House de Rouen

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Ashford de Rouen
petraCOA.png Commonwealth of the Petra
Savoy.png Principality of Savoy (formerly)
FrederickNovellen.png Kingdom of Oren (formerly)
Current Head: Sir Lucien Ashford de Rouen
Parent Houses:

DeBarCOA.png House de Bar

Baron of Blackwald
Master of Barrows Crossing
Ethnicity: Heartlander
Founder: Joachim Ashes

Ashford de Rouen is a Heartlander noble household descended from Joachim Ashes of Luciensburg as a cadet branch of House De Bar.

History of De Rouen


1803 - Present

  • Joachim Ashes was born out of wedlock to Antonio de Bar and Lorin das Ross. He'd be raised within Luciensburg under the careful eye of his cousin, Olivier de Savoie. Joachim would serve within the Metinan Company and engage in various battles during the Norlandic-Orenian Conflict. He lived a very pious and humble life and would go on to be legitimized by Pontiff Tylos in Circa, The First Grand Harvest 1827 on the behalf of Cardinal Pelagius; A clergyman Joachim had saved on the roads in the south from a band of Covetous Uruks. Joachim would form his own mercenary company called the Bastards of Blackwald and would sign a contract with King Ulfric Frostbeard for a small charter of land; in which he constructed the Barony of Blackwald. Joachim would receive a contract from an anonymous bidder that instructed him to murder the Pontiff in favor of Cardinal Pelagius; he did so, Condemning himself in the eyes of his GOD. He'd go on to sire many children with a Barbanov woman of the Exiled Princes of Haense and would pass away from a sudden sickness within his hold of Blackwald.

  • Edmond I, Baron of Blackwald Father of Lucien de Rouen and known for his excellent retreat at Savoy was the son of Joachim Ashes and the current Baron of Blackwald. His renowned swordsmanship and commanding skills bear fruit during battles as he has perfected the technique. His great ancestral physique and excellent skill prove worthy on the battlefield as he has commanded and won many battles during his time in the Kingdom of Oren and the Principality of Savoy.

  • Lucien de Rouen was born in the year 1879, and was raised in the Commonwealth of Petra; residing in Barrows Crossing. His lifestyle was quiet and tamed, though his harsh training by his father redeemed him in the Commonwealth; being knighted at only fourteen. He lives a reckless life within Petra, his intentions ruthless and his mindset set on aggression. Currently, he houses the two Novellen children, William and Charles that came from Ulmsbottom. He has been teaching them the ways how his father taught himself. Lucien has fought in many battles during his time on Almaris, and he continues to hone the skill of fighting.



  • Ashford de Rouen's dynastic members are well-known for having dark, black hair and forest-green eyes. The family's males are renowned for their exceptional bodies, cunning personalities, and loyalty.

Notable Figures

  • Joachim Ashes: Joachim was the founder of Ashford de Rouen, and the first Baron of Blackwald.
  • Edmond de Rouen: Edmond, who would inherit the Barony of Blackwald, was renowned within the realm of Almaris for his mastery of the sword and is well-known for the flee of Savoy; in which he fought and evaded eighty men and swam to freedom.


Frost Bane

Forged by Lucien; a thanhic-steel axe.