Light Forging - Blessed Artificery

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Light Forge/Blessed Artificery

Description The Aengul of Order and Guardianship enacts his will in many forms. Most notably out of all his brethren is the forging of relics and weapons to invoke his wrath and smite down upon his enemies. His legendary forge high up within the Lord of Sunlight’s realm is the birthplace of the fable Golden Lance, Sun’s Radiance, and other artifacts. This sacred gift was brought down and knowledge granted to his most loyal of servants. Thus the hidden art of Holy Alteration made way for his mortal servants to craft onto the realm artifacts that would aid in their fight against the likes of dragonkin and dark abominations of the Betrayer. Throughout the history of the paladins, it has been passed down from person to person. Each one refining and finding their own creations come into existence, until that day when the Lord’s Will cast off all of the relics and stored them away in his vault. Though most have not been seen since, the art of Holy Alteration remained and shifted once again. Xan’s will is ever changing and so to his light is gifted to his servants. Through the new use of the xannic mists, the name as well has shifted to what is now known as ‘Sacred Artificery’.

The Art of Sacred Artificery allows the paladin able to create enchantments upon objects, whether it be a small necklace to a large weapon, that is infused with Xannic light which is then able to be invoked for its intended effect. The mist itself is very versatile and able to be formed to what the paladin wishes for it to be. For smaller objects however, these tend to only know certain effects without the pure condensed light breaking it asunder. For larger objects, the mists are able to take hold more effectively and the creation of various effects extends further.

For the creation process to begin, the paladin must have a forge blessed with the Lord of Sunlight’s will. This is sanctified by the paladin carving holy runes along the anvil, forge, and crafting area. With this, the paladin starts to summon forth their mists and begin to directly infuse each rune with it. As the runes begin to alite and shimmer, the final act is creating a seal within the center of the area that acts as a focal point where the holy energy is stored. This of course, can be fueled further by the fabled lightstones to keep it stable. Without a lightstone, the forge will loses it blessing every week and must be blessed by a paladin with knowledge the correct tier and knowledge. With the lightstones, the forge does not need to be re-blessed, unless it is somehow disrupted. Even if it is disrupted in both cases, this will not reset progress on creating magic items – only stopping them from progressing any further


The creation process of any enchantment begins with the materials used and the object to receive it. Be it leather, iron, steel, or even dragonbone, materials used for crafting follow the same guidelines of said materials. Regardless of material however, the xannic mists are infused directly by the aid of the forge so that the enchantment will be activated. Gems are key to this. The quality of the gem dictates how effective infusion will be, with a light stone being the most effective in regards to holy enchanting.

Ruby' Able to store minor enchantments with a life of 5 days.'
Sapphire Able to store minor enchantments with a life of 10 days.
Emerald Able to store minor and major enchantments. Life of minor is 15 days. Major is 5 days.
Diamond Able to store minor and major enchantments. life for minor is every 20 days life for major is every week.
Light Stone Able to store minor, major, and used in very powerful enchantments requiring MArts. Life for minor is infinite. life for major is 30 days.

The paladin can re-bless the object once it has expired (recreating the item) with ST oversight and/or giving proof to ST the enhancement has been done as per enchanting/magic items rules. For combinations upon objects, it cannot exceed past two gems of any sort. A light stone cannot be used more than once on a minor or major enchantment, twice on a MArt enchantment.


Minor Enchantments
For smaller objects such as necklaces, pendants, rings, crowns, or other various decorated accessories, the item in question usually is able to store the smaller enchantments given their size. While minor enchants can be placed on larger objects, it cannot be said in reverse. Below is a list of the minor enchants a paladin can create. This of course, can be added onto should it be passed by LT.

Sunlight’s Wrath
This enchantment is usually placed on a small relic or object the paladin holds in order to perform and/or aid in the purging ability upon curses/hexes. Within the object itself holds a well of xannic mists to be able to be unleashed and used when the spell of purge is being summoned. This enchantment cannot be used for any other means.

Fatherly Embrace
This enchantment placed on an object emits a holy aura that can either soothe, give courage, pride, and/or as well wash away fear, anger, and/or sadness. The effects reflect what the xannic mists can do in regards to placing within a person. This however cannot halt or force any emotion upon the user. Be it racial curse, intense emotions, magical curse, or otherwise. It is merely something to hold onto and find comfort in should the wielder allow it.

Enduring Resolve
This enchantment when placed on an object and activated emits xannic mists to flow into the user and fill with a boost of endurance. Tasks such as with crafting, smithing, farming, etc that would normally exhaust the user they would find easier to accomplish without the hindering of fatigue. For combat, this applies yet the effects of injury can still cripple the user.

Eternal Embers
This enchantment placed on an object and activated causes it to emit Xannic mists that flows within the user in question, engulfing them with the magic to give a fatherly warmth that aids in pushing away the cold. This enchantment is not fully cold resistant to any degree. Its a minor effect to aid in a cold environment or if the user is hit by frost type magic.

Guardian’s Veil
This enchantment placed on an object creates a holy veil over the user in question, negating or halting the effects of a curse placed upon them for a duration of time. This does not aid in halting the curse effects of frost witch or shade. It however can stop it from being applied should an attempt be made. This enchantment only has one charge.

Mark of Holding
This enchantment is only used in the creation of a Warden of Xan’s suit of armor. Each individual piece of this armor requires this to be placed upon it, and when forging the armor it is expected to be cast upon twice a day - effectively lowering a Paladin’s maximum Spell Slots to 2 for the week required to make such.

Mist Manipulation
This enchantment allows for one to set up pre-determined forms of Mist Manipulation, following all its red lines and just as strong as the tier in which they are when it is made.