Electric Evocation

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Electrical Evocation is the arcane magic form whereby a mage creates Electrical bolts for his or her purposes. Unlike other types of Evocation electrical bolts is intended to be much more difficult to control due to its high speed and high energy nature. Mages who specialize in electrical evocation will be able to form electrical bolts and streams of electricity to electrocute their targets. However, electrical evocation requires much more energy than for example fire and therefore a single electrical bolt requires much more energy than a fireball.

The use of electrical Evocation:

An electrical evocationist creates their electrical by creating a charge between their source point and their target location. A small amount of electrical requires a great amount of energy and the further the electrical or electrical charge is from the mage the more difficult the creation of the electrical will become.

Electrical evocation always will result in a fast moving product. In no way can a electrical evocationist form an 'electrical orb' as a fire evocationist may form a 'fireball'. As a general rule electrical evocation takes longer than other types of evocation but makes up for this with powerful results. A fire evocationist for example may be able to create and throw multiple (2+) fireballs in the time a electrical evocationist of a similar level can create a single electrical bolt.

It is assumed that an electrical mage will be more vulnerable to an instantaneous attack. However, if a situation is to occur where they are allowed enough time to build up and cast their spell (For example an extended stand off) they will be more powerful than if surprised.

When it comes to the difficulty of creating an electrical bolt there are a few factors which influence the difficulty:

1.Distance between two points

2.Number of electrical points at once

3.Distance from mage

4.Power of bolt

Distance between two points:

Quite obviously the longer a bolt of electricity the more difficult it will be to create. As an evocationist becomes more and more proficient at evocation they will be able to create electrical currents which jump greater distances.

However, those who are not adept at electrical evocation are almost incapable of generating a current which jumps between themselves and another object. It becomes much more difficult to have a current jump between two points which are non self, than between two points on the mage's person such as between their hands.

This therefore limits those who are not yet adept to be unable to create electrical bolts, just as fire evolutionists are unable to create fireballs until they are adept.

Number of Electrical Points at Once:

Just as a telekinetic's ability to weight decreases exponentially when more than one object is lifted so does the power of an evocatoinist when creating more than one electrical bolt at once.

Creating one electrical bolt or even a small spark is already difficult and the creation of increasing numbers of such cause the power to decrease with each new spark/bolt.

Distance from Mage:

As the intended origin and target point grow in distance from the mage the power of the bolt will become less and less. This power however is constant up until 15m. After such a distance power decreases linearly.


An electrical evocationist is capable of producing powerful electrical bolts

Bolts may travel from any point to point with speed and reliable accuracy.


Electrical evocation takes a greater amount of time to produce a bolt than other types of evocation

Electrical evocation is dangerous to learn and during some phases of learning the mage can be incapable of producing any spark which will not injure themselves.

Progression over time:

Electrical Evocation will take a similar amount of time to learn as all other Arcane Magic types.

Tier 1:

Students who had recently connected to the void. Unable to use any electrical evocation. Time in this tier is usually spent working on improving their connection to the void. When in this tier students would be get extreme fatigue after each connection to the void (1-2 weeks)

Tier 2:

Sparks can begin to be produced. At first these sparks can barely deliver any charge and will completely drain the mage, up to 5 sparks can be produced. But after practice the mage will be capable of creating up to 15 small sparks which will lightly shock anything on touch. When in this tier students will not get as fatigued from connected but will get extremely fatigued after creating the sparks. Bolts may also be produced with incredible effort and accompanying fatigue-- they aren’t capable of doing anything but inducing a small shock. (2-3 weeks)

Tier 3:

Capable of creating electrical bolts which on touch is capable of inducing medium shock and small burns. Small bolts can be easily produced which jump between two points at a distance, and will be as powerful but take longer to produce than fireballs at this point. Spark streams may also be learned at this point, producing a continuous river of sparks capable of inducing severe burns and shocking-- but it would be impossible to maintain for very long. (1-2 months)

Tier 4:

Capable of creating powerful electrical bolts, capable of inducing major burns and unconsciousness. Calldowns may also be learned-- large, tiring, inaccurate bolts summoned from the sky, capable of doing immense damage. Large bolts can easily jump between two points at a distance. (3-4 months)

Tier 5:

Simply a general boost to one’s capabilities. Calldown accuracy increases, as well as how much a mage may cast before finding himself out of mana.


Electrical evocation is not one of the more freeform evocations-- there are not many techniques that can be utilized.

Bolts: Bolts may be first learned at tier 2. They generally take four emotes to produce and fire.

Spark streams: Continuous streams of electrical sparks. They’re capable of causing intense burns to multiple targets-- however, they will generally peter out quite soon. Generally learned first at tier 3, with five emotes total to produce.

Calldowns: An enormous bolt brought down from the sky. Learned at tier 4, generally inaccurate until tier 5. Likely to cause death upon a direct hit. Six emotes to cast.

As a general note, the effects of electrical evocation are greatly increased when used on a target wearing armor. Burns generally become far more severe and spread all along the body, and spells that normally cause unconsciousness have a real chance of killing the target,


Electrical bolts are attracted to large amounts of iron or gold. If more than 3 blocks are arranged in continuous line, all electrical shocks within 15m will be attracted to them instead of the intended target.

Electrical bolts can not be projected through metal bars as they are attracted to the bars and unable to pass through.

Fatigue must be roleplayed.

Appropriate physical degradation due to magic usage must be roleplayed.

You cannot cast where you cannot see.