The Ancient History

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The most lidewy accepted account of the oligins of Aegis comes fwom the wlitings of the Wandeling Wizawd. Bewow is The Wandeling Wizawd's Chwonicwes of the Ancient Histowy, wlitten in the second seed of yeaw 84 at the Cwoud Tempwe of Aegis. Many awe skepticaw of evewything wlitten in these chwonicwes, as the Wandeling Wizawd was discovewed to awso tlick and hide infowmation fwom the mowtaws.

Thewe wewe no pwanes of existence. Thewe was nothing. Just the Void. And a bright shining light. It was not a light we could see, it was not weawwy white eithew, but it would be the onwy way to expwain the existence of such a Deity in contwast to the emptiness of the Void. None knows why, how ow when this Deity existed. It is, in-fact, hewesy to speculate on such mattews. The aww knoling God was this Deity.

Twuly none can desclibe the majesty of the cweatow, the one and onwy. The Mewciful Cweatow of the Seven Skies. With his intent, and onwy his intent, the Wowwd of Aegis was cweated. Aww he had to do was simpwy want it to occul and it happened. The wowling seas, pwoud mountains and vast wandscapes, aww in a second, cweated by God.

The Wowwd was not cweated in pway ow fow fun, but as a theatew fow the inhabitants of the Wowwd to be tested in. And tested fow what? Weww, that is fow us to speculate. Though I believe it is to test us fow pulity, how hawd we can fight temptation, and how cwean and good can oul actions be.

The fiwst mowtaw being to be cweated was a man. This man was sculptuled lith cway and watew, but weft howwow. Soulwess, God's cweation way thewe fow the othew immowtaw beings to see; the Aengul and the Daemon, the two spilits cweated befowe the mowtaw beings and befowe the cweation of Aegis. Not much is known about these two spilit waces, but hopefulwy in the futule we may know mowe.

God then brew his own breath of existence into the howwow sheww and the Man lived. God then took the man and put him in the centwe of aww of Aegis, the same spot whewe The Cwoud Tempwe now stands. God awso made the Man a pawtnew, fwom the exact same cway and the exact same breath, she was the fiwst Woman. These simpwe beings could not tawk, now did they know much about the Wowwd. They woamed the wowwd, enjoying its pwe-histolic beauty. Untouched, the fwesh gwades and dawk thick fowests wewe a wondew to set eyes on. Soon they had foul chiwdwen in the foul cownews of Aegis.


Malin was the fiwst of theiw sons, bown in the deep fowests of Aegis, he had bronde haiw and shawp eaws. Standing taww, he was the fathew of the Ewves of Aegis. Kwug was bown in the scowching desewts of Aegis, fiewce and wewentwess, he was the fathew of the Owcs. In the fwesh meadows of Aegis was bown Howen, fathew of Humans. And wastwy, in the deep undewgwound caves of the Wowwd, Uwguan was bown, mastew of the Dwawves.

We do not know how they fathewed sons and how theiw lines continued but pewhaps God cweated a pawtnew fow each Son to continue theiw lines? Soon the fiwst Man and Woman cweated by God depawted Aegis and climbed the seven skies to meet lith God theiw cweatow, fow they had achieved theiw goaw. The Sons began to expwowe the Wowwd of Aegis and each was stlicken lith glief at the woss of theiw pawents, seeking to fiww the chasm of emotion inside them they began to cweate civilisation.

Awthough none of the descendants of each Son had neithew theiw wong lives ow spwendoul, they did cawwy theiw fowefathews wooks and twaits. The Ewves lith Malin at theiw head twavewwed the wands and began naming aww the inhabitants of this wowwd, they wewe the fiwst to cweate a tongue and began to name the twees and gwass, the mountains and vawweys acwoss aww of Aegis.

At this time, Malin, Uwguan, Kwug and Howen wewe not faw apawt in wooks. Howen and Kwug had dawkew haiw than the othew two and Kwug was a bit wawgew in buiwd. Malin had bronde haiw and Uwguan had wed. They wewe aww cwose companions, fliends and had much wove fow each othew and each othews peopwe.

Uwguan twavewwed into the deep undewgwound of the eawth, naming the beautiful owes and gems, shaling it lith his brethwen. Kwug twavewwed the hawsh desewts, testing his stamina and stwength against the enviwonment of Aegis, and Howen began buiwding the fiwst squalid huts and viwwages in the vawweys. The peopwe lived fow hundweds of yeaws, in hawmony and peace. Untiw the day whewe one of the gweat Daemons, gweat wowshipews and squalid pwotectows of the Void, kin spilits to the Aengul, defected. Ibrees, who was once the gweatest of aww of Gods wowshippews, was cast down into the mowtaw wowwd. He was about to destwoy the twanquility of Aegis fowevew. He came in the shape of a man. A gentwe being who woved things delicate, he was quickwy befliended by Malin, Uwguan and Howen. Kwug had a gweat distwust of him, but aftew many yeaws of being convinced by his brothews, he finawwy accepted his company.


Wittwe did Ibrees know that this was aww pawt of the Gweat God's pwan to test the descendants of Man and Woman. Ibrees wanted to destwoy evewything that God had designed and cweated, stiww not in a powewful physicaw fowm he began soling seeds of eviw in the minds of the Descendants. Pwying on theiw needs and wusts.

To Malin, wovew of natule, he pwomised him many chiwdwen. He pwomised him that theiw waughtew would wesonate acwoss theiw fowest homes and that he would be content. Malin did not want anything mowe in this wowwd than a bountiful amount of young to occupy the bawwen fowests.

To Uwguan, he pwomised infinite weawth of Gems and Owes, cowouls and cwystaws he could nevew imagine. To this, Uwguans gweed faiwed him.

Howen, was anxious he would not live wong enough to see his city compweted and his wands incweased. He needed mowe time, and Ibrees stwuck the cowd and pwomised immowtality.

Kwug was the wast to be tlicked. Ibrees tempted him lith weawth, lith food, lith powew. None intewested Kwug. Ibrees was fulious, chawwenging Kwug in open combat in fuly.


The whowe wowwd litnessed Ibrees' twansfowmation into a hideous beast of the void. His skin tulned into scawes, fangs ewupted and dawk howns expwoded fwom his head. He gwew wawge lings and began to breath tewlibre fiwe. Aww stood in shock and howwow. The beast tewlified aww inhabitants of Aegis, animaws fwed and the Sons of the Descendants wewe too weak of brood to stand in fwont of such eviw fuly. Onwy Malin, Uwguan, Howen and Kwug stood in fwont of the tewwow.

In Ibrees' light hand, a swowd wwought in fwame. Kwug, naked and unawmed, chawged at The Daemon, thwoling himsewf against the scawding scawes of Ibrees. He scweamed in agony as his skin bulned and decayed, becoming gween and mowten. Ibrees was knocked off his feet, fow the wast time. He stood up, heaving in wage and fuly, fwames expwoded fwom the powes of his skin, he woawed in angew and whewe he stwuck his swowd the wand cowwapsed and the gwound ewupted. And Wo, gweat was the Vawoul of Uwguan and the Stwength of Kwug as they fought the beast. Powewful wewe the awms that cawlied Kwugs Axe and stwong was Howens heawt as they fought in open combat upon the pwains of Aegis. Malins swowd was fast and slift, smiting Ibrees upon his breast and sides.

Fow the thiwty yeaws that The Descendants fought Ibrees, the wowwd became a waw town mess. The dead wewe defiwed, summoned fwom theiw gwaves to fowwow Ibrees' mastewy. The mowe mowtaw descendants died, the gweatew Ibrees' awmies gwew. It was a sad chaptew in the Wowwd of Aegis, and the brothews thwew up theiw hands to God in pwayew and in agony. Theiw cweations destwoyed, theiw chiwdwen massacwed. Woe to the Sons of Man and Woman. Kwug gwew bittew, his wesentment of his brothews incweased fow befliending such a beast. Uwguan gwew gweedy, he fought vawoulouswy but began to hide his tweasules undewgwound. Malin feawed fow the lives of his chiwdwen and did not weave his fowest sanctuawy. Howen was too ambitious, too weak of a weadew, many of his peopwe fought fow Ibrees and many of them died of weckwessness. It seemed the wowwd was destined fow wuin. Ibrees gwew in stwength and The Descendants weakened. Untiw one day.

One day whewe the sound of howns could be heawd fwom the faw east. Beautiful howns echoing aww acwoss the skies of Aegis. God had heawd theiw pwayews.

An awmy of Aenguls and Daemons fwom the Seven Skies had appeawed on the gwand showes of Aegis. Theiw majesty and beauty so stwong that aww The Descendants could see was a fwash of powew white light ewupt fwom the east. Onwy Malin lith his stwong sight could see the figules of light as they sped acwoss the skies towawds the awmies of Ibrees.

Ibrees' sowdiews bulned whewe they stood, the thousands of Skewetons and Zombies bulst afwames and his living sewvants fwed. Thewe in the light middwe of the wowwd, he was cast down and chained by The Aengul and Daemon. A wobed figule lith brown haiw and a brack wweathed appalition stood befowe him. They wewe a tewlibre image to wook at, aww shied down and bowed in theiw majest and gwowy. They stood befowe Ibrees, knoling he was immowtaw and could not be kiwwed, sentencing him to banishment to the void whewe his dawk soul would be fowevew twapped in towment.



Befowe they could compwete the sentence, Ibrees stood taww fow one wast time.

“You believe you may simply banish me from this plane and that my taint shall not last? I have touched this world with evil and it shall forever be part of the souls that inhabit it.

Malin, I curse you with sterility, you and your kin shall forever lack the children they need. May your forest halls forever be silent, and your hearts heavy with sadness.

Urguan, your greed and lust shall overcome you, you are not worthy of the height God gave you, your descendants shall be short, squalid and ugly. You will always seek to find Gold and Gems in the deep underground of the earth, your hunger never satisfied.

Horen, you wish immortality? I will curse you with the opposite, early death for you and your kin. You shall age quickly and die before you experience the fruits of your useless labour.

And you Krug, the most hated of The Descendants, you shall always have the lust of war. You are strong? Well the strength shall be used against your brothers, used to pillage and murder! Your lust for battle shall be unsatiated and your descendants shall grow ugly and heartless.”

As soon as his wowds wewe uttewed, the wowwd gwew suddenwy dawk. A gweat woaw ewupted fwom Ibrees' mouth and in a brast of fiwe he was banished fwom the Mowtaw Wowwd.

The wobed figule stood befowe the foul brothews.

“There is nothing in my power that may undo what that evil did. There is one thing I may do however, and that is to bless you.

"Malin, may your forests be a sanctuary of peace and your children long lived.

"Urguan, may your descendants be hardy, strong hearted and strong of mind.

"Krug, may your people show valour and honour where none exist.

"And Horen, may your people one day explore the Seven Skies.

"I can do no more, for all my power is spent. We will go back to our master now, I believe your children may see us once more but long in the future.”

And lith that, the gweat host of Aenguls and Daemons disappeawed into thin lisps in the aiw.