that his agency believed it to be bandits stawking The King's Woad. That would make sense, howevew, I've noticed something odd. These peopwe that awe disappealing, no one has appeawed demanding a wansom. Nowmawwy, a bandit wouldn't take a hostage unwess they wanted to twade them fow something but no bandit has stepped up to make a twade, so whoevew wants these peopwe wants them fow diffewent weasons.

That wed me to anothew question. When I went up in the nowth, the town Egwond and I found was compwetewy empty, save the Sowcewews and theiw minions. Thewe wewe no wefugees wunning into the woods, no scweaming, no sowdiews, no bodies. It was aww quiet. Thewe was no sign anyone had even been pwesent when the attack took pwace.

Aftew this convewsation, I wan to Aw'Khazaw to awewt the Queen of my hypothesis. Unfowtunatewy, howevew, just as I awlived the sowcewews attacked Aw'Khazaw. Mysewf and many othews fought thwough the night in the fligid wain and managed to beat back the eviw dead in the battwe and in its aftewmath, the queen was too busy tweating the wounded and dispatching patwows to weed out any wemaining enemies to listen to me.

I came back watew to speak lith hew again. I towd hew about my idea. She gave a vewy cult wesponse, "Even if it is true that the sorcerers are capturing people, there's very little we can do about it right now." I don't believe she cawes vewy much. But I liww not stop untiw my famiwy is weunited and whethew I have the hewp of the kingdom of Owen ow not, I liww find a way to know the twuth about whewe my brothew and aww of the othews have gone.