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Designed to be a Northern Outpost to defend against possible invasions from the North or raids from the Isles of Ostavar, the Castle’s design is unlike any other. Spread across from the Cliffs of Alamar to three pillars that go out towards the Waking Sea. Each of the Towers of Salstone act as their own Keep, setting up stages of defense should the Castle come under siege. However before all that one must breach the Burning Gate that grants the only entrance into the Alamar territory as all other routes are blocked by the Vimmark Mountains. Once past the Burning Gate you are met with Ocran’s Bluff, the first Keep of Salstone, named after General Joseph Ocran’s tactical brilliance during the Renatus Rebellion in Athera.

Once past the Keep of Ocran’s Bluff if one can pass its defences they must cross a narrow bridge, before any attacker would stand the Stormcrown Citadel, its front face designed specifically to house archers to make any crossing into the Citadel nigh impossible without catastrophic and pyrrhic loss for any besieger. In this Keep is housed the Lord's Hall and Throne of Alamar for the sitting Lord to hold Court in whenever the need arises. Within the Lord’s Hall is a feasting hall that can house many guests, the Castle itself might be one of the safest venues for Nobles to hold events.

Moving on if the attackers or visitors to the keep would pass the Stormcrown Citadel they’d meet Dragon's Hearth, its defences not as harsh nor as strong as the past two towers but by no means are easy to traverse. Here the residences for the important occupants of the Castle are, along with the food stores of the Castle. Chambers for the Lord's any anyone of import are housed in the first level, the lower levels of this Keep being used for storage of weapons, food and anything else. The Last Pillar of Salstone is aptly named “The Saltstone” due to the high concentration of Salt Rock on the Pillar of land, it serves as a Lighthouse and a quiet spot for prayer if the need arises.


The Castle of Saltstone-by-the-Sea was once the seat of House Varodyr, a Knightly House in the Reformed Kingdom of Oren. When Ser Garahel the Sword in the Evening and his cousin Bryce Vimmark arrived in the land that would be the Knightly Fief of Varodyr they came across the cliffs of Alamar and the pillars of land that would be the foundations of the Castle to be built.The Castle was commissioned by Ser Garahel in the year 1514, approximately a year after the Descendent Races landed in Vailor. The Castle is of unique design in Oren and perhaps different to any fortress in the known world, designed by Master Architect and Geologist Prince Leufroy Ashford de Savoie over the course of several years. Once the designs were finished the Castle was raised over the course of three years in remarkable speed due to the oversight of Lord Arstan Bedell who assisted the process of raising the Castle. The Castle was finished with all its towers in the year of 1518.

Eventually the Castle’s original owner Ser Garahel vanished soon after the conclusion of the Dukes War leaving his only heir and cousin Bryce Vimmark to take up ownership of the Castle and its surrounding lands. Guy de Bar named Bryce the Baron of Alamar and Lord of Salstone during his brief reign. Bryce was raised to become the Viscount of Alamar once John Frederick of House Horen. Bryce attempted several times to form a bustling community in the lands of Alamar and around the Castle of Salstone but eventually his efforts ceased after he was charged with treason and met his end through an assassin's blade.

The Castle sit unused for many years, the Imperial House taking ownership of the Castle and its lands through its blood ties with House Vimmark, dust settled, buildings went into disrepair and things looked bleak in the Castle and in Alamar. Soon though the first born son of Bryce ascended to Knighthood through the will of John Sigismund of House Horen, reversing the charges brought against Bryce posthumously and granting the Fief of Saltstone-by-the-Sea to the now Ser Maric Vimmark, naming him Protector of Alamar. Now the Castle and its land has life in it once more, as Ser Maric was raised to become the Grand Knight of the Empire, restoring the Order of the Red Dragon choosing to house the Orders Chapter of the Lion in his lands, restoring Salstone and Alamar once more as a Military Outpost.


one/two paragraph description of the locations discovery

Location event

one/two paragraph description of an event at this location


The Land of Alamar is that of a Northern Climate, harsh winters that incur heavy snowstorms occur and many flock behind the walls of the Castle so that they may not freeze to death. During the other seasons of the year, weather can be described simply as cold and wet, although not freezing outside of Winter. Snows remain around the lands of Alamar all year round in the areas of higher elevation, the land itself is mostly elevated with hills and mountains, although forests are are at the foot of the cliffs that surround the land.

One of the defining traits of Saltstone is the fact the land has huge deposits of rock salt that are in the lands, allowing limited mining and exporting of salt to all place across Vailor.

Notable Figures

  • Prince Leufroy Ashford de Savoie


Saltstone has no official reigning Lord as of right now, de-jure it is ruled by the Emperor as he holds the title to the lands but as of de-facto rule Ser Maric the Beastmaster of the Horen Cadet Branch of Vimmark is the ruler and holds the Castle as his Knightly Fief. The Knight Captain of the Chapter of the Lion holds sway over Ser Maric.


brief description of the nobility in the location, how it works. link to nobility list of specific nation


There are few civillains living in Alamar or inside of the walls of Saltstone, most are Ordermen of the Chapter of the Lion, the Code of Chivalry holds significance here as many Knights now take up residence in the Castle, influencing the rulership and lifestyle of those living in the lands.


brief description of the economy in this particular location


The Imperial Laws of Oren apply in this land, the Code of Chivalry is also held up as part of the Law.


detail the command of the organisation, including those who run it and /how/ its run


brief description of the art in this location


brief description of the literature in this location


brief description of the music in this location


The Official Religion of Saltstone is the Church of the Canon

Random Tidbits

Most recently in Orenian Political Events the Castle of Saltstone was used to house the Northern Diets in the years leading up to the Rebellion lead by Alexander Staunton.