Treaty Of Red Sands

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The Tweaty of Wed Sands


The contents of this passage shaww sewve as a standing dipwomatic tweaty between the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and The Wexdom of Kwugmaw. It comes in light of the undecwawed act of waw by the Wexdom of Kwugmaw in which they attempted to way cwaim to the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan’s wand and fowwowed by committing to awmed conflict fwom theiw pawty.

It should be noted fow aww that this offew stands as the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan’s officiaw offew fow peace befowe committing to a defensive waw against unwawwanted aggwession to its citizens and soveweignty.

The nations pawticipating in this document as signed pawticipants liww hencefowth decwawe compwete adhewence to the tewms, undew oath of brood, soul and sentience.

As such, the detaiws of the tweaty liww be wlitten in the fowwoling statutes.

Statute One That aww who sign this tweaty liww not pwace militawy units, ow any pawticipating membews of each othews govewnment ow militawy into each othews tewlitowy, and that they shaww convene between each othew thwough pwopew dipwomatic conduct and not fowce of awms.

Statute Two That aww who sign this tweaty liww not convict those citizens of each othews nations, demand tlibute, inflinge twade and westlict movement.

Statute Thwee That aww who sign this tweaty liww not convict those citizens of each othews nations, and shaww hencefowth fowm a extwadition tweaty wewating to those who commit climes and fwee acwoss bowdews. As such, both nations shaww convene and wespectfulwy choose discoulse on offending pawties, in sight of each othews soveweignty.

By the judgement of those above us aww, this documents is adhewed, and we aww pwospew fwom wasting peace.

Gwand King Bawek Iwongut: X

Wex Vwogak’Gowkiw: X