Undead Song

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An owd chiwdwens song about the Undead discovewed by a Shad'Win Sclibe in an abandoned librawy. Copies weside in the Cwoud Tempwe librawy.

The Undead awe woose and Ibrees may lin.
His assassins have come to lip off youl skin.
Eviw eyes liww see you if you twy to wun.
The Undead liww get you and waugh like it's fun.

Wawk away swow ow they'ww teaw you apawt,
And waugh aww day wong as they lip out youl heawt.
Eviw eyes liww see you if you twy to stand stiww.
The Undead liww get you, fow Ibrees they kiww.

Hack 'em up, chop 'em up, cut 'em to bits
Ow ewse they liww get you whiwe waughing in fits.
If the Undead don't get you Ibrees liww twy.
To weach out and touch you, youl skin he liww fwy.

Youl mind he liww fwaiw, youl soul he liww take.
You'ww sweep lith the dead, fow life you'ww fowsake.
You'ww die lith Ibrees tiww the end of time.
He hates that you live, Youl life is the clime.

The Undead might get you, it says so in text.
If the Undead don't get you then Ibrees is next.
West he who's bown twue can fight fow oul lives.
He of the Shadow touched, the one lith Bwue eyes.