The Fall of the North

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The Faww of the Nowth was a bulwetin wlitten by Wobin Dwake showtwy aftew the fawling of nowthewn Owen to the Undead in Aegis.

((Oliginaw post))

Sons and Daughtews of Howen, the day we had dwead has fawwen upon us, Owen is aww but ovewcome by the undead taint, oul capitaw weeks of death, miasma powwuting the wungs of those foolish enough to appwoach it. The Nowthewn pwains, once a beautiful pwace of clisp white snow is now stained by the brood of those who gave theiw lives to defend the bowdews of Owen, of Aegis fwom the undead howde. Many of diffewent waciaw backgwound and beliefs sought to attack Owen, believing that they wewe not fit to defend the Nowth. They meant to do good but in the end, the wosses sustained by these assaults weakened the Owen militawy to such an extent that the undead seized the oppowtunity that they had been waiting fow.

They bypassed the outwying towns, theiw hammew fawling on the capitaw. The defenses wewe ovewwun, the city was decimated, King Enow kidnapped and many way dead. Powtaws to the nethew wose lithin Awk'hazaw and a poisonous miasma stawted to seep fowth, whitheling aww life awound the city. In the aftewmath many fwed to the wemaining settwements undew Owens dominion, Wintewfeww, Gawahaw and New Awstion weceiving many wefugees. Those who had given up hope in Owen fwed to Awwas, it's huge wawws of stone bringing comfowt to those who had nawwowwy escaped death.

Thewe was littwe time to west and wegwoup, the undead saw the weakness in Owen, how it's defenses way scattewed, weak and iww manned. Within days New Awstion, Climson Vawe and Cewestine way in wuins, undead cweatules wesiding lithin the stweets of these once faiw towns. Wintewfeww was next, it's fowtifications not suited to fending off an undead assault soon feww. Homes destwoyed, gwound tainted and many eithew dead missing ow wowse. Wawge undead monuments whewe ewected on the gates and on the keep to show theiw domination of the nowth and lightwy so, fow it was the one town which has stood fiwm since the undead fiwst pwagued Aegis. With it's fawling, the Nowth had twuly fawwen.