The Reichwald Greatswords

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The regimental colours and sigil
The Reichwald Greatswords
Active: 1639-Present
Type: Mercenary Free Company
Role: Greatsword Infantry
Size: One Regiment
Country: Neutral/Canonist Affectionate
Garrison/HQ: Nomadic Camp
Motto: Fernweh (Waldenian: meaning, a longing for far off places)
March: Die Landsknechte Kommen
Battle Honours: See Battle Honours below
Commanding Member: Sergeant Krieger
Abbreviation: RG
Nicknames: Reichwalden, Greatswords, Greatswordsmen


The role of the Reichwald Greatswords is to provide quality greatsword infanteers to fulfill a contract of arms at home, abroad or on the field of battle. Each Doppelsoldner is bound to the contract and is obligated to fulfill their duties until death or contract end. The Reichwald Greatswords does not work solely for money and personal gain as solo mercenaries are too commonly stereotyped as doing. The regiment, instead, is loyal to the length and terms of the contract that the Regimental Sergeant signs, regardless of how much is paid or if there are better contracts offered. Disloyalty and treason is punished severely, and is arguably a worse offense in this Regiment than any others out there. The stereotype that mercenaries are disloyal and will leave you for someone who pays higher is false, and The Reichwald Greatswords lives to prove that.



The Reichwald Greatswords were founded by Klaus von Krieger in the year 1638, when he was a single mercenary working for himself. After several people took interest in the landsknecht fashion of clothing he wore, Klaus founded the Reichwald Greatswords and opened up for recruitment.

Uniform and Insignia

The Reichwald Greatswords don the flamboyant and wondrous puff-and-slash style garb of 15th-16h century German Landsknecht mercenaries. Their colours are Crimson, Gold and Black.

An artists rendition of a Reichwald Greatswordsman c. 1640

The Ranks in the unit are determined by a Doppelsoldner's leadership ability and social status, and fall under two categories: Officers and Enlisted Members.


  • Oberste (Colonel): A member or legitimized bastard of higher Nobility.
  • Hauptmann (Captain): A member or bastard of gentry Nobility, or is related to the Oberste.
  • Leutnant (Lieutenant): Usually the highborn son or young cousin of the Oberste or Hauptmann in training to be the next Hauptmann and eventually Oberste.

Enlisted Members

  • Feldwaibel (Sergeant): The most senior Enlisted Member in the Regiment, in charge of dress, deportment and discipline.
  • Doppelsöldner: Literally meaning "Double-Pay Men" make up the rest of the Company as Greatsword soldiers - those who fight on the front lines ahead of pikemen and men-at-arms in order to destroy or disrupt the enemy vanguard.

Arms and Equipment

The typical Reichwald Greatswords Landsknecht soldier would carry the following on a daily basis:

A Katzbalger Arming Sword.


  • Zweihander greatsword: either the straight-edge or Flamberge variant.
  • Katzbalger arming sword for close encounters or when a greatsword is too cumbersome. This type of sword is often worn without a sheathe for quick, disciplined use.
  • Landsknecht Dagger: A triangular blade used for stabbing and puncturing chainmaille. The shape of the blade blade makes the wounds near impossible to stitch up with conventional medicine and requires a team of surgeons.
  • Crossbow: A light crossbow is often used for ranged engagements.
  • Matchlock Arquebus: For specialized troops known as an Arquebusier - IF they're added to the lore.


  • Waldenian "Maximilian" fluted plate cuirass, gorget, spaulders, tassets, knee cops, greaves, gauntlets and sabatons. Traditionally worn on just one side.
  • Traditional Waldenian Tellerbarret or "Starfish Hat," often decorated with vivid colours or spectacular feathers.
  • Coinpurse for gambling.
  • Mess tin with a simple knife, fork and spoon.
  • A pair of bone, wood or ivory dice for the Company's favourite game of Cretzer Craps.
  • Belts.
  • Leather Boots.
  • Hygiene supplies like moustache wax, soap, etc.
  • Lorraine Cross.
  • Whetstone.

Operational History

The Battle of Rochdale 1640 The Reichwald Greatswords, under the County of Chambery, fought with the Crusader forces and defeated Norland. The agreed upon payment for this was a shipment of 5 swords and 5 sets of armour.

Battle Honours

The Battle of Rochdale 1640

The Rescue of Count Alexandre 1640


-Originated early 1640 as The Reichwald Greatswords

Commendations and Awards

None yet.

Foreign Relations

Canonist Affectionate, but Neutral.

Notable Members

Sergeant Klaus von Krieger