Aquatic Dragon

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Aquatic Dragon The nightmare of any sailor or fisherman, the Aquatic Dragon lurked in the oceans surrounding Anthos and truly was a thing to be feared. While appearing much like the common dragon, these beasts are not dragons, but sea creatures which the people of Anthos called Aquatic Dragons. Story tells that they had forsaken their wings for flippers, and given up the realm of the sky for the kingdom of the sea.


One belief held by sailors and old wives alike is that Dragur, the daemon of knowledge and ancestor of all dragonkin cursed a group of dragons for killing one of his Dragaars, and sent them to what was the opposite of their flame hot natures, the ocean. Although this story is most likely false, and it doesn’t even match up with the Dragon origin story, the belief persists.


The Aquatic Dragons are well adapted to their watery homes. What would appear to once be wings are rounded and wider. The back legs are fins, and are heavily muscled, as they provide the elevation in its movement. The tail is short, stock, and a fluke, akin to whales. The muscles in the chest area, thigh area, and fluke seem doubled in size than a dragon's. The Aquatic Dragon is much sleeker as well, having smaller, smoother scales than the comparison. It is more vulnerable to damage, but in return, it can swim up to 30 mph. The beast is a good 40 ft long, with horns on its head and chin. One major feature is the barrel chest, which houses its huge lungs, heart, muscles, and water pouch, which will be expanded upon.


One of the most infamous of the Aquatic Dragon’s abilities is its ‘Water Breath’. This is the term that fishermen and sailors pinned it with, and even though it is not literally water breathing, the name sticks. When it is ready, the Water Dragon will suck huge quantities of seawater through its nostrils, sending it to the previously mentioned water pouch, located in its chest. The pouch fills up to 5 times its normal size. Then, the dragon makes the water boiling temperature. Using the heat of the dragon, the Water Dragon heats up the water then spews it orally at its prey, and the water can have devastating effects. The beast can either choose to spray or shoot. Spraying makes it into a showering effect, except much faster. In the water, this is not very effective, but above the waves, a shower of scalding water can have devastating effects on a crew. The other option is to shoot. This shoots a highly centralized blast of water, about two feet in diameter. The beam maintains its shape for up to 150 feet, and at close range, it can blast through wood. The water travels at almost 120 mph, and the beam can last for half a minute. If a person is hit directly by this blast, he would either die from his burns or be crippled.

With this being its main power, the Water Dragon can do much more. If a target is underwater, the beast can quickly flap its front flippers have a force of water going at 20 miles per hour hurtling towards an unwanted pest. This can potentially leave a sailor for dead, far too out of reach from his comrades.

Conversely, the water dragon can quickly suck water orally underwater, creating a vacuum that is constantly filled. A poor sailor that fell off the boat could easily be sucked in by this vacuum, straight into the mouth of a hungry Aqua dragon.

Lastly, the dragon can surface and pound its front flippers flat first into the water, potentially making a wave 5 feet tall. Although this won’t deter ships that much, dinghies and fisher boats are at risk of potentially capsizing.


The abilities of the Aquatic Dragon may seem foreboding but fear not, for the Dragons are not immortal. They have their own weaknesses about them. One of the most famous of its weaknesses is the center of its barrel chest. The Aquatic dragon does not have a sternum, which makes the middle of its ribcage a relative weakness. A harpoon could puncture its skin and destroy a vital organ. But the problem is, the chest is a hard place to get at an aquatic animal. It becomes more accessible when it rises to blast water and splash the water.

When the dragon has sucked water to blast, the time before it blasts is when it is most vulnerable. When the water pouch expands 5 times its normal size, the entire chest becomes larger. The ribcage kind of ‘opens up’ making more rib free room for a lethal shot. But the timing is incredibly tricky. Too early and it can dodge. Too late and you’ll be burned.

After the dragon has spewed water, its insides burn immensely. For a short time, it is slower and less aggressive. It usually goes to the ocean’s depths to cool its insides. If a shot is fired before it flees, it could hinder it further. Harpoons are a necessity against this monster.

Behavior & Mating

Water Dragons are solitary creatures, and very territorial. They will attack anything that comes into their territory. Each territory is very isolated, and when the owner of a territory dies, a new dragon will take it. Every 3 years, a female goes in heat and emits a very unique pheromone that male dragons smell. The healthier the female, the stronger the smell. The dragons come and battle, but not to the death, and the victor gets the privilege of mating. This ensures that the fittest send their genes to the next generation. The eggs gestate for 1 week inside the female, and she then lays them. Each egg is laid a few days apart from the last, and in places far from each other. The new hatchling will hatch in a few months and will fend for itself. Within 2 years, the hatchling will be full size and at mating age.

The Aquatic Dragons eat other marine animals. Whales, sharks, fish, manatees, walruses and drunken sailors are all on the menu. Using the same abilities it uses to hunt sailors and fishermen. An Aquatic dragon can kill a full grown whale. Very few things will attempt to kill an Aquatic Dragon. A pod of orcas has the best chance, and with team effort, they may actually kill one.


Wild to its very core, it is impossible to domesticate an Aquatic Dragon. Those who have tried have a nickname: suicide. The only thing that could come close is a highly skilled druid, who could subdue it, but since druids don’t really interact with these beasts often, it is unknown. The beasts are dangerous and trying to tame either an adult or a hatchling could be fatal.