Free Daelish Battalion

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Free Daelish Battalion

Daelish Warriors.jpg

Currently Active
Bandit/Rebel organization
Roughly 1,000 - 1,200
Donald Dunbar
Current Head:
Douglas Dunbar
Ethnicity: Daelanders

The Free Daelish Battalion (often shortened to the FDB) is a Bandit and Rebel organization of primarily Daelish clansmen who have become disillusioned with most modern descendant states. The goals of the group are numerous, ranging from carving out a free Daelish holdout to toppling the current feudal systems and noble classes of various nations. The organization is a relatively young one, having emerged under the leadership of Donald Dunbar around the years 180-182 S.A on the continent of Aevos.


180 S.A.

  • The Free Daelish Battalion is founded by Donald Dunbar and a number of other likeminded Daelishmen.

182 S.A.

  • The Free Daelish Battalion begins to target Elven realms as well.

183 S.A.

184 S.A.

  • The Free Daelish Battalion sides with the Rexdom of Lurak in the Lurak-Vikela War.