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Those who remained in Aegis were given a rude awakening. Iblees came into the land, summoning his pets from the Void: Dragons. They destroyed all and killed all. Aegis was lost. All retreated to the Verge, in hope of finding new land. The construction of the boats was completed soon after, as many sat there, in hopes the weather would be clear enough to set sail.
Those who remained in Aegis were given a rude awakening. Iblees came into the land, summoning his pets from the Void: Dragons. They destroyed all and killed all. Aegis was lost. All retreated to the Verge, in hope of finding new land. The construction of the boats was completed soon after, as many sat there, in hopes the weather would be clear enough to set sail.
Time passed, and with it, the storms. On the perfect day, the souls set out, hoping to find a sanctuary. They sailed for weeks, and after much time, they arrived in an unfamiliar land… a land called Asulon.
Time passed, and with it, the storms. On the perfect day, the souls set out, hoping to find a sanctuary. They sailed for weeks, and after much time, they arrived in an unfamiliar land… a land called Asulon.
[[Category:Literature and music]]
[[Category:Literature and Music‏‎]]

Revision as of 00:10, 13 March 2020

The Destruction of Aegis was written immediately after the Fall of Aegis and describes what happened in the process. The author is unknown.

The Falling of Our World

Aegis. It became an unholy world. The Undead reached their evil hands across it, conquering and destroying all that was before them. They corrupted each of of the cities, one by one. First, Al'Khazar fell, and then Alras. Proceeding onward into the realm, they claimed Kal'Urguan as their own, as well. The many souls of Aegis tried to push back, but the powerful miasma the Undead created would fill their lungs, killing them, with every attempt. It seemed hope was lost, as constant storms raged on, and the souls of Aegis stood back praying that the last three foot-holds of Aegis, Krugmar, The Cloud Temple, and Laurelin would not fall. The children would cry, while the adults would try to look for the greener side. Time passed, and the Undead ceased their attacks. Instead, they claimed the world as their own, and walked it freely. Visiting each of the footholds, they would simply look down upon the poor souls of Aegis, as they knew they couldn’t do much to stop it. This continued for some time, until an Undead named Vardak was beaten down by Native. After the beating, directly outside Laurelin, Mogroka felt more was necessary. Mogroka banished Vardak and his wife into the Spirit World. His death created an explosion, leaving a large crater. From this crater, a portal appeared, linking the forsaken realm of Iblees to our own. Aegis was left in shock, no one sure of what to do.

Entering Drauchriem

Laurelin, in shambles from the death of Vardak, the darkness contaminating the grounds opened a portal to the forsaken lands. This portal, the only thing separating the forsaken city of Drauchriem from Aegis, now stands open for all to fear. The nations, shocked with the event, raised their most fierce champions to enter the portal with the greatest equipment of the realm. Equipment that was blessed with the holy signs of Aeriel. As the cities around Aegis fell, Al'Khazar, Alras, Galahar, New Terriko, the nations united and sent their Champions into the Portal, in hopes of destroying the forsaken realm. And so the Champions entered the portal. Upon arriving in the forsaken city, the Champions did not falter. They began their ever-long quest to destroy the Nether. As the heroes traversed the course to get to the Axe of Krug, they were battered with endless waves of hell-spawn and traps. Many died, fathers, brothers, friends, all lost in the realm. The Undead, watching as the Heroes continue to fight against all odds, move back into the Nexus, waiting for them. After many long hours, the Heroes fought their way through the forsaken realm, until on champion reached the Axe and began to race into the Nexus, knowing his goal, and what it would mean to him. As the Champions find their way back out of the Nether, the Hero with the Axe must travel to the Nexus, and finish the taint that has been spreading. Battling his way through hoards of tainted creatures, he finally made his way to the heart of the Nexus. The heart of the nexus, a pool of lava, the heat and the corruption pulsating throughout it. The hero, knowing what he had to do, sacrificed himself, as well as the Axe, and jumped into the Pool. Instantly the Realm of Iblees was shut off, and broken. The hero who sacrificed himself died, saving the realm of Aegis from Iblees and his puppets. The hero was named Urir Ire'heart. The Champions who escaped the Nether to bring news of the victory were later known as Legends, and the ones who died were the bravest souls, giving up their lives to save Aegis and its people.

A Final Escape

Upon the escape of those remaining, there came forth a man named Blundermore. He had pieced together parts of a map, collected from each Nation. He followed the map and found the remnants of an ancient portal, and the diaries of those that had passed through long ago. Inside, he read that the Verge was the only way out. Some listened to this, and they traveled to the Verge, and began to build boats, wanting to get as far away from Aegis as possible. Those who remained in Aegis were given a rude awakening. Iblees came into the land, summoning his pets from the Void: Dragons. They destroyed all and killed all. Aegis was lost. All retreated to the Verge, in hope of finding new land. The construction of the boats was completed soon after, as many sat there, in hopes the weather would be clear enough to set sail. Time passed, and with it, the storms. On the perfect day, the souls set out, hoping to find a sanctuary. They sailed for weeks, and after much time, they arrived in an unfamiliar land… a land called Asulon.