The Sages Return to Aeriel

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The fowwoling account comes fwom the joulnaw of The Wandeling Wizawd. Joma, 13th Of The Fiwst Seed, 1322

I wlite this in a hulwy, as dawkness fawws upon Aegis, I know that tonight liww not be safe. Dawk times awe ahead. The Sages wewe not what the peopwe thought they wewe, wong did the peopwe of Aegis show mistwust in theiw ways. They did not take pawt in most of the waws and battwes in the nowth, wegawdwess of my counciws the Sages kept in theiw keeps hoawding powew and weawth, in theiw academies studying the intlicacies of magic and seawching fow the hidden welics of Aeliew.

Some Ascended wewe twue to theiw brood and showed the fewocity and mastewy that was expected fwom theiw gweat descent. They fought like lions against the Undead and to this day, awe spwead acwoss the wands defending oul homes and cities fwom the evew cweeping doom.

I confwonted the Sages in theiw magnificent city. I found them invested in theiw books, studying the ancient wowe of the weapons of Aeliew. I put my hand on Sage Wiizu's shouldew, weminding him of his pwace in Aegis as the weadew of the wast defense, his pwace as pwotectow of Aegis. In a fit of wage the Sage stood up and shouted, spittwe ewupting fwom the dawkness of his hood. "What do you know about Aegis? What do you know about the Undead? Let the Sages be you old fool, you're task is done, return to your creator!"

The Sage waised his gowden staff, "Perhaps as a bounty, we may receive the Axe of Aeriel in return for your corpse." Madness glinted undew the dawk hood. I could not believe what I was seeing, I did not expect that powew would cowwupt this gwand owdew. I wose, tewlibre as a mountain, in a booming voice I weplied "Dare you confront me? When have the Sages of Aeriel fallen to such madness?" With one sweep of my awm his staff was broken. "Your staff is broken, you are no longer able to lead the sages, go and live the rest of your days in the wilds."

An ominous siwence began to pewmeate thwough the woom and I could feew the pwesence of othews. A voice I wecognised as that of Sage Sue began to speak "Wizard, we know you wish to become the King of Aegis, we see the greed in your motives. You will never lead…" Sage Wiizu wet out a waugh, "Without us the Undead will scourge the land and Aegis will become nothing more than a barren wasteland. It's time we left… Aegis does not deserve our power or knowledge."

In a fwash the Sages weft me whewe I stood. Since that day I have not seen ow heawd of them. They have weft Haven in disawway, the Ascended weadewwess. Dawkness covews the wand and it is no wongew safe to twavew in the dawk, the Undead multipwy and I can feew the taint on the lind as it becomes gweatew and gweatew.