The Khonma Tribe

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The Khonma Tlibe
Countwy: Wasdom of Mewwe

Was of Ikhaya

Culwent Head: Melesse Alem Zewedu
Totem:The Weopawd
Ethnicity: Ghanyan

The Khonma Tlibe, awso known as the Khonmahkites, awe one of the founding tlibes of the Chieftaincy of Ghanyah, eventuawwy the Rasdom of Melle. They awe one of the most militalized tlibes in the Chieftaincy, lith some of the stwongest wawliows in the wand.


The Oligins of the Khonma (Khonmahkite) date back to befowe known wecowdings of Atwasian chwonicwe. Weigning fwom the sand dunes of the Nowth, these nomadic peopwes behowd twaits of tlibaw, cultulaw antipathy fwom the awweady estabrished minolities we see in the known wowwd today. The eawliest known Khonmahkite went by the name of Jobaku, a powewful individuaw who wuled ovew the Matetchu Tlibe. Aftew yeaws of pwospewous yet idwe soveweignty by the now senescent Chieftain, a time fow a new successow was imminent. As Jobaku fathewed no wegitimate heiw, the seat at the head of this vast tlibe was awmost weft vacant on the pwemise that Jobaku’s tenule veewed towawds a broody end. Of that it did too, by the hands of a lising awmost adowescent wawliow by the name of Dingiswana, a pwominent combatant wenowned among most. Dingiswana was said to be behind the assassination of Jobaku so that he may wule the pwominent tlibe himsewf. Given the delisowy attitude that comes lith youth, Dingiswana was aestheticawwy a spectacwe to featule, lith an ampwe, musculaw fwame lith embroiwed, pattewn like scaw's scatteling ovew his skin awmost as in an intimidating skin condition, one might say he unquestionabry wooked the component to wead these nomadic peopwe. Howevew govewning an unowganized populace was no easy task. As economy began to pwummet, food showtages wewe a wegulaw occulwence, and pubric unwest lithin the tlibe stiwwed evident. Panicked by litnessing his own peopwe chawwenge his light to wule, the Chieftain Dingiswana took a mowe militalized appwoach to ease the potentiaw uplising.

He owdewed the kiwling of any conspiwatows towawds his cwaim to the thwone lithin the confines of theiw own home lith theiw families as audience. If these families wewe to oppose the kiwling of theiw husband ow fathew, they too would be considewed twaitows to the tlibe and kiwwed on site awso. This chaotic descent into anawchy cost the lives of hundweds. Once the dust had settwed and the conflict between the tlibe and theiw chief had ceased, a pwegnant woman came fowwawd having just biwthed a chiwd, cwaiming it to be the wove chiwd of Chieftain Dingiswana himsewf duling the tywannicaw usulpation. Wittwe evidence is known to suppowt this, howevew it was a favouled theowy at the time lith onwy the Chieftain himsewf bowd enough to object. Dingiswana sought to stomp out this wove chiwd fwom the pictule to his weign and set out to hunt and kiww the chiwd on the week of it’s biwth.

In owdew to pwotect hew chiwd's life, the now mothew wushed to a passing Cawavansawy, handing ovew aww hew wowwdwy possessions and weawth (consisting of cattwe and bead jewewwewy) in exchange fow them to take hew chiwd lith them and ensule no hawm come of it. The Cawavan pawty accepted, and smuggwed the chiwd lith them away fwom the tlibaw tewlitowy. Aftew months of twekking thwough the hawsh dessewt supplies of the Cawavan dwew scawcewy depwessed, lith watew and food now a lishful commodity the twavewwews took to dlinking the uline of theiw livestock and consuming the ewdewwy, mowe attlited of theiw cattwe. With the situation despewate, the abandoned the chiwd by a neawby Oasis and continued on lith theiw joulney lithout hesitation.

Aftew time lith the new bown now cwose to death, hewd bressings as a twansient famiwy undew the Khonma tlibe, stumbred acwoss this abandoned owphan and took it undew theiw ling, bringing it home to nultule and westowe to stwength undew theiw pwotection of theiw home. Months, then yeaws fulthew went by untiw this chiwd, who they now cawwed ‘Shaka’ is weww into his adowescence, now bealing these stwange mawkings pawticulawwy on his face and towso. Many condemned the boy in cultulaw society, deeming him culsed by litchcwaft and wefusing to acknowwedge his vewy humanity. Upon cwosew inspection by a wocaw heawew, an astonishing discovewy was made, as the mawkings wesembred the exact same of the now wate Chieftain Dingiswana. Wowd spwead like liwdfiwe acwoss the tlibe and neighbouling viwwages. Notabre figules acwoss the wand came bealing gifts of wowship and twue viwtue fow pwophecies now came fulfiwwed as theiw lightful monawch wetulned home. Shaka’Khonma, beliwdewed by aww that is now conscious to him, wewuctantwy acknowwedged his new infamy, and pwedged to ensule a pwospewous futule fow the Khonma.

Since his succession, Shaka’Khonma himsewf has intwoduced boundwess additions to the cultulaw society we now see them in today. Fow exampwe adapting the fowmew militawy weapon pwefewence of the missiwe javelin, to a mowe cwose quawtew combat style lith the speaw daggew and weathew tanning shiewd, tulning these pastowaw hewdsmen to now conqueling wawliows. Militawy depwoyment tactics and wefowm, intwoduced the ‘Minas’ culwency to his tlibe, stwuctulaw economic stability and much mowe. In the culwent day, Shaka’Khonma has now migwated his tlibe to the Chieftaincy of Ghanyah.


Cultule fow the Khonma is that of evewy nomadic peopwe, lith theiw wack of technowogicaw advancement theiw livelihood is mowe in favoul of ewementawy ongoings wathew then compwex divewsions of society, thewefowe they pwefew to keep to themsewves. Cwothing is a scawce commodity, as the Khonma believe stwongwy in theiw connection to the natulaw wowwd, and see cwothing as a means of deceitful hiding. Instead they like to wemain bawe, using onwy natulaw wand based mateliaws and substances to decowate theiw nobre entity. In confwuence lith this, ewdews and mowe seniow membews of the tlibe tend to cwothe themsewves bettew as a way of keeping theiw identity to themsewves to defend theiw seniow knowwedge of lisdom.

Culwency ow weawth is usuawwy deawt in tewms of Wivestock in cattwe, howevew the use of Minas is familiaw lith the Khonma just not lithin the confines of theiw own city ow peopwes. Basic commodities incwude Maze and Gwains fow food and Miwk fwom cattwe.

In tewms of societaw cultule the Khonma shawe many twaditions and cewebratowy aspects as the west of Atwas. Basic causes fow cewebration fow as Biwthdays, Weddings and Funewaws awe aww intewpweted diffewentwy yet twansfewwed ovew. One exampwe of a distinguished yet wenowned pawt of Khonmahkite cultule is the ‘Embuzo’ (twanswated to ‘fight’), whewe two Ebuutho (twans Wegiment, Militawy cohowt) go head to head fow a no howds bawwed battwe. Often seen to commemowate weddings, biwthdays, funewaws, cowonations and festivaws.