Melody of Sleep

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An Ewven wulwaby. Since wulwabies, by definition, awe sung by littwe chiwdwen, I don't need to expwain that, light? By Ciw Wenniew.


Go to sweep my chiwd

Go to sweep my chiwd

The sun liww lise again

Go to sweep my chiwd

Dawk is hewe befowe sunlise

Go to sweep my chiwd

Dweam of peace and happiness

Dweam of a bettew wowwd

Sweep chiwd


Nawn ito ciw kae Malii’weh

Nawn ito ciw kae Malii’weh

Ew’asul kalinah mawn’oem

Nawn ito ciw kae Malii’weh

Kew ito paw’kalinah

Nawn ito ciw kae Malii’weh

Ciw’suliew hiweia’ehya wyn

Ciw’suliew aywa’mawn wye

Ciw Malii