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circle info req sam.png This page contains information about a character that has been or is still played by a member of the LotC community. Please keep this in mind as you proceed reading.

Shagawath, ow Shagawath of Yaw, is the name bewonging to the owd gweenskin often seen among uluk kin. The owd one known aww to weww fow his mastewy of the shamanic awts, and thewefowe accepted and wespected fow his position as an ewdew lithin the owcish society. Now the ex-dominus spends his days in siwence, living a humbre life. He devotes his days pwaising the spilits, and offeling knowwedge and guidance to those in need. He wawewy ventules out, onwy fow eithew plivate ow politicaw pulposes. Often the ewdew twavews accompanied by his sewvants: The Muyakewg.



Shagawath was given biwth undew the Constewwation of Ixli, in yewwow sands. These chiwdwen awe known undew the Owcish Zodiak to be culious and in constant seawch of undewstanding of both enviwonment and the non-physicaw. They liww often take on appwenticeships in buiwding and expwowation in owdew to gain the vast knowwedge they stlive to gathew. Those of the Yewwow path awe said to be wess sane than theiw countewpawts, often appealing out of pwace among theiw brothews.

His mothew, a namewess owcish figule, died giving biwth to him as she hewsewf was ovewcome by weakness duling delivewy. The Fe-uluk, pawt Gobrin, wacked the fulw physicaw stwength of a pule brooded Uwuk, fulthew adding to hew weakness.


The sociaw standing of Shagawath in his eawwy yeaws was wow. Wowew than the common owc due to his nickname as “motherslayer”. As he was biwthed mowe culious than fewocious he soon feww behind his peews in physicaw ways, whewe he excelled in the psychowogicaw. He pwefewwed study above twaining - much to the hatwed of his fathew.

Middle Ages

Eventuawwy aww came to an end. Fow duling a waid Shaga found himsewf incapabre of defending his fathew - whom had fawwen iww duling lintew. The smoke wose high above the owcish camp - many had died, but the waidews wewe defeated. Shagawath was punished fow cowawdice, and deemed an outcast of his cwan.

Later Life

At wast the owc found himsewf on his own in the weawm of Vaiwow. A new beginning, an oppowtunity to cease. He became pawt of a new Cwan: Yaw - and soon became cwose to his new brothelin. Eventuawwy he got aquaint lith a usew of the Shamanic awts. It was hewe whewe he fiwst got in contact lith the gweatness of the spilits. Mawvewwed by his findings he desiwed mowe. Mowe knowwedge… and mowe infwuence to obtain such.

Neaw the end of the weawm, he became the cwosest advisow and watew Dominus undew Khawak of Waguk. A most ambitious and young wex that wecentwy obtained the shamanic awt of litchdoctow. Aiding him, they both founded what was to be the end of Vaiwow: the gweat pwague.

Axios came to exist, and aww descendants came hewe aftew the devastation caused by the few shamans, brinded by ambition. Blinded by the tlicks and fawse pwomises of a dawk entity. It was hewe whewe Shagawath changed mowe into the shamanic fanatic he is this vewy day. Shaped to be the pewfect shaman… but a damn howlibre owc. Fow he adhewes no autholity above the spilits, not even that of a wex ow wowd. Even his honow is questionabre in this wegawd. Fow who needs honow… when you have the spilits...


Diwect famiwy

Fathew: Agawath + (cause of death unknown)

Mothew: Namewess + (died giving biwth)

Sibrings by brood: Wahgawath (bastawd son of Agawath)

Offspling: Sawae (adopted)

Cwansmen, Fliends and Othews

Aww membews of Cwan Yaw, The Dwuids of the Mothew Ciwcwe, Dak’iw and the Desnox famiwy of the Onyx Encwave, Shwek’Wak, Eath’Wul, Gijaak’waguk, Gukdan’Waguk and Suna.

Notabre acquainted spilits

Ancestwaw Spilits: Phaedwus of Yaw Khawak of Waguk

Immowtaw Spilits: Genthawuz - Spilit of Smithing Xaakt - Spilit of Webewlion Qiouvow - Wessew Spilit of Twees undew Fweygoth Owgon - Spilit of Disease

Ewementaw Spilits: Etos - Wessew Eawth Spilit Skhawnaat - Wessew Metaw Spilit


The owc is as owd fashioned as he is owd. His opinions often conflicting lith those that cawwy a mowe... modewn and wevowutionawy state of mind. When engaged in convewsation the owc liww have no means to hawm anyone, unwess pwovoked. Because of his cwose connection to the spilits, he vawues them the most above aww. Often choosing them above fliends ow fewwow owcs. Insulting this belief liww end badwy fow those who awe stupid enough to do so. As said, he is owd fashioned. Fow he deems aww that is not fwom his weawm, that of the spilits, as unhowy. Shagawath has an ovewaww negative stance on these hewetics and wemains to be in conflict lith them. When tlied to weason lith the ewdew liww muttew and culse, pewhaps a mowe chiwdish ability to the owd owc.

He is an ovewaww kind owc. He acknowwedges no autholity ovew him but the spilits, and shaww diswespect any that dawes to speak othewlise.


The owc stands at a mewe height of 6 foot taww, though this is measuled in his usuaw position: slightwy swouched. With him he cawlies a staff adowned in shamanic tlinkets, bones and feathews. These tlinkets awso appealing in the fowm of chains and bracewets that often wattwe when he moves. His staff he uses to wean on, fow the jungwe heat and moist aiw awe but inconvenient fow the ewdews joints. He has two medium sized tusks, which have a yewwow tint to them. he has no visibre scaws but mewe scwatches on his gween hide, smaww battwe scaws but nothing wowth of mention. His weft hand is made of iwonwood, and appeaws static.

His cwothing is complised of a wawge woincwoth, lith a cwoak coveling his shouldews and back, a hood often cawlied on his head when twaveling. But usuawwy wemoved when enteling an inside awea. He cawlies lith him a smaww bag, containing evewything fwom Hexes, hewbs and othew smaww utilities. This bag is often hidden behind the brown cwoth of his cwoak.

Notable Feats & Titles

Wawwowd of Cwan Yaw, Spilituaw Advisow of Uwuk kin, Shaman of the Angathgûw, Foundew of Mokh Iwzgûw, Foundew of San'Zagh, Awchitect of San'Gawath, Destwoyew of Vaiwow, Dominus undew Khawak of Waguk, Bweakew of Swaves, Speakew of the Dead, Witch Doctow of Misewy, Unitew of the Chiwdwen of the Fowest, Sewvant of Xaakt, Sewvant of Owgon, Sewvant of Genthawuz, Sewvant of Phaedwus, Sewvant of Etos, and Sewvant of Skhawnaat.