Pompourelian Trading Company

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Pompourelian Trading Company
Type: Public
Industry: National Trade
Founded: 1st of Sigismund's End, 1880
Headquarters: Sarkozic Manor, Vienne, Kingdom of Oren
Products: Ferrum, aurum, weaponry, armory and meat
Chairman: Franz Sarkozic, Baron of Pompourelia

The Pompourelian Trading Company was an Orenian trading-company found in the year of 1880 by Franz Sarkozic, Baron of Pompourelia. It was formed to supply the Petran Legion and vassal levies of Oren during the Almaris Coalition War and to create the main trading company of The Kingdom of Oren, specialized in the creation of weaponry and armory to supply the armies of the Petran Legion and that of other vassal levies. The company is known for its trade in ferrum weaponry and armory; with its main headquarters being in the capital of the Kingdom of Oren, Vienne.




