Nation Realms

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Throughout the various realms visited by the descendants and their companions, a number of great Kingdoms, Empires, and Federations have graced and cursed the land. Many still stand today, having fallen and risen from the ashes time and time again, and many others too are as fresh as the morning's warmth, and yet seek to provide unique and never-seen-before cultural concepts and ideas. The lists below are broken up into two general sections, Nations and Settlements, which list and describe the current Nations (full-fledged nations) and Settlements (major charters (T3 & T4)). If you find any inaccuracies, whether in summary or content, please contact a member of the Wiki Sect of Story Staff to have these corrected.

Nations of the Current Realm

-The Golden Freecity of Ves, a republic ruled over by an elected Serene Prince with a highly bureaucratic government. All major decisions, appointments, and law changes must be passed by a majority vote through a body of citizens referred to as the Serene Assembly. This body meets every so often to address concerns, petitions, and other political matters.
-The Silver State, Silver Enclave, or simply Haelun'or, is the nation of the High Elven peoples. Their largely marble city boasts an architectural style unique to the High Elves, one that they have been using since the early days of their nationhood. Their nation is administered by a governing body known as the Silver Council, headed by the Sohaer, who takes advice from the Maheral, a respected and elder High Elf.

Settlements of the Current Realm

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