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Lurker big_mom_by_pointlinearea-d4upsj8.jpg

Habitat: The Lurker mainly dwells within the damp caves or underground networks. It’s capable of creating its own den by burrowing; or alternatively, it takes over a cave system. It will mark out its territory through the distinct putrid odour, as well as a glowing slime-like ooze left over cavern floors and walls.

Description: The Lurker is told to be an odd, rare hybrid between an arachnid and a centipede. Although, with very unique attributes instead. These creatures will have a solid carapace over its body, capable of absorbing the impact of falling rocks. If met with danger that it can’t fight its way out of, or run from, it’ll often curl up into a ball, using the carapace to hide its vulnerable underbelly. The blue, oozing underbelly of a Lurker is where it’s most exposed. The eggs beneath are also located there, being carried and deposited safely if ready to hatch.

A Lurker’s mandible is incredibly strong; capable of crushing rock between its carapace-covered muscles. It often uses this to burrow and dig, or alternatively, as a weapon to kill its prey. While a more concealed weapon, still one worth noting; the active ooze between its limbs. The Lurker can be traced by the blue slime left behind, however, if the ooze has only recently been excreted, it can actually be toxic when coming in contact with skin. A touch would cause excruciating pain before the paralysis kicks in. When this happens, a putrid smell often escapes the trapped creature, signalling to the Lurker and others nearby that there’s captured prey.

Author: Murlocs

LM Approval Required: No